
In Danmachi with a Creation System

I don't own the cover A guy reincarnates inside of Danmachi with only a basic understanding of the world and an overpowered system to aid in his adventure.

ShaggyOP · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Alex awoke to find himself floating alone in an empty void. Everything was dark except for a singular screen that floated in front of him. The screen reminded him of the systems that he had read about in the past. Thinking about the past was difficult though, everything seemed so hazy and unclear. He refocused his attention on the window in front of him and read the words carefully.

[Activate Creation System?]

The words were accompanied by two boxes, one for yes and the other for no. Alex didn't even need to think about the question much before he clicked the yes box. The window flashed once then changed to a character creation screen. He was never one for creating his own characters so he decided to just hit randomize until he saw one that he liked. He watched as names and bodies streamed past as he hit the button, Natsu, Chrollo, Luffy, Roy, Noah, Todoroki, Sora, and many more passed by, but none of them seemed to fit.

Alex finally paused when he saw the name White (Hoaqin) and the accompanying body appear. Long white hair that reached the man's back and piercing white skin and eyes greeted him as White's appearance popped up on the screen. Alex's finger hovered over the randomize button once more, but he decided that this name and body were good enough. He clicked the button that said [Next] at the bottom of the screen to continue on.

Next, more names popped up on the screen, but this time they were the names of worlds. Fairy Tale, Tokyo Ghoul, Boku no Pico, One Piece, and Tower Of God were only a fraction of the names Alex saw represented. He scrolled down the list and watched the endless stream of names go by. In his mind, this was even more important than his appearance so Alex wasn't messing around on his selection of world.

Alex stopped scrolling when he saw a name that caught his attention, Danmachi. He knew a bit about the world and what the story was about, but his knowledge wasn't too deep. He knew about the Gods and their familias as well as the dungeon as well as some of the races. He selected Danmachi and continued going through the system pages.

What followed next was a brief introduction to the system and its functions. Alex nodded along as he read all the information once, then twice just to make sure he fully understood. As it turns out the Creation system could create anything from skills, weapons, and body modifications to living subordinates to serve him. Anything was on the table for him to make as long as he had enough Blood Points or BP for short. The more BP he had the stronger items and skills he could make.

Alex clicked through the introduction once he was done reading and watched as a gift icon popped up before him. A small message popped up when he clicked on the box, [Free Started Gift]. He quickly clicked past the note and opened up the gift. Three cards burst from the box once he opened the gift box.

[Free Skill Card]

[Free Item Card]

[50% Discount]

Alex looked at the 3 cards in his hand and felt his heart start beating faster. This was his chance to finally be someone who was powerful and important. No longer would he live his life in mediocracy, he would be the one at the top. For now, he was a long way away from that point, but he would start now. "This decision now would probably be the most important one I make" thought Alex as he looked at the cards in front of him.

BP could only be gained through killing other creatures, so he would need his skill or item to be strong so that he could grind BP and be able to become more powerful. Alex sat there for hours weighing the pros and cons of each skill that came to mind. Eventually, he thought he had come to a decision. A skill that was practical, but also made him almost immortal. He grasped the skill card and pictured the skill that he wanted, defining all its powers and abilities. With a flash of light, the card disappeared and a screen popped up in front of him.

[Save Point: Place a marker in space and time that you can return to. All skills are kept when returning in time. Stats can't be kept when returning in time.]

Alex grinned as he looked at his first skill. It was a bit unfortunate that he wouldn't be able to keep any of his stats when he turned back time, but skills were more valuable in his opinion. Next, he turned his attention to the free item card. Preferably he wanted something that would be able to grant him both defensive and offensive power. He thought about this one longer than the skill card.

Alex thought about many possible weapons he could create, but in the end, it was a fruit that came to mind. With a devil fruit, he could have both defense and offensive for the price of one. Plus if he chose a logia or special paramecia then he would be practically untouchable, but there was an unknown in his future world, magic. Would magic be able to affect a logia? In his mind, it was too much of a risk, but he did have a specific fruit in mind.

Alex grasped the card and thought of what he wanted. He wasn't exactly sure what the fruit looked like so he just imagined a purple grapefruit with a swirling pattern. The card disappeared and the fruit landed in his hand. It was Magellan's fruit from One Piece, the Doku Doku no mi (Venom-Venom fruit). He didn't hesitate and brought the fruit to his mouth and took a bite. It tasted like rotten dog food that was 12 years past its exploration date, but he made sure to swallow the bite without throwing up.

Once the awful ordeal was over Alex looked back to the system, but there was only a screen with one word, [Begin]. He hesitated for a moment before looking around at the endless darkness around him. There was nothing for him in the dark abyss, so he shrugged and pressed the button. The screen flashed and everything was engulfed in blinding white light.