
Chapter 5

“Who sent you?” McCoy asked, his voice a bare croak.

“The US government. We’re gonna get you out of here,” Maggie reassured the man. “Any chance you can walk?”

“Maybe.” McCoy said.

Mike stepped forward and carefully pulled McCoy to his feet. Pulling one of McCoy’s arms over his shoulder, Mike helped the man shuffle to the top of the stairs.

“We need to get out of here fast,” Maggie said. “Before anyone shows up for a sitrep.”

Negotiating the narrow stairway was awkward, but Mike and McCoy finally made it to the ground floor.

Maggie peered out the back door into the alley they had used for access.

“Is it clear?” Mike asked.

“As far as I can see,” she said and gave Mike a signal to follow.

The three of them made it to the end of the alley before McCoy’s very limited strength began to fail.

“Hold up,” Mike said softly. He eased McCoy to the ground.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” McCoy apologized. “My knee, I can’t hardly put any weight on it, and my ribs.”