
In Danmachi with an Overlord System (BL)

A few disclaimer: English is not my first language and I don't have a beta. There may be typos and errors. MC is Gay. He will have an Harem. Most likely there will be smut scenes. It's a wish fulfillment story. Comments and reviews are very welcome, but rude and insulting ones will be delated. Updates will be irregular. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ‘Being hit by Truck-kun? Check Dying and meeting a Goddess? Check Asking her to have an OP system and OP Naruto World’s powers? Absolutely fucking NOT’ Alec felt his left eye starting to twitch. When he died and met the supposed Goddess, he asked for something very simple: to be reborn and have a harem of hunk men to have fun with. He didn’t ask for any adventures nor to have some absurd powers. He knew that something was wrong when he told her his wish and her eyes went wide open and her face morphed into a perverted expression, and even some blood started to run down her nose. He assumed that she was a perverted woman and a fellow soul who appreciate the genre. Voyeurism wasn’t anything unknown to him, and he was willing to let her watch if it meant having hunk men around to have sex with. He was a kinky bastard after all. They have an agreement, but no, the bitch had to screw him over and take his hunk men from him. At least she had the decency to use copious amounts of lube if the system and his OP powers were of any indication.

FantasyDream9 · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

To the Dungeon

After he cried his heart out, Alec excused himself and went to have a quick shower. Once he was done, he dried himself and tied his hair in a single braid. He decided to wear his Anbu uniform as it would grant him more protection. Normally, the uniform wouldn't have much in terms of defense power, but being an item classified as [Relic] it has been upgraded from the regular ones to match its grade. For all intent and purpose, it worked like a real armor, and a high level one at that. It was like in the game of Yggdrasil, even if one was to wear a thin kimono, if it was crafted with the right materials and enough Mana, it would reach a high level and granted a lot of protections and even skills and abilities.

It all depends on the materials, Mana, and skills of the crafter. The rest was a question of personalization.

He wore a pair of black trousers and a skintight, sleeveless black undershirt that cover even his neck. Over the pair of gloves that covered most of his arms, he wore a pair of grey metal arm guards. He wore a flak jacket of the same color and black ninja sandals. He strapped two of the three ninja pouches on his back waist, while he strapped his last one on his right thigh. They were filled with some of his kunai, shuriken, and flying raijin kunai. He tied Kusanagi on his left side and wore the Akatsuki cloak, before strapping the Executioner blade on his back. On his right middle finger, he wore a ring, it was simple with no decorations nor precious gems embedded into it. It was of a silvery color, and engraved upon it there were three shooting stars that emitted a silver light.

The ring was called [Shooting Star], and it was the [Divine] magic item that he gained for completing the quest of joining a Familia. It allowed him to use the super tier spell [Whish Upon a Star]. The spell as its name stated, would make one of his wishes come true. Depending on the wish, one had to expend the equivalent amount of experience, the greater the wish and the greater was the cost of exp. for a maximum of five levels per spell. Normally it would cost experience, but with this item, Alec would be able to use the spell without cost for a total of three times, regardless of the size of the wish.

He looked good and he felt even better as he looked at his reflection in the mirror, he even noticed that in his eyes there was a determination that wasn't there the day before.

While showering he thought a bit more about his situation and how he could leave a significant imprint behind and he come to the conclusion that clearing the Dungeon would be one way to do it. Furthermore, he was curious to discover what the very bottom hid and in what way the Gods were involved. Not to mention that his name would be remembered for generations to come.

When he watched the anime back on Earth, he always thought that the whole situation was quite shady. The Gods and Goddess wouldn't say what the Dungeon really was, how it was formed, if it was natural, or the consequences of some Gods playing with something that they shouldn't. There were so many questions and so few answers and he wanted to go to the bottom of the situation and find out the truth. He was sure that somehow Uranus was deeply involved with it, a lot more than it lets on, but that was something for another day to ponder. As of now, he was just a Level One newbie.

After a final check and organizing a few more things, he was ready and got out of the bathroom.

The room where they live was small, so after just a few steps, he was faced with Hestia. Thankfully, he didn't feel ashamed, embarrassed, or something like that, just because he was caught in a vulnerable moment.

Alec wasn't afraid of showing his emotions.

"Feeling better?" Hestia asked with the same kind eyes and tone.

"Yes, a lot actually," Alec didn't know how he needed that until he was already crying.

He felt somewhat freer than before. If one had to ask, he would say that he felt lighter.

"Good," Hestia said before looking at him from head to toes.

"What's all that?" She asked and Alec had to give her credit for first asking about his wellbeing and then commenting on his outfit.

"That's my gear. You cannot expect me to go into the Dungeon with nothing but my fists, right?" Alex teased her a little.

Hestia snorted.

"Of course not, I'm just surprised. Where did you get it?" She inquired.

"Why? Do you like it?" Alec smile and twirled on the spot, showing his outfit out.

"Not gonna lie, it looks cool," Hestia said energetically.

"I know!" Alec matched her energy.

"Anyway, I have a magic that allows me to store things. There is no space limit and things would not rot, as time stops in there. I had a few things stored in there," Alec told her truthfully with a shrug.

Hestia looked like she was struck by lightning. She was trying to talk, but nothing was coming out, and she looked just like a gaping fish.

"What?" She almost shouted after a few more tries.

"it's a very useful magic to have, especially for expeditions in the dungeon," Alec pointed out while giving Hestia a moment to gather herself.

"Amazing!" She declared and started to giggle.

Alec didn't want to know what was going on in her head, so he started to head up. Hestia was quick to follow, and after a few minutes, they were outside their home.

"Here," Alec said as he extended his hand like he wanted to grab something. A palm-sized dark purplish portal opened up, and his hand disappear. When he pulled back his hand, he was holding a middle-sized sack that immediately passed over to Hestia.

That was one way for him to access his inventory.

When she got a hold of it, she was stupefied.

"There's half of my money. It's 50.000 Valis, it should be enough to get you something nice and some good food. Perhaps you should invite Hephaestus out for lunch," Alec suggested.

He knew that Hestia would be worried for him and that was a way to keep her busy and hopefully less worried, at the very least the time would pass quickly if she was in good company.

Hestia sobered quickly and by the looks of it, it seemed that she was aware of Alec's intentions.

"I think I'll do that," she nodded her head.

"Well then, I'm off. I'll see you tonight," Alec told her.

"I'll be waiting for your safe return," Hestia said back.

There were a lot of things that went unsaid but both managed to hear them. A promise between Goddess and child to look after one another and to care for each other.

After one last nod, Alec started to walk away with a small smile on his face and a determined expression.

"Be careful," Hestia whispered before heading back in.

Alec was walking towards the Guild as he had breakfast to deliver. Thanks to the system's map he was able to easily find a café that opened super early and buy breakfast, and some things for his lunch in the dungeon. He took out the black backpack from his inventory, and put the breakfast in there, while he put his lunch in the inventory. He didn't know at what time the Guild opened, he just hoped to not waste too much time waiting. It was 05:50, he would wait a couple of hours max and then if Mr. Kang didn't show up, he would go on with his day.

As he approached the building, he saw that someone was already waiting there, looking at him. He approached them at a sedate pace.

"What is a handsome man like yourself doing all alone at this early hour?" Alec said in a way of greeting once he was close enough.

"How often does that line work for you?" Mr. Kang asked him curiously.

He was wearing the Guild uniform that did nothing to dim his beauty.

"Pretty often actually, but usually is night, not morning, and it earns me a few drinks and if they're lucky, some fun after," Alec said with mischief in his eyes, but being honest at the same time.

"Good for you then," Mr. Kang said casually, and just like that, the mood turn awkward.

They stood there, looking at each other, but not talking. After some of the longest moments of Alec's brief life, he decided to break the silence and try to recover from the situation.

"So, I brought breakfast," Alec said as he lightly shook the black backpack that he was holding in his right hand, while mentally slapping himself in the face for the lameness of his actions.

Alec got some game, but he was mildly panicking. After all, he was just 17 and Mr. Kang was… he didn't even know how old he was. The man was gorgeous and had an aura of authority around him and Alec was fighting the urge to just sink on his knee and start begging. The only thing stopping him was that he didn't know how the man would react.

Alec cleared his throat to distract himself from his growing erection.

"There is a park nearby, we could go there and eat," Alec proposed.

"That works for me, show the way," Mr. Kang replied with a nod.

They made a bit of small talk, but the atmosphere was still awkward. Thankfully it wasn't a long walk and soon they were seated on a wide stone bench. The sun was rising, and it bathed the strong big trees in sunlight. The temperature was a bit chilling, but neither of them minded. Alec enjoyed the early morning air, so it wasn't a problem for him.

Alec opened his backpack and took out five boxes, two thermoses, two mugs, two plates, and a paper bag with cutlery in it.

"So, I didn't know if you prefer savory or sweet breakfast, so I got both. Personally, I have a sweet tooth, even if I don't disdain a good savory breakfast," Alec told him.

"I'm good with both, but if I have to pick, I will go with savory," Mr. Kang said while eying the boxes in anticipation.

Alec nodded and sat crossed-legged on the bench, facing the senior advisor. Mr. Kang follow his example, but instead of sitting with crossed legs, he simply straddled the stone bench.

'Keep your cool Alec' he told himself.

Alec tried and failed to avoid looking at the advisor's groin. It was right there, so he lowered his gaze to do a quick inspection, but unfortunately, there wasn't anything discernible. He didn't expect much, but he was still a bit disappointed. Nonetheless, the Guild uniform showed off Mr. Kang's strong legs. Alec wondered how would they feel wrapped around him, but before his mind could wander further, Alec heard someone coughing.

'Fuck, it seems I got caught staring' Alec tried to cover his actions by starting to unbox the food, and acting innocent.

One box had bacon and hash browns, one had only eggs, one an assortment of mignon, one some croissants, and the last some toasted bread.

"What do you prefer, tea or coffee?" Alec asked him.


Alec proceeded to pour him some in one of the mugs.

"How do you take it? I have some milk, cream, and sugar," Alex looked at him and refrain from making any innuendo.

"I take it black, thank you," Mr. Kang replied with a hint of a smile.

'Alec, don't' he had to remind himself that it wasn't appropriate to make some comments.

Alec instead opted to smile at him while passing him the mug and some cutlery from the paper bag. He started to fix his mug of tea with some milk and sugar.

"Bon appetit," Alec said and waited for Mr. Kang to take some food first, before making his plate.

"What?" Mr. Kang was looking at him quizzically.

Alec frowned and it took him a moment to realize why Mr. Kang was looking at him in confusion.

"It's something that sometimes I used to say back home. It's the equivalent of saying 'enjoy your meal'," Alec explained to a curious Mr. Kang, who nodded after hearing his words.

"Thank you for the meal," Mr. Kang said before taking one of the plates and filling it with food.

Alec followed his example after just a moment.

"It's very good, did you make it?" Mr. Kang complimented.

Alec let out a small laugh while shaking his head.

"No, while I'm a decent cook, I don't have a kitchen," Alec told him honestly.

Technically he does, but the cooker didn't work.

"What do you mean you don't have a kitchen?" Mr. Kang asked with a raised eyebrow and Alec felt a tingle in his nether regions.

"I mean that I don't have a kitchen, well it's broken. My Goddess and I live in an abandoned church, it's not the best of places, but it will do for now, until I earn some money," Alec told him honestly, unashamed of his living condition.

Mr. Kang looked at him a moment longer before going back to this meal.

"I just realized that I don't even know your full name," Alec said suddenly.

"So?" Mr. Kang replied amusedly.

"So, tell me what's your name or should I start calling your Sir all the time?" Alec told him while putting particular emphasis on the word 'Sir' and smiling mischievously.

Mr. Kang who was mid-bite started to chock. Luckily, after drinking a bit of coffee he was all right.

"What?" Mr. Kang coughed a few more times.

"Your heard me big guy," Alec teased him.

"Jo," Mr. Kang said.

"Jo?" Alec repeated, taken aback by the name.

"Yes, Jo," Mr. Kang, Jo, said once again.

"Well, nice to properly meet you. I'm Alexander Von Nazarick, but you already knew that," Alec smiled at him.

"Jo Kang, a pleasure to meet you," Kang said back with a smile of his own.

"Before you said, 'back home', where you are from?" Jo asked him.

"I'm from a very faraway place," Alec didn't elaborate more but decided to turn the question at Jo.

"I'm from a small country near the Far East," Jo remained vague and Alec didn't pry further. He couldn't tell if Jo didn't elaborate more because he didn't either, or because he was a reserved person, or for something else entirely.

They continued to talk, and the previous awkwardness melted away to make way for a more friendly vibe.

Alec knew some very interesting facts about the man. Jo Kang was named after a great General and a Level 8 adventurer that hailed from his country and lived seven hundred years ago. Jo was 39 and he come to Orario when he was 15. Ever since he lived in the city, there was even a period in which he was an adventurer, but he retired about 15 years ago. When Alex asked what Familia he was from or why he decided to retire so young, Jo said that it didn't matter anymore, since it all happened a long time ago, but told him that he started to work for the Guild a year after that.

Alec hypothesized that something terrible must have happened for him to stop being an adventurer. Perhaps his Familia was killed as it happened to Ryuu or something similar. Alec didn't know, but he decided to respect Jo's privacy.

"That was nice, but I think it's time for me to go," Alec declared after there was nothing left to eat or drink. They dragged the meeting for as long as they could.

"Then thank you for the food. To be honest, I didn't think you were serious," Jo confessed.

"Hey, I took some things very seriously," Alec protested.

He was always serious when hunk men were involved.

"Then why were you at the Guild that early?" Alec question him before Jo had the chance to say anything.

"In case you were serious, I didn't want to stand you up," said a bit bashfully.

"Well, it makes sense. Just for curiosity, at what time does the Guild open for business?" Alec wanted to know.

"Eight in the morning," Jo said nonchalantly.

"Thankfully I showed up," Alec said in the same tone.

Neither of them vocalized their true thoughts. Both were grateful that the other showed up.

Alec started to clean up and put back things in his backpack. As soon as he had the chance, he would put the whole thing in his inventory. Once he was done, they started to make their way back to the Guild.

"We should do it again sometimes," Alec said casually, hoping that Mr. Kang wouldn't say no.

"Sure, perhaps lunch or dinner, yes?" Jo didn't even miss a beat and doubled down.

"Yeah, maybe one day I'll even cook you something," Alec chuckled, and Jo smiled.

They reach the Guild in no time, and it was time for them to go their separate way.

"That's me. It's a bit early, but luckily, I have the keys," It was just past seven, and it was a bit early for Jo to start his working day.

"I had fun and I'll see you later?" Alec wasn't sure how to behave and his voice came out with a hesitant undertone.

"Sure, if you came to exchange the stones and drop items, you'll find me. Not to mention, as your advisor I need you to report your experience to me," Jo reminded him with a genuine smile.

"Right, then I'm off. I'll see you later," Alec said with more conviction than a moment before.

"Good luck," Jo said with a serious look on his face.

"I'll be careful, don't worry too much or you'll wrinkle," Alec winked at him and took off without giving Jo the opportunity to say anything back. With his back turned, he missed Jo's amused smile.

Alec started to run toward the Dungeon, energized from the breakfast he had with Mr. Kang and excited to finally see the Dungeon. People started to come out in the streets, but Alec managed to easily avoid them. Fifteen minutes later he reached his destination.

At last, he was there.

He looked up in amazement as Babel Tower come into his line of sight. The tower had 50 floors and it was really a sight to behold. It would easily rank as one of the 7 wonders of the World if it was back on Earth.

With new vigor, Alec quickly closed the remaining distance, and while standing at the base of the tower, one could really feel how imposing Babel was. There was something else that he could feel, and it come directly from beneath him.

Alec didn't know what it was, but it was giving him the chills. What he was sure about, was that it came from deep down, perhaps from the very heart of the Dungeon. It felt like some ginormous creature was trying to eat him alive.

Alec shook his head to try to dissolve the dreadful feeling and he was partially successful, after which he walked towards the entrance of the Dungeon.

Alec found himself in a circular room with a ten meters long hole at the center of it, along the circle there were gentle stairs that spiral down into the Dungeon. Above it, there was a painting of a beautiful azure sky, it was so well done that it felt lifelike. He started to make his way down the stairs and took his time as he wanted to engrave this moment into his memory.

It was the first step in his exploration journey.

Hi everyone,

I change Mr. Kang's height from 190 cm (6ft3') to 203 cm (6ft8').

Furthermore, I wanted to let you know that in Yggdrasil and Overlord, Data and Data crystals are used to make items. In this story, I chose to replace them and use Mana and Mana crystal to make things a bit easier for me to write.

I hope you enjoy the chapter. Let me know your thoughts with a comment.

Ps: Another chapter should be out soon!

FantasyDream9creators' thoughts