
In Danmachi as Arthur Leywin

What happens when a soul gets reincarnated in a world of Danmachi where the protagonist, Bell, doesn't exist, but another cute little rabbit exists with the name Bella? What would happen if the soul got the power of Arthur Leywin from the novel "Beginning After The End" and is adopted by Zeus and becomes Bella's older brother? How will the story change?

TheRandomMe · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Chapter 11: Ouranos and...


Arthur Leywin:

Two weeks had passed since the Juggernaut accident, and I was contacted by Lady Astrea. She told me Ouranos wanted to talk with me. She didn't tell me what he wanted, but I could assume it was something about my powers. What else would he need me for? The Astrea Familia already knew I didn't have a blessing, and it wasn't so hard for Ouranos to find out just by checking my records.

Following Athena, we entered the Guild. Unlike the other times I visited it to talk with Sophie or exchange my Magic Stones, there was only one person inside aside from the two of us.

"Hello, Goddes Astrea and Young Arthur. I'm an assistant of Ouranos, tasked with escorting you to the Room of Prayers." Said the figure.

I would attack the person if I didn't know who it was beforehand. Black robes covered their face, making it impossible to tell their gender or any other features. This was Fels, also known as a cheap Ainz knockoff due to being a skeleton.

"Follow me." Fels said

Fels guided us until we arrived at the entrance of the Room of Prayers but stayed while we went in.

When we walked in, I could feel Ouranos gaze observing me with from what looked like a stone throne.

"Astrea, Arthur, thank you for coming." Ouranos said.

"There is no need to thank me, Lord Ouranos."

I said with a slight bow while Astrea only nodded her head. It was better not to anger someone like him.

The conversation started with me recounting my side of the story while not mentioning why I was so deep in the dungeon. He listened without interrupting me.

"That's quite an achievement, not only going so deep down the dungeon alone but also defeating a Juggernaut with minimal assistance, not to mention what you've been doing since your arrival. That's why I request your assistance in a certain matter." He said

My assistance? Why would he want something from me? My mind thought of possible scenarios. Could it be he knew about Sylvie and wanted my help with the Xenos? No, if he did want my help with the Xenos, Lady Astrea wouldn't be here.

"You need my assistance for what exactly?" I asked.

"Wiping out Evilus." He answered.

Well, that wasn't on my list.


Walking out of the Guild, I thought about what Ouranos told me.

It was weird to believe Astrea was okay with being part of this. From what I observed, she is someone who would be lenient to the point of being willing to forgive serious criminals under the premise that they swear not to commit any wrongdoing again. But I guess she understands how harsh circumstances can sometimes be and agrees with the idea of abandoning such principles if the situation demands it.

That brings us to the plan for the attack. It was simple, the Astrea Familia and I would attack their bases while the Hermes Familia would take care of the people that escaped. And The Ganesha Familia would patrol the city and divert civilians from our location to prevent innocents from getting hurt in the crossfire.

The Hermes familia had already tracked the location of all their bases with a list of confirmed members spread around Orario. Hence, the only problem was to make it quick and not alert the others, so flashy spells were out of the picture.

But why would Ouranos want me to join? I was involved in the incident, but why involve me in this? From what he said, he already knows what I can do, so why? If he knows about Sylvie, it could involve the Xenos, but I can't be sure yet.

We continued towards Stardust Garden, where we would go through it once again before everything started.


Standing on the roof of an abandoned building with Ryuu. Before we even started, I made a Sound Barrier inside the building so no sound would escape, and with a nod from Ryuu, we jumped down.

Dampening my fall with Wind Mana, I landed and drew my sword. Sadly the sword grandpa gave me was destroyed during my last fight. So I used the sword I bought at The Married Blades.

Setting my blade ablaze with a blue fire and activating Thunderclap Impule, we went into action, killing multiple Evilus members. Even if it was the first time I killed a human, it didn't affect me; honestly, I didn't feel any different. This was Evilus, a group that shouldn't get any mercy from me, so I ignored the screams of pain and begging to be spared and continued killing.

Me augmenting myself and using Thunderclap Impulse and Ryuu, being a level four, they didn't stand a chance, and not so long after, they were all dead.

Having finished our part, we left the building and started running towards the Rudra Familia, our final goal where we would regroup with the other members before attacking.

Taking a look at Ryuu, who has been quiet for some time now. She took Iskas death the hardest, but still, her condition was better than it would have been if they had all died.

"How are you feeling?" I decided to ask.

"I'm fine. Let's finish this." She said without even looking at me.

Over the past weeks since the accident, we got to know each other and became what I would consider friends. So I knew that Ouranos didn't decide to get rid of Evilus now, she would.

When we arrived at our meeting point, Alise and Gojouno were already there and waiting for the rest.

"Seeing you without any injuries, I assume everything went well?"

She asked after noticing our arrival.

"Yeah, they didn't pose a challenge."

I answered while Ryuu said nothing while looking at the Rudra Familia with clenched fists. Seeing this, I looked at Alise, and she understood what to do. While I could talk to her, we have known each other for two weeks, so talking with the captain of her familia was the better choice.

After ten minutes of waiting, everyone arrived, so we went through the plan again. It was similar to how we attacked the other Evilus hideouts but this time on a bigger scale. We would split up again, and after the signal, we start attacking them from different sides to make them an easier target.

While I thought about killing Rudra during this but this being an operation Ouranos knew I was participating in would have me exiled from Orario or worse, killed. But that didn't stop me from making sure that Jura was dead.


Jumping through a window, I used sound magic to remove the noise of shattering glass and started walking through their familia home, killing every member I saw searching for him.

Thankfully I didn't need to search for him because he came to me. Standing there with five other members, I couldn't stop a smile from appearing.

My prey came to me instead.

Letting out my killing intent, it wasn't that powerful alone but combined with the pressure of a yellow core, it did the job of scaring them.

I killed the cannon fodder with ice spikes through their heads while looking Jura directly in the eyes. All my intent focused straight on him.

"Surrender, and I won't hurt you!" He shouted while trying to stay composed but failing.

"I would be scared if your legs didn't shake that much."

I said while slowly walking towards him.

Seeing me not stop, he tried slashing me with his Short Sword, but I avoided it and grabbed his hand.

"You know you would at least get a quick and painless death from the Juggernaut."

I said while my hand ignited in white flames that slowly began to spread, freezing his arm.

Tightening my grip on his arm, it shattered, he tried to scream, but I used Sound Magic, so nothing came out. I watched him as he tried to flee from me, but that won't happen. Activating Nerve Fracture, I paralyzed him.

Crouching down, I looked him head in the eyes.

"You should be happy that I'll kill you now instead. If I didn't kill you here, you would one day do something that would make this look like child's play."

After saying that, I sent a large amount of Sound Magic, creating an ear-piercing sound that raptured his eardrums.

I watched him as he suffered from the pain. Before letting out a sigh.

I don't know why I took it to this level. I could have killed him straight away. So why did I do this to him?

I'm happy Sylvie wasn't here to see me.

His head fell on the floor with a single swing of my sword. The Rudra Familia was dead.


Sylvie and I stayed home the following day just thinking about the last days.

We successfully managed to wipe out Evilus. While I knew there surely were survivors somewhere spread across Orario, there wasn't anything we could do without knowing who they were.

I feel like I'm missing something important. It has been almost nine years since my reincarnation, so it's hard to remember what will happen in the future besides a few events. I could have written them down, but I didn't want to risk grandpa finding out. If he did, I would be forced to tell him about my reincarnation, which I didn't want to do.

But back to yesterday's event.

Thanks to Ouranos and the Guild covering everything up, the public thinks that the Rudra Familia died in the dungeon, and Rudra went up to heaven due to the loss of his children.

While we and the gods/goddesses from bigger knew what really happened and the fact that Rudra returning to heaven was him being banished by Ouranos. As for the bodies, let's leave it at the Hermes Familia were good at their job.


Authors Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter.

Some people have said that it was too early for Arthur to expose himself to the Astrea Familia, and it will hinder his growth. While I admit that after reading those chapters again, it was maybe a bit too rushed, but what's done is done.

Also, from now on, the chapters will be longer, but I won't release them daily, so I have more time to write them and read them a few times before publishing and not rush.

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