
Bloody Serial Killer

#Chapter40 Bloody Serial Killer

A week had passed by and Jason had stayed in the hospital by her side the whole time, only going home for a fresh change of clothes and other necessities as well as letting some cops take a look inside since the cabin and the area around it was now a scene of crime.

They still hadn't found Mariano and it was getting on Jason's nerves, the constant fear that he'd show up again and hurt Ellie.

Talking about Ellie, she made good progress over the week, her wound healing nicely without any complications so far and the doctor had decided that they would lower her drugs and wake her up b tomorrow, giving her another day of rest.

He had just finished brushing her hair free of any knots, taking over this task from one of the nurses before braiding Ellie's hair into three lose knots and secured it with an elastic.

He had even gotten her favourite blanket and covered her with it in place of the hospital sheets.