
In Danmachi with Plasmids

One chap every Sunday and Tuesday with the possibility of a bonus one on Thursday. -------- A man who lost his family due to an accident dies from overwork trying to prove himself to society. He gains a second chance in a parallel world studying and researching for decades in order to find a way to travel to other worlds, only to once again die alone, overworked, alone and bored, achieving nothing. In the end, he achieved power, respect, and fame, but he still wasn't satisfied. Yet destiny has something reserved for this hardworking man. Will he now achieve his dreams in a world of magic and Gods, with a power from another world? Or will he be shunned for being different? ----- I have a Patr30n go take a look! You can access advanced chapters there! https://www.p@tr3on.com/AbadomWriter or this one if you are having trouble https://www.p@t3eon.com/AbadomWriter?fan_landing=true And the Discord Server of course https://discord.gg/CfsXtGd4Yb The first chap will be more about exposing the world of Bioshock and how Plasmids works and setting up the storyline for the future. I am not a writer, I do this for fun and you are reading this for free. The minimum you can do is to just leave a reasonable opinion, please don't hate mail me. Work in progress. Tags: Bioshock Danmachi R18- In the medium to far future Slow romance Magic Adventure Gore- In some fighting scenes Action Intelligent Mc Reincarnation Fastpaced- At the start Medium-paced, it's neither slow nor fast. And more to come if I feel like adding them. I don't own the cover image, the world of Danmachi and Bioshock, or the characters apart from the Ocs. Thank you for reading!

Abadom · Anime und Comics
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311 Chs

Friends of the past, reunited

Next will be a bit of a spoiler...

But if you are interested in knowing, there are about 4 chapters until the time skip.

See ya!


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And if you are bored, remember to check my other Novels.

(Including the one on my other account, its called: Azimuth: The Elden Throne

You can also find it by searching for my other account: Follower_of_Abadom)






"Wh… Can you elaborate?" Take said as sweat dripped from his forehead

'It was difficult to believe, how a girl from another country, so far away from Orario, managed to get herself tangled with First Class adventurers...'

'What had happened in those last few years since they last saw her?'

First Class... Just what happened to her...

This is the worst...

'Silver words were heavy, they implied the worst possible scenario out of everything he had thought of...'

'The scenario where not only they couldn't help her, but instead, they would become a dead weight if they tried, and as a God overseeing a Familia, isn't his job to ensure their safety?'

'But was doing nothing truly the right thing?'

'If he were to back down now... Would his children even respect him? Would they be able to live on with smiles on their faces?'

'After all, making sure everyone is happy... This is the reason he was here in the first place.'


'Out of everyone in the room, Mikoto was the most affected, she bit her lips in frustration trying to keep herself calm.'

'She couldn't stand the thought of turning a blind eye to her friend that she dreamed so much of meeting again, regardless of her plight.'

'It wasn't what she grew up believing in...'

"Your answer?" Silver asked without budging

He's hesitating... I imagine it to be expected, First Class adventurers aren't candy that can be found everywhere, in some scenarios, they are equal to nations.

Much less a strong first Class adventurer with the potential of going beyond Level 5...

"... I…"

"Of course, we'll do it!" Mikoto exclaimed as she raised her hand in defiance

"It isn't right to abandon her simply because her troubles are too big! Instead, we should be there for her!..."

'She then looked at the ground in shame.'

"Just like we should've all those years ago…"

'Not only her, but it seemed that Chigusa agreed with her, nodding her head quickly in silence.'

'Takemikazuchi closed his eyes, but when he opened them again, he was determined, not wavering anymore.'

"... Sigh, as you heard, that is my answer, I am with my children." Take said with a helpless smile


'Silver smiled as well, he kind of expected this to be the result... And one of the reasons why he didn't contact them all this time.'

"That's an admirable mindset to have… Not everyone can be righteous."

"I… I'm not… Like that…" Mikoto replied, slightly embarrassed

'Everyone smiled slightly, the mood became a bit better.'

'Hestia let out a small sigh of relief while Take continued to smile helplessly.'

"Since that's your decision, I won't question it."


'Silver interrupted Take, getting up from the ground.'

"It would be better to hear it directly from her..."

As expected, they are very honorable.

I saw that he hesitated for a moment, not because he was weighing down if it was worth inciting trouble over her or not, but more because… He was worried for his children.

But it seems things will progress regardless... This was the Familia he raised after all.

"So come with me, I'll lead you all there… To our Familia home."

"Wait a moment."

'Take quickly raised his hand, stopping Silver.'

"Would it be okay for us to wait? As you said, some of my Familia members still have to come back… And I don't think it would be alright to leave them out of this, I would like to hear their decisions and worries as well." Take said with a small smile

"Takemikazuchi-Sama!" Mikoto said with a small frown

"I know, I'm not considering that at all, I just think Ouka and the others need to hear about this as well."

Especially Ouka, who has hardened himself to be the Captain, if he sees us making such extreme choices without him knowing, he'll get upset.

"That's up to you, I don't mind waiting a few more minutes…"

I have a lot of time to spare.


'Hestia tapped on his shoulders upon seeing his concerned expression.'

"Is something wrong? You seem a bit down." She whispered in his ears

'But Silver said with a smile:'

"I'm just afraid this may be too stimulating for Haruhime, she may have a small heart attack..."

'Hestia nodded.'

"She's indeed a bit too meek…"

"You're one to talk." Silver retorted

"Huh?! Say that again!"


'Mikoto smiled a little as she thought:'

They're very energetic... Unlike what I expected from him.

I don't much about him aside from what I saw that day in the War game...

But it seems my worries were unnecessary.

I feel stupid now... For basing my impression of him on that single event...

'She looked outside.'

Haruhime... We'll be meeting you soon...

This time, I won't let you go away.

"Don't pull my hair! Are you a kid?" Silver exclaimed as Hestia jumped on his shoulders

"It won't fall off... And rude."

"#!! Just because I'm strong, it doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt!"



'Mikoto and the others chuckled, it seemed time would pass very quickly…'

/A few minutes of waiting later…/

'Perhaps it was fate, or simply inevitable…'

"Do you really need to do this?" Hestia asked with a frown as she looked at Silver and her surroundings

He's… So shameless sometimes.

It's his first time visiting Take and... Can't he wait a bit more?...

Just because it'll take a while for the others to come back, it doesn't mean he can...

"Yes, I can't lose this opportunity, who knows when we'll have time for this again." Silver said as he took out his shirt

'Her face became a bit red, a mix of embarrassment and anger.'

"But does it have to be right here and now?!"

"And when would that be? Both me and you are always occupied…"

"Urg… Do as you wish…" Hestia said as she closed her eyes, accepting her fate



(HEHEHE, You thought something was gonna happen didn't ya?)

"Are you ready adventurer Silver?" Takemikazuchi said with a small smile as he tightened the belt around his waist

'Silver smiled in reply.'

'Both of them were currently outside of the house on top of a patch of loose sand in the gardens next to a small lake full of colorful carp...'

'They were standing off against each other while the others observed from nearby.'

'Take was still using his traditional garbs, it seemed that like Hestia, Takeikazuchi had some sort of problem with using the same clothes every day...'

'Silver on the other hand simply took out his shirt and removed his shoes, he preferred to fight barefoot at this point as his soles were stronger than any shoe out there.'

'They only served to get in his way, apart from the shoes that were made from monsters materials... But Silver wouldn't go out with those on a more casual day.'

'If it wasn't clear by this point, they were about to fight!'

"Ready when you are."

Since I'm here, I might as well do this.

'Take then replied:'

"I'm confident in my abilities, but can't say I'm fully ready to face a Level 2 adventurer… Especially one with your abilities, this will be a first for me."

'He smiled with a confident gaze.'

"I hope to learn a lot from this exchange!" He said as he bowed

'Silver bowed in reply, being courteous with him as well.'

"I won't be using my abilities though, as I said, I simply want to have a light spar."

'But why was Silver fighting a God with the body of a mortal?'

'Well… Take wasn't just any God. He was a God that presided over Martial Arts.'

'He was so good at it in fact, that even with a mortal body, after a few sacrifices, he could throw a First Class adventurer onto the ground.'

'That was a Level 5 adventurer using the strength of a normal man!'

'Imagine what he could do if he actually had some level of strength like Artemis or Hercules, one of the strongest Gods Physically.'

'It is clear that if he were to prepare himself, taking out a Level 3 or even 4 adventurer may be possible.'

'Take has an extreme understanding of combat, a divine level of observation, and his perceptive decision-making puts him at a level where he can control his enemies' movements.'

'He knows hundreds of combat techniques, most of which were never seen before in Orario, some actually being pretty powerful.'

'He also possesses knowledge in Ninjutsu, a fighting style that he himself thinks of as dirty, as it relies on the use of sneak attacks, traps, ambushes, special tools, and more.'

'Using whatever is necessary to achieve his target.'


'And to top it all off, his mastery of weapons is extremely high, surpassing those of First Class adventurers by quite a bit, from the Ax to even Shurikens and Kunai.'

'Using this knowledge, he taught everyone in his Familia how to fight, and even now, they're still learning, barely qualifying to have passed his basic training.'

'All of this combined, together with his approachable personality made Take the perfect sparring partner to learn from, one that Silver wanted very much to befriend so he could often come here and learn.'

'Even if his stats didn't increase, as long as his technique could, that was enough for him.'

'If he could receive all of his combat mastery, together with his current body, how far would he reach?'

'This is a question he asked himself a few times ever since he met him.'

"Not going to use your abilities?" Take asked

"Please don't take it as an offense." Silver replied lightly

"Of course not, I can understand the meaning of starting slow..."

'He scratched his cheeks in embarrassment.'

"And honestly, I can't really do much against your magic..."

"But regardless, I won't hold back at all."

I'm not arrogant enough to do so either.

"That's what I want." Silver said as he looked at Hestia

'She rolled her eyes...'

"Without further ado… Start!" Hestia said as she threw a small white cloth into the air


'Silver dashed forward, but it was really slow, he was, after all, using the strength of a normal person.'

I would prefer to study his movements first, but the longer this takes the dimmer my chances become.

At least on our first meeting, I would like to win.

'Despite lowering his own strength, Silver's thought process and senses were still the same.'


A direct approach? Trying to not give me time to think?

Good thinking.

'But Take was unfazed, he took a step forward and changed the position of his hands, his left hand lowered and close to his waist, while the right one was slightly above his chest.'

'Silver looked at his hands for a moment before taking his own stance as he stopped his charge, ready to throw in a punch as he transferred his momentum across his body…'


Damn! It was a trap...

'But Take suddenly moved forward, stepping over Silver's foot, he used his shoulder to lock his arm in place, preventing Silver from hitting him as he grasped onto his pants, ready to throw him down.'


I'm not done yet...

'Yet Silver wasn't ready to concede like that, he kicked the ground, using Take's own strength to send himself into the air.'

'And in a shown of dexterity, he locked his legs onto his neck!'

'He knew he couldn't stay like this, so Silver was already mid-way through another movement... But...'


'Yet… Take was ready for that as he simply used Silver's awkward position to send his head… Straight onto the ground like a nail.'



'Everyone shook their heads, Mikoto and Chigusa were slightly worried as hitting your head like this is bound to be... Painful...'

"That guy..."

'Hestia simply let out a sigh, she knew this would happen, she knew more than anyone else just how capable Take is... Especially how insensible he can be of his surroundings when he's focused on something else.'

"Adventurer Silver… I'm... Sorry!"

"Are you okay?" Take asked, slightly concerned

That was quite the fall... Did he try to use 'that' on me?

Was that a Frankenstainer?

I didn't expect to see it here on the mainland.


'Silver lifted his head, getting out from the sand.'

"Hm? Why wouldn't I be?" Silver asked as he looked at Takemikazuchi

"My neck won't get hurt just because my body's weight was suddenly transferred to it, I'm still an adventurer..."

'Silver got up from the ground, cracking his neck and stretching his back.'

That was why I took out my shirt, I didn't want to mess it up before going to the Dungeon.

"I feel a bit embarrassed, but such a light fall won't do much apart from messing up my hair." He said as he shook the dirt off his head

'Take smiled, before saying:'

"Adventurers never cease to amaze me, back in the Far East, this would've taken out most warriors..."

"I liked your approach, you tried to close the gap and end things in a hurry before I had the time to analyze your style... I'm glad you had such faith in my abilities..."

"But you exposed yourself too much in the process, you made things simpler for me than you realize."

"That's really dangerous, you should avoid that in the future."

"Yeah, that is a bad habit of mine." Silver said with a small smile

He didn't say much, but he already got to the crux of the matter...

"Due to my abilities, I've grown used to not taking much care of my body in battle, preferring to trade small wounds for large ones."

"As time went by, I kind of neglected basic combat training like this, basically putting all of the training in further implementing my Magic into my combat style."

'Take shook his head.'

"That is the path you have taken, and it's in no way a bad one."

"Understanding that you can still improve, that in itself is a blessing, one most can't fathom."

"Indeed." Silver replied with a small smile

"That is why I would still like to improve this side of me."

This was one of the reasons why I stopped using multiple weapons and decided to stay with a single one... For quality.

Even though the monsters in the Dungeon won't get better at combat in general, having better techniques will at least guarantee that I won't face difficulties against other people.

That is only for the recorded Floors, there may be a time when a fully intelligent monster, not a Xenos, would appear somewhere deeper...

If I had half of his combat sense, no doubt... I definitely would've been able to defeat the Executives of the Loki Familia even if they came at me with their full strength.

One at a time, of course, two or more and things might become complicated... Albeit not impossible.

I'm talking about the Executives, let's not discuss the Top Executives yet...

"I won't judge your fighting style, each has their own, for now, why not another round?" He asked as he went back into position

He's like Ouka, very straightforward and headstrong about his wishes.

However, unlike him, he seems to be more open toward others...

'Silver's lips twisted into a grin, saying, "That was barely a warm-up." as he got into a stance again.'



"Try not to hurt yourself..." Hestia said as she shook her head


"Alright... If everyone is ready... Start!"


'Hestia stared as Silver ran forward once more, but her thoughts were quickly drawn somewhere else...'

I hope that she can move forward with this.

Being stuck in the past, only by accepting it can she rise up.

Hopefully, these people will help her with that, something neither I nor him were fully capable of achieving.

Even after so long, she still holds a small spark of hesitation in the deep corners of her heart.

By making up with the childhood she lost, will she be able to extinguish it?

Or will that spark turn into a raging fire?


/Around an hour later.../


"~Hum... Hu-Hum... And then the leaves drink the rain and say... Chu chu...~"

'Haruhime sang a childish song in a low hum as she took care of the flowers in the front garden of the Hearth Manor.'

'She wore a maid suit and a hood that hid her ears, and from far away, it was hard to discern her race, only that she had a tail.'

'Despite the hard work that it was to take care of this massive garden, she found happiness in taking care of these pretty flowers.'

'Pure and unsoiled, unlike her...'

'Many stories started and ended among flowers, be them of hope or despair.'

'She dreamt many times in the hopes that hers ended with one of Love, and despite it all, she was slowly believing that she was indeed worthy of harboring such thoughts.'

'Slowly but surely, she was changing as she wished for her own happy ending.'


"Hm?" Haruhime said as her ears twitched inside the hood

'The sound of the front gates opening, she was very much used to it.'

'Haruhime paid a lot of attention to that as she had to try and keep herself far from unknown people, so every time those gates opened, she would take a look back to see who it was.'

'She first saw the Iconic Hestia, but then she saw something that made her drop the dirt bag on her hands in shock as she remained frozen in place.'


It can't...

'She saw a group of people wearing the nostalgic, traditional Far East Clothes, followed by being with a faint divine presence... A God she knew all too well.'

'Her eyes trembled, and she got up from the ground, unconsciously taking a step back... Perhaps trying to flee from them.'


'But she hit something.'

'She quickly turned around...'

"What are you doing?" Silver asked with a small smile as he looked forward

"They came all the way here to see you again, are you going you just going to leave them hanging?"

'She closed her eyes in remorse.'

"But I'm... Not the..."

"Not with that talk again, how many times will I have to repeat myself." He said as he patted her head

'She started to get slightly red, not of embarrassment...'

"Independent of the past, you are you, don't let that dictate how you want to live your future."

'Her eyes started to water slightly...'

"A gentle girl with an equally gentle smile, you don't need to hold it all inside, let it out from time to time, we're all here for you..."

'Haruhime started to cry silently.'

"Always. And when things take a turn for the worst, at the very least, I'll be there for you to pull you up again." Silver said with a small smile as he cleaned her tears

"So stop going after the shadows, and go smile in the sun..."

"Go prove to the world that you, Sanjouno Haruhime, are, and always will be, a beautiful girl."

'Silver pushed her forward, her eyes were still a bit watery, but her expression was a bit more relaxed.'

'She didn't look back, and instead, walked slowly to the people in front of her...'


'Before she could even say Hello, Mikoto ran and jumped at her, hugging her.'

'Friends of the past, reunited.'






Damn Onion Ninjas.