
In Author's POV with Gojo's power (on hold)

Reincarnated in Author's POV.Mc will have looks and power of THE GOJO SATORU with some twist.Mc has not read much of Author's POV. MC will be calm and collected.He will also be abit anti social at the start. His character will be kind of like jjk gojo as it is easy to portray it then to create completely new character. He will still have some differences than orginal gojo. Post will not be regular as I have just started drawing the outline of the fic(without drawing anything) It is a fair warning to all that Gojo won't be as overpowered as the Gojo of jjk atleast in the department of infinity. I don't own anything except my oc.

Inspiron_123 · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 12

Gojo POV

[Yesterday, at around 9:45 P.M. Hollberg, a group of unidentified individuals attacked multiple students from the lock killing 389 and crippling 107...]

Sitting on a comfy chair inside of a private hospital, I looked at the large TV screen on the wall.

Currently, a male news anchor was reporting the happenings of the Hollber accident. Next to him, a pretty female anchor added a few comments here and there.

[…According to the investigation, no valuable information was gathered regarding the aggressors as they all killed themselves or died from unknown causes. According to reports, thanks to the support of Hero rank 156 Donna Longbern and S ranked hero Connor Novak the number of casualties didn't reach the four-digit figures...]

[This type of massacre on students had never happened before in the history of the lock nor humanity. What happened yesterday will forever be remembered as 'The massacre of Hollberg' and we can only extend our support and prayers towards the victims of this accident]

Stacking the papers on the table, looking towards the camera, the news anchor's voice deepened

[Now this gives rise to a new question. Is the lock really that safe of a place? Is the lock really the safe haven advertised by the central government and the union? Who should be held accountable for the death of those 389 people? I'm not sure about you, but...]

While the news was ongoing suddenly a professor turned off the tv and started a commotion.

"What sort of nonsense are you talking about!? Do they expect us to protect all of the students when we too were fighting for our lives? Do they not understand what we went through that night!! Haa? Tell me!"

"Professor Rim please calm down."

"Professor Rim!"

This whole event had negatively affected students as well as professors.

Not everyone can shrug off such a event easily.

Many people believed in Lock's security for them to enroll their children.

Professors were no different from students atleast some of them.

Many professors are teaching in Lock due to available security of Lock.

Putting that matter aside, this whole massacre had been an eye-opening event.

I am nearly 100 percent sure that six eyes are know to the demons.

I was trying to follow the plot to it's fullest even though i didn't have much knowledge regrading the Novel.

I am sure even ren has more information regarding the future then me. I have also started to question my own rebirth as it was weird because never even once since i have been reborn had i thought about reasons for my rebirth which was something completely out of my character.

[AN: I am trying to make sure change in character of mc is explainable atleast to some degree.]

I was being complacent because of my power..... No that was not it after all i knew about the gap between me and Donna but i still never tried my hardest to shrink the gap between our strength. Maybe it was a fatal flaw in my character or something else entirely but i am sure as hell gonna get stronger now that i have identified my own mistake.

These are something that are required to be addressed in due time cause even after racking my brain i could not come up with a reasonable theory.

"Whatever, i guess i need some fresh air to clear up my mind."

While muttering this i got up from the sofa and started to move toward the rooftop.


"Hmm~, yo"

Gojo greeted Kevin and Emma, both of whom were on the way to see Jin.

"Were you both middle of something~"

Said Gojo with a suggestive tone while looking at both of them as the atmosphere when he arrived was awkward.

Hearing word of Gojo, Kevin looked completely confused while looking around like a dense idiot he was. On the other hand Emma seems to be blushing.

On the side note Gojo is able to "see" their emotions though the disturbance in mana sorrunding them.

Kevin frowned seeing Emma's face turning red.


Suddenly Emma let out a weird sound when Kevin suddenly touched her forehead as if measuring her temperature.

"Are you having fever? Your whole face is red"

Was what Emma heard from Kevin which left her bewildered and trace of disappointed could also be seen on her eyes.

When Emma looked toward Gojo who had a smug smile as if he has achieved something great.


While shakily pointing her finger at Gojo, Emma spoke while stuttering.


When Emma was about to speak again, she suddenly exclaimed.

Staring in the distance, Emma's eyes sparkled. Her face soon dyed red in excitement.

"What's going on?"

Following the line of sight of Emma both Gojo's and Kevin's eyes soon paused on a trio walking in their direction.

Instantly, Kevin recognized one of the three people. Donna Longbern, his class tutor.

Walking with her head down, she looked worn out. Her hair was a mess and her expression was that of utter defeat. It looked as though she had just come back from a tough battle.

Next to her, a tall muscular man with a bald head and sunglasses indifferently glanced at his surroundings. There was this sort of regal feeling coming from him. Almost as if he was a massive lion that ruled over an expansive territory.

Although for the most part, his face was indifferent, from time to time, Kevin was able to notice him clicking his tongue in the direction of the last person.

[A/N: who was he again?]

Standing in front of them, a young girl with dark orange hair happily chirped throughout the halls of the hospital.

From appearances alone, she looked to be a few years younger than Emma. Her skin was crisp and pleasant, and she looked like a regular 14-year-old girl. Both of them were recognised by Gojo.


Noticing something, the young girl's eyes excitedly looked in Kevin, Gojo and Emma's direction.


Pointing in their direction, the young girl urged Donna and the other guy to hurry up.

"Who is she?"

Noticing that something wasn't right, tilting his head in confusion, Kevin turned towards Emma. However, his question was met with air as Emma ignored him completely.

"Aye~, You don't know?"

Asked Gojo with his usual cheerful voice.

"Ehh, Is she someone i should know?"

Kevin replied to Gojo as he did not recognise her since he has been out of touch from human society for a very long time.

"Heh. That is for you to decide, i guess."

"Will you answer already?"

Kevin was getting irritated with Gojo due Gojo's roundabout way of speaking.

"Hero-rank 27, The shrimp witch, Monica shrimp"


While they were talking, Emma ran towards the young girl now known as Monica as she shouted at her

"Sister Monica!"


Seeing Emma coming her way, extending her hands forward they soon embraced each other and laughed.

"Look at how much you've grown!"

Looking at Emma from head to toe, a trace of envy appeared on Monica's face.

"hehe, I'm now taller than you"

"That's not something you should be pointing out to someone who you call sister..."

"hehehe, you know I'm just messing with you"

Smiling evilly, Emma tried to pat Monica on the head.


"Stop it you brat!"

Smacking Emma's hand away, Monica's eyes landed on Kevin. Smiling she said

"You must be Kevin"

Confused, Kevin confirmed before asking

"...yes, you are The shrimp witch, Monica shrimp, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere around him froze.

Everyone except two person in the sorrunding froze in their spot.

Baffled, Kevin started to think about what wrong did he said and suddenly he froze on his spot before with robert like movement he looked toward Gojo who was trying to supress his laughter but his shoulder shanking didn't help it.

"Who are you calling shrimp!!!, you bastard!!!!"

Monica with a dark look over his face shouted and the hell broke loose.

Emma and Donna were looking toward Kevin with pity in their eyes while Gojo was looking toward him with shit eating grin.


With a pale face Kevin tried to explain his situation but when he saw Gojo's shit eating grin his blood boiled with rage toward him.

"That bastard, He is a devil and a sadistic bastard."

Kevin thought while running away from the shri- Monica.

The trio of Emma, Donna and unknown man were looking with a dumb expression at Gojo who was laughing while clutching his stomach which only stopped after a long while and Gojo showed a shit eating grin to the trio before running off. Unknown to Gojo but the trio was coincidentally having same thought.

"I wanna punch that face."


A/N: I am not gonna drop this fic. Updates might be irregular but it will come. The reason behind this is i read a part of one chapter and thought wtf. I had been thinking about editing some part of those chapters but will see that in future.