
In Fairytail with Painting magic

A young man suddenly transmigrated to Fairytail with Painting magic. ••••• ••••• > English is not my main language so you all may notice many grammar mistakes and spelling etc. At least it's better than MTL

Luxanna_ · Anime und Comics
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24 Chs

One year later...

One year had passed quickly. During this year, Mizuki's physical fitness became stronger and stronger because of Erza and Mirajane endless torture. The magic power in his body also showed a geometric increase, and his ability to close combat is enhanced. After a year of knowledge indoctrination by Golden Finger, his strength soon rose to the level of a B-rank wizard.

Since his rank reached class B, his magic has also been improved by one rank. Now, he cannot materialize the painted objects but also materializes the creatures that are drawn. However, the disadvantage is that the physicalized characters do not have self-awareness, can only be under the control of their activities. Similarly, because there is no relationship between self-awareness, there is no special ability other than the corresponding physical quality.

Simply put, the physical character can only use physical attack under his manipulation, the original ability is completely absent. And even the physical attack method is entirely his fighting style. Just a change of body, physical fitness has also changed.

For example, Mizuki materialized Elfman out, but the materialized Elfman can only perform unarmed attacks under the control of Mizuki, Take-over is completely unusable, even if he learns to use Take-over magic can only be their use, the materializes Elfman is useless. It's not just Take-over magic, other magic he has tried it. He also specialized in learning a lot of simple magic. Unfortunately, the result is that it is completely unusable to use on his physical characters.

When he found out about this situation, he immediately selected from various anime characters that he had painted countless times, or that he could still draw, and still have memories of this character. The criterion for selection was to have a super high physical attack capability.

Because he can be an extremely detailed painting, and the relevant information of the characters also remembers very detailed animation characters, so the choice will be reduced in an instant.

The first person he chose was the man-made robot which is Android 18 in Dragon Ball, a.k.a. Lazuli. This is his favorite anime character, but also the Lazuli in series of manga, and it is also the only character in the Dragon Ball series who he has painted countless times. However, it is not known whether the power gap is too wide or for other reasons, and because of that, the Lazuli drawn on the paper has not been materialized.

And more than that. After the failure of his materialization, the picture of Lazuli gradually disappeared, and also his memories of her disappeared In the end,

He clearly remembered that he drew a favorite anime character and materialized it. However, after the materialization failed, his memory of this anime character completely disappeared, and he couldn't remember who this anime character was.

This makes him terrified. He dare not casually try, can only find a few not important, or the use is not so big, not like the animation characters to try.

Then, after repeated comparisons, the final choice appeared on his drawing paper. This character is: Guy is also known as Mighty Guy, is the man who nearly kicked out Madara in the grand finale.

The reason he was finally chosen, but also because he can draw out the number of male animation characters is extremely limited, Mighty Guy is one of the lowest strength. If it were not for his performance, which makes his blood boil, he will not draw him.

With the success of Mighty Guy's materialization, his courage finally became a little bolder, and he drew some unimportant and low-strength anime characters on paper, and then put them into a physical test.

The result of the test was very good, and it has never failed again. However, just in case, these days he did not take on another task. There's only one thing he does every day, and that's painting all the anime characters in the room who can still be painted on paper and have their details in his mind.

This day, he got up early in the morning to wash, and just took out the drawing board and drawing paper he is ready to paint again.

He heard the knock at the door.

*knock *knock

Opening the door, Elfman's big enough to be able to completely block the door appeared in front of him.

"You have been staying in the room for the past few days when I heard my sister that she was going to do the task, and you even refused the invitation of the task from my sister. Are you sick? " Seeing the door open, Elfman asked with great concern.

"Didn't Mira tell you? The reason I haven't been in the guild these days. " While letting Elfman, he asked with some surprise.

"I just heard my sister say you hadn't been in the guild for days and had been in the room, so I ran right away." Walking into his home, Elfman replied.

"That's it." He took out a chair and put it in the living room, then poured a drink to Elfman: "Everyone in the guild knows why I haven't been there these days Because, I have been promoted to B-rank wizard, these days at home to carry out all aspects of preparation."

"What? Are you sure? You had already been promoted to B-rank wizard? " After listening to his answer, Elfman jumped from the stool to in front of him and revealed a look of great joy.

Just as Elfman was happy for him, the knock at the door came again. After opening the door suspiciously, he found Natsu was visiting with Happy and Gray, Lisanna, and Cana.

After letting a few people in, Cana said with a victorious gesture, "Look, I'm right, right? Elfman must find him"

"What's going on? What are you looking for me for?" When he heard Cana's words, Elfman thought they were something to looking for him and asked incredulously.

"It's all right." Cana waved her hand and explained, "Because Lisanna heard you've finished your mission and didn't find you at the guild. As a result, Natsu guesses you went to the forest to wrestle with those monsters. Gray speculated that you might have gone to the bathhouse because the task was too exhausting. Happy guesses that you're getting paid to eat a big meal. Well, the whole fish feast... And my guess is you are in Mizuki's house. So... Just right, you can also see how he is preparing. "

"Oh, that's it" After Cana's explanation, Elfman knew how many people were coming.