
In-game Item Storekeeper

Theodoric Shang Yinchao (???), a Chinese student was transported into a world where there are no such thing as Daoism, Foism, Ruism and etc. Binded along with him was a shop system that sells only ingame items. The world he was transported was not the only world he would be opening shop. Shang: Hi, Batman, do you want to buy Ironman schematics? Bruce Wayne:.... Shang: Hi, Hanabishi, do you want to learn real ninjustu? Hanabishi Recca:.... Shang: Hi, Xiao Yan, do you want the True Fire of Samadhi? Xiao Yan:....

daitiansg · Anime und Comics
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100 Chs

Archon Takedown

Shang's thoughts: Seriously, how big is Land of the Dead's range?

Shang jumps from tree to tree, avoiding the ground.

The reason for jumping from tree to tree is that the moment his feet touches the ground after stepping from the Waypoint, he will be attacked by Skeleton Shieldmen who raised immediately. There are no worries facing Wood Wraiths when jumping from tree to tree as they are busy trying to kill the Skeleton Shieldmen for food.

Following and tracking the burnt marks left by the purple beam, Shang finally finds Li-ming who seems to be on her own, floating and wandering in her energy form.

Knowing that there is a time limit for Li-Ming's Archon Form, Shang decided to stay on the tree and wait it out.

After one day and a half, Li-ming still remains in her Archon Form.

Shang's thoughts: Are you kidding me? Her magic should be exhausted long ago.

Peeking from above, Shang is thinking how to approach her.

Shang's thoughts: I had never done PVP (Player vs Player) with a Wizard that uses Archon before. Especially one whose Archon skill is permanently active. My best option would be using Google to search but I don't think Google exists in Diablo Universe and I don't even have a computer or a laptop.

While thinking, Shang notices waves of Skeleton Shieldmen and khazra moving towards Li-ming.

Once the waves are within her line of sight, she attack them like a laser sentry gun.

Shang's thoughts: Hmm, Laser?

Shang is reminded by one of China TV shows that says that the smog in China is the best weapon against United States' laser weapons.

Shang's thoughts: Should I use a smoke grenade? I don't think that will block her laser and it would only cloud her line of sight. If I succeed, how do I knockout a person who is in the form of energy and then escape from the waves?

Shang thinks as he watches Li-ming takes out the approaching enemies.

The shapeshifting skills that could work in his plan would be Epiphany and Vengeance. Akarat's Champion and Wrath of the Berserker skill may increase his chances of survival against Archon but Shang needs speed.

Vengeance transforms Shang into a creature of darkness that allows him to materialize clones and weaponry of darkness while Epiphany transforms into a holy ghost that allows him to move and attack as fast as light.

Shang's thoughts: Epiphany should be the right job.

Shang turns into a holy ghost and flashes towards Li-ming.

Sensing a figure that is approaching fast from behind, the Archon invokes a bubble of warped time and space, Slow Time.

Shang is too fast for Archon and before the bubble could cover them both, Shang deals a roundhouse kick to the Archon's head, knocking her onto a nearby tree.

Shang's thoughts: Did It work?

Shang thinks as he notices the magic bubble vanishes before covering both.

The Archon that is knocked out, transforms into an unconscious Li-ming.

Shang's thoughts: Done.

Shang cancels his transformation and starts to see skeletal hands clawing from the ground.

Shang quickly carries Li-ming like a princess and jumps towards a nearby tree before the newly risen Skeleton Shieldmen could attack.

As Shang travels from tree to tree, Li-ming wakes up, feeling dizzy.

She opens her eyes slowly to look at the one carrying her.

Recognizing Shang, Li-ming starts to speak.

Li-ming: Shang, I...

Shang: Rest first. I have to concentrate.

Shang moves from tree to tree without looking at Li-ming.

Li-ming nods and closes her eyes.