
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · Anime und Comics
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100 Chs

Three Portals

After touching the fainted goblin, Shang activates the abilities he needs after obtaining them using Collector's Touch and one of them is Portal Magic.

With the Diary of the Treasure Goblin in his mind, Shang finds out the goblin has access to secret areas where he could only enter while playing in the game.

Shang first opens the golden portal which leads to The Vault and takes a look inside.

He sees goblins coming and out from their golden portals, emptying their bags of gold and items before leaving.

Shang wants to take everything away but he is not sure if time setting in the Treasure Realm is the same as this realm which he is currently on. Should he enter the Vault, Shang will have no knowledge of how much time has passed if he needs to stay.

Giving up the idea of entering, Shang shuts the golden portal before the Vault Sentries notice there is something odd about it.

Shang activates another portal which is orange and peeks into it.

The sky is dark inside this realm and Shang only see the surrounding by relying on the moonlight.

Shang's thoughts: Infernal Bovines…

Shang thinks as he watches a group of them patrolling.

Shang's thoughts: I wonder is this Not The Cow Level or Kanai's Stomping Grounds?

Shang enters it and waits in a nearby bush till the patrol comes close before using sleeping magic on them.

The magic takes effect and the patrolling bovines fall on each other like dominoes.

Shang touches them before running back to the orange portal and shutting it.

Shang's thought: The Cow Queen is around, so that means this is Not The Cow Level.

The last portal to be activated would be the rainbow portal and Shang does not want to activate it.

Shang has no idea which Whimsyshire or Whimsydale does the rainbow portal lead to. The only difference between them is the Unique Monster which has a low chance of spawning.

One of them would be a Unique Cuddle Bear named Sir William which only appears in Whimsyshire while the other would be a Unique Unicorn named Princess Lilian which only appears in Whimsydale.

Both of them are not the real reason that Shang does not want to enter. The reason was the Pink Flower monsters. Shang does not want to be killed just because he failed to differentiate a real plant and a monster.

Leaving the torture chamber, Shang proceed to the Highway Passage where he meets Kyr the Weaponsmith. He is surrounded by corpses who he killed that dishonors a deal with him.

Shang refuses the deal where Kyr will show his wares in exchange for killing Dargon who betrayed him. He changes the terms of the deal where Kyr will join New Tristram as blacksmith after he helps to kill Dargon.

Shang is not sure whether if New Tristram could manage after Haedrig left with The Nephalem but he knows New Tristram would be around even after the fallen archangel Malthael was killed.

Shang's thoughts:Well, at least New Tristram is safer with a blacksmith.

After help Kyr with his task, Shang finally reached his destination which is the Cursed Hold.

Shang's thoughts: Queen Asylla...