
In Fairytail with Painting magic

A young man suddenly transmigrated to Fairytail with Painting magic. ••••• ••••• > English is not my main language so you all may notice many grammar mistakes and spelling etc. At least it's better than MTL

Luxanna_ · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs


To die is to drawn~

so I will swim well,

till I can swim no more



Throughout the afternoon, the young man was in a state of observation and reflection, and he kept using his knowledge to explain Mizuki's magic. Although the evening banquet began, more and more people came to the young man's side to make friends with him. While casually but not politely dealing with these people who came to make friends, the young man was still in a state of thought.

Perhaps they found the state of the young man, all the people who came to make friends after greeting with just a few words, then polite to leave.

Throughout the night, Mizuki was dealing with this young man who seemed to have a rather unusual status. However, this young man is also quite persistent, from beginning to end did not ask him about his magic, he must rely on his observation and ability to get the principle of it. It's just a pity that he didn't succeed either.

Think about it, Mizuki's painting magic differs from Reedus's painting magic, although Reedus can materialize characters, it is still essentially a magical construct, Mizuki's materialization is different, except for his manipulation with his consciousness, the anime characters he materialized are real flesh and blood.

Because of this, the young man had always thought that the anime character in front of him was a real person. Therefore, even if he has seen a lot, trying to find the principle of this magic from the anime character in front of him is simply an impossible thing, because the direction he is trying to go is already wrong.

For Mizuki to attract the attention of this young man and perform for this one person only, the Colt family is very satisfied. For them, as long as this young man is satisfied, others do not need to care at all. Therefore, when they found out that the young man was interested in his magic performance, the head of the family specifically came to instruct him to make sure that the other party was satisfied, as, for the other guests, it was completely left to Cana.

Cana did not disappoint her employer's expectations, she stood on top of the stage, changing all kinds of brilliant colors, all kinds of phantoms on the stage to create a fantastic scene, and even with phantoms with the story told by Cana successfully attracted the attention of those little carrot heads on the stage, until the end of the banquet before reluctantly leaving.

They were not only paid by their employers, during the banquet, from time to time there were people with notes with blessings to Cana, hoping that she could use fireworks to reflect these blessings on the sky, of course, one thing must be noted, the signature below must be clear.

The day after the party, the two returned to Magnolia by train.

On the train, Cana took out a bottle of low alcoholic wine with an excited face and celebrated with him while saying, "Come, celebrate the completion of our mission."

"Sure." He nodded in agreement and then wondered, "That said, I don't know who that young man is, he seems to have an extremely high status."

"Who cares about such things, we just need to get our pay, there is no need to pay attention to other things." Raising the bottle and filling two glasses and handing the wine to him, Cana did not care at all. 

"That's true." He also did not refute, just from performing those people at the banquet among themselves, the people are the same no matter what world they are in.

Half an hour passed quickly, got off the train, and returned to the guild. A familiar scene once again came into view.

Push open the door of the guild. You can see Natsu and Gray in the center of the guild fighting. The others in the guild were standing on either side of the battlefield shouting, and from these guys' cries, they had opened a betting game, and everyone was cheering for the person they were betting on.

"Hey, what are the odds now?" When he looked at this situation, he came to Macao's side in three or two steps and asked.

"Huh? You're back?" Hearing someone ask him a question, Macao stopped and turned his head to see that it was Mizuki.

"I Just arrive, who opened the game? What are the odds now?" He asked again.

"What else can it be? The same as before, only..." Before Macao could finish his words, he saw Erza walk, pushing the door into the guild.

"Shit." Seeing Erza's figure, Macao gave a scared expression.

The next second, see Erza leap to the battlefield of Natsu and Gray, punch fiercely to these two people's heads each blow: "Can not you remember? As Nakama, you need to love each other, even if there are conflicts that can't be resolved by fighting."

"Damn Erza, I'll kill you!!!" Receiving a heavy blow from Erza, Natsu jumped up from the ground, swung his fist, and attacked her.

"Hey, do you want to die?!"

Looking at Natsuaction, Gray shouted to Natsu in horror.

However, just as his words fell, he saw Natsu fly back again at ten times the speed, directly by Erza's heavy fist smashed into the guild's wall inside, just like a photo stuck there. The next moment before Gray could react, he saw Erza fist continuously enlarged in his eyes. In an instant, he also embedded his whole body into the wall, just like Natsu.

"Damn Natsu! I won't let you go!" Struggling to pull his head out of the embedded wall, Gray looked at Natsu with a furious face, every time because of Natsu even, so that he also had to suffer Erza heavy blows.

"Ah, it's over. Damn, why did Erza come back so soon." The betting game ended, and all the people who placed bets lost everything. Sitting in front of the guild table, Macao muttered with an unhappy face.

"Hm?" Hearing Macao muttering, Erza raised her sword eyebrows and immediately turned on her disciplinarian mode, lecturing the guys in the guild who were up in arms: "You guys, when you saw the two of them fighting, not only did you not go to persuade them, but you also gathered together!!!..."

As Erza named them one by one, the guild was silent, so quiet that a pin dropped on the ground could be heard. Until Erza finished her sermon and handed over the task to leave the guild. Only then did the others gasp loudly.

"I didn't expect, Erza's aura is getting stronger and stronger, this will be difficult in the future." Witnessing Erza departure, his whole person slumped on the table.

On the side of the Wacaba pipe, exhaled a smoke ring and agreed: "Not, but Erzaa and Mira theirs strength growth quickly. Maybe this year they will get the S-class test places.".

When I think of the S-class wizard, Macao's face showed a look of expectation, looking at the back of Erza who was far away from the door and said, "If they can become S-class wizard, they will be the youngest S-class wizard ever in our guild, so I'm looking forward to it."