
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · Anime und Comics
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Will you show up please?

It is actually an easy task to save Elder Tong during the Million Immortals Meet and Sorrow Breeze was the answer. It didn't have much effect on those who have poison immunity on Shang or Duan Yu. Shang gives Yuyan a veil to cover her face as it looks similar to Li Qiushui's face. Who knows what will happen if Elder Tong sees it.

After being rescued from a sack, Tong is surprised to see Wuyazi and jumps onto him, hugging and crying.

Wuyazi is taken aback by Tong's reactions but he remembers what Shang had told him about Tong's feelings, so he let her do what she wants.

Shang leaves the couple alone in some location and passes the job to Duan Yu and the others in giving the fallen hundred and eight martial experts the antidote for Sorrow Breeze. Normally Shang would have killed them directly like how he did to Ding Chunqiu but he had plans for them.

In the later novels, one of the hundred and eight martial experts was hinted to be martial founder of one of the Five Greats, Huang Yaoshi. Jin Yong did describe several martial experts but their martial arts did not match the martial arts Huang Yaoshi had.

There's no way these martial experts would tell Shang nicely what martial arts they have. The only way Shang could do is solve their problems.

One of the hundred and eight martial experts, Big Brother Wu was the one who organized the Million Immortals Meet. The purpose of the Meet was to attack Griddha Palace and force Elder Tong to give them the antidote for curing the Talisman of Life and Death (Sheng-si Fu) in their body.

Talisman of Life and Death is the number one of all hidden weapons in Jin Yong Universe. One who mastered this martial technique, can generate frozen projectile using any kind of liquid. The frozen projectile is created by inserting Yang energy into water and reversing the energy into Yin. This cause the water to freeze due to coldness created by the Yin energy.

When the frozen projectile enters the enemy's body, the enemy is not wounded and will not feel any pain. After some time, the Talisman would be activated. The enemy will start feel painful itch on the part where the frozen projectile had entered for eighty-one days. The pain will keep increasing each day. After eighty-one days when it subsided for a while, the enemy would start to feel painful itch from his internal organs instead. The enemy would be given a choice which is either commit suicide or endure the pain till the rest of his or her life.

Suppressants for the Talisman were given timely to martial experts so that they obey. This was the very wrath they suffered due to Wuyazi's rejection of Elder Tong's feelings.

The method for removing the Talisman is not that simple. It requires one to have medical knowledge and to master a martial art known as Mount Tian's Six Yang Palms (Tian-shan Liu Yang Zhang).

Mount Tian's Six Yang Palms which can be also called as Mount Tian's Yin Yang Palms is based on the Book of Changes (Yi-jing). The left palm carries the Yin energy and the right palm carries the Yang energy. By combining both palms, they can be used to attack an enemy or remove the Talisman.

Shang finds strange that both the Talisman and Six Yang Palms are similar to Six Meridian Swords. All three of them uses Yin and Yang energies. Something tells Shang that the first emperor of Dablit Guaif and Xiaoyaozi are not true creators of these martial arts.

Putting that aside, Shang decided to experiment with Yiyang Finger which he had obtained years ago, and the Yiyin Finger which he created by reversing the Yiyang Finger's energy flow.

Using the medical knowledge he had from his main world, Shang tests it on one of the martial experts. The experiment is a success. The martial expert jumped up for joy and bowed down to Shang for saving his life. Other martial experts who see what Shang has done, runs over to him begging to be cured. Seeing that Elder Tong still hasn't come looking for him, Shang agrees to the begging crowd.

Some time later, Wuyazi and Elder Tong comes looking for Shang and the martial experts. The martial experts who are cured had already run as fast as they can. They do not want to continue the days of suffering under Elder Tong's rule. Shang also sends Duan Yu and others off. It would be a problem if Elder Tong wants Yuyan to take off the veil.

Elder Tong flares up, learning about it. She calls them as traitors and claims how well she had treated them and this is how they pay her back. Wuyazi has to calm her down while she swears to hunt them personally.

Shang could only mourn for them for one second.

Elder Tong then turns to Shang.

Tong: How did you remove my Talisman?

Tong was surprised that someone managed to remove her Talisman without learning Six Yang Palms.

Shang: Simple, once you understand how to use yin and yang energies with medical knowledge, your Talisman can be removed.

Tong's jaws nearly dropped.

She did not expect there was a method like that.

Before she could question Shang further, a female voice can be heard everywhere.

????: Senior, I am coming to find you.

When Tong hears the voice, she has a pale expression.

Tong: Dammit, it's her. Junior, What should we do?

Tong says while looking at Wuyazi.

Tong is still in her weak state and she needs time to recover.

Shang knows the person of the voice.

Only Li Qiushui will be looking for Elder Tong.

Shang: Ah, looks like your wife is coming

Shang says as he looks at Wuyazi.

Wuyazi could only sigh to himself.

He has just settled with Elder Tong and now his wife is coming.

Shang: Well, it's your family business. I will take my leave.

Shang runs off before Wuyazi can stop him.

Wuyazi: This... Looks I really have to handle this myself.

Wuyazi looks at the incoming appearance of a beauty in white.

After a far distance from the location of Wuyazi and others, Shang stops in his tracks.

Shang: I believe you have followed enough. Will you show up please?