
In Fairytail with Painting magic

A young man suddenly transmigrated to Fairytail with Painting magic. ••••• ••••• > English is not my main language so you all may notice many grammar mistakes and spelling etc. At least it's better than MTL

Luxanna_ · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

Study again...what a pain

Under the leadership of Elfman, Mizuki and Elfman bought all the items they needed.  When they returned to the door of the guild, he heard that there seemed to be a very noisy one inside the guild.

"What's the matter?" Mizuki opened the door of the guild, and the two of them entered. At first glance, he saw Mira competing with a girl with crimson hair and armor.

Seeing the two girls confronting inside the guild, without waiting for him to ask, Elfman, explain and introduced to him in a low voice: "The one who is fighting against my sister is Erza, whose strength is comparable to that of my sister.."

"Oh, that's Erza." He took a serious look at this moment and found that Erza did indeed have the temperament of a hero in a female middle school, just as he had remembered.

"Do you know Erza?" Seeing Mizuki said nothing more than if they had known each other very early, Elfman became a little confused.

"Mira faction and Erza faction, it's very simple." He shrugged, pulling Elfman around the battlefield between Mira and Erza and continuing to walk into the guild.

After hearing Mizuki's answer, Elfman understood what he meant.  Scratched the back of his head. He smiled twice with a flush on his face. The two had just bypassed the battlefield between Mira and Erza, and a new battlefield appeared in front of them, the battlefield of a boy with pink hair and a boy with only a pair of underwear.

"The one wearing a scarf is called Natsu, and the one wearing only a pair of underwear is called Gray." After seeing these two, Elfman introduced to him in a low voice: "The two of them are just Like my sister and Erza, no one is convinced. So..."

Natsu, who was fighting, saw Mizuki and Elfman, gave up continuing the confrontation, jumped in front of him, and said hello:

"Hey! my name is Natsu. I heard Lisanna say you are new."

"Hello, my name is Mizuki." Seeing the hearty and informal boy jumped in front of him, he also reported his name.

"Mizuki, right? Let's fight!" As he said, he was about to put his posture and prepare to fight. Mizuki looked at Natsu and waved his hand: "I'm not good at fighting."

What a joke, Mira and Erza now have the strength of a B-level wizard, and Natsu and Gray can have the level of a C-level wizard, no matter how bad they are.  Given that he had just possessed magic, and he didn't even know what his magic was, it was not a duel, but a unilateral beating.

"Don't pay attention to this idiot. He is like this. My name is Gray." Gray, who had been fighting against Natsu, came over to relieve the siege.

"What are you talking about?! exhibitionist! Who are you saying is an idiot?" When Natsu heard Gray's words, he suddenly forgot about other things and got in a quarrel with Gray again.

"I'm talking about you, you hanging eyes, super idiot. Someone there asked for a duel when they came up." Gray had forgotten other things like Natsu, and the two confronted again.

"Brother Mizuki, Brother Elfman, you are back. What have you all bought?" During another confrontation between Natsu and Gray, Lisanna also walked over from the counter and asked. Hearing Lisana's question, Natsu and Gray gave up and continued their confrontation, turning their heads and looking over together.

"It's nothing, just some things used in painting." Seeing Lisanna asked, he ignored the two guys in front of him and raised the object in his hand.

"Oh? Are you using painting magic?" Cana, who was still a good girl following Lisanna, came over and guessed looking at the objects in his hand.

"That's right." Mizuki nodded.

"Ah, isn't that the same as Reedus?" Natsu felt bored when he heard it. After all, he knew the magic of Reedus, and he didn't have too much combat power at all. Natsu wasn't interested, but the others thought it was good. 

So they got acquainted with each other soon. In the Fairy Tail Guild, young wizards under the age of fifteen can eat and live in the guild for free, so in the following time, he has been familiar with and practicing his magic, trying to improve the power of his magic.

He always remembered the sentence:

"There are no useless abilities, only useless people"

Except for calling Elfman to pick up some simple tasks, the mission location is only in Magnolia, there is no dangerous D-level mission, sitting in a corner pondering his magic and practices his drawing. 

Because his painting magic differs from Reedus's painting magic, he can't learn from Reedus's magical experience at all, so he can only study it by himself for half a year.

Of course, these six months have not been wasted, and he has also become stronger. 

It's just that when he found this way to become stronger, everyone found he was spreading out on the table and crying in tears, still saying something in his mouth: "I've been here. Still can't get rid of these..."

Why is this?  it's very simple right, Reedus's magic is realized by relying on his romantic imagination and enough magic power.

But if he evaluation of painting, magic wants to visualize a thing, You need to know the specific information about the thing he painted. The more you know and the more detailed it is, the more real it will be.

Take a kitchen knife as an analogy:

Reedus magic is to draw a kitchen knife on his body, then imagine what the kitchen knife will look like after it is materialized, and inject magic power into the pattern, the more magic power is injected, The sharper it is closer to what he thought in his mind until it is the same.

Mizuki painting magic is different. It doesn't matter if you just want to connect reality or make the picture move. 

But if he needs to materialize this kitchen knife, he needs to clarify the length, width, and height of the kitchen knife, the thickness and radian of the handle, and so on. 

Only knowing these data can only visualize a kitchen knife that is only in appearance and completely unusable.

If you want to visualize a kitchen knife that can be used normally, you need to know more information, such as what the material of the kitchen knife is, the material of the blade, the material of the handle, the composition of the molecules, and even the atoms that make up the kitchen knife.

In short, the information is known. The more detailed, the more realistic the kitchen knife

(A/N: like the certain girl from MHA)

There is an obvious difference between the two. Reedus painting magic is very simple to use, but it requires a lot of magic power. 

But Mizuki painting magic requires the support of knowledge.

Without knowledge, everything is for nothing. With knowledge, as long as there is little magic power, it can support the use of magic. Golden Finger carries all the knowledge, otherwise, his path to becoming stronger still doesn't know if he achieves it. This also proves from the side that he has found the right direction to become stronger. Having said this, I believe everyone understands the reason he burst into tears.

He has already run into the magical world. It can't escape the fate of learning mathematics, physics, and chemistry. That's right, he didn't understand a problem until now.

Magic and technology are the same.

They are both methods of exploring and cognizing the universe. The universe itself is there, whether you use technology to explore and recognize, or use magic to explore and recognize, it will not change magic or technology, the basic parts are similar, so even if you use magic to explore and understand the universe and nature, the transmission of data and force and the composition of the matter still need to be learned. 

Therefore he needs to continue to learn mathematics, physics, and chemistry.