
Coffee Replaces Wifi

#Chapter10 Coffee Replaces Wifi

Ellie woke up next morning, having feeling all fresh and well rested considering she had basically spent the previous day mostly sleeping as she caught up on the sleep she'd lost due to the whole ordeal in regarding the murder and even though it had only four days ago it seemed like a lifetime had passed due to all the events that followed after the incident, hence, when she came to California, she relaxed her mind and ate and slept, even the nightmares were less frequent but still there.

Ellie put on her lilac cardigan over the bugs bunny T-shirt dress she was wearing with warm knee high white wooden socks.

The house was well insulated besides the furnace as well, just the furnace wouldn't keep the house toasty with the dropping temperature and cool winds outside which were to be expected since Jason basically lived in the middle of the nature.