
Bar Meeting

#Chapter26 Bar Meeting

/"This daiquiri is really amazing, so fruity/" she said, taking hearty sips of her drink.

It was her fourth daiquiri and Jason had asked the bartender to secretly make them virgin after she had the first two with rum, he didn't want her getting drunk, it was absolutely pitiful to see her with a hangover, he had experienced that firsthand after their first date.

/"I bet they are/" he said giving her a small smile as he sipped on his huge glass of foamy beer.

They had been here for about an hour now and they were having a good time as she told him all about her job back in New York, her friends, and her life there.

She spun on her stool yet again even after he told her not to do that and this time she was almost about to slip off if it wasn't for him stabilizing her and saving her the embarrassment of falling on her ass.