
Chapter 8

[Completed Quest: stop the black hole

Rewards claimed]

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere a portal opened and a handsome black young adult stepped out with ripped clothes. " I'm back, " I yelled, which kinda shook the sky. {System is this season 2 or 3 and what episode} I asked. [It is season 3 and it is the episode when the dominators come] The system asked. {System gives me a black t-shirt and hoodie with black jeans} I said. [Done] the system replied and the clothes came in my hand. I put the clothes on. I ran to the nearest city. I checked to see where I was and it was Star City. I checked the newspaper. Star City now has Green Arrow(Olivier Queen), Red Arrow(I want him to stay here rather than go to jail/Roy Harper), Speedy(Thea Queen) and Oliver's team. ' Status, ' I thought, shocked at the update.


Name : Jadan ' Jay ' Sanchez

Race: African American

Level: 0 0/100

Strength: 15000(Kara's 16000 At The Moment,) Speed: 14000(Barry's 13000 At The Moment,) Durability: 20000 Stamina: 25000

Stats Have Limits On Stopping Host From Using Full Power

Species: Meta-Human/Half-Kryptonian(Mc Isn't Invulnerable To Everything, But Only Beings Of An Similar Or Higher Strength Can Damage MC,)

OPSP: 1,000,000

SP(Used For Stats And Abilities): 40,000


Unlimited Charm(Master/Passive)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Combat god(Master/Passive)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Sharingan(Advanced/Mangekyou)- Next Stage Cost- 100 SP

Blood Manipulation(Intermediate)- Next Stage Cost- 50 SP

Metal Body(Intermediate)- Next Stage Cost- 50 SP

Multiverse Travel(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Spatial Portals(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Gone(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Heat Vision(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Flight- Level Max(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Freeze Breath(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

X-Ray Vision(Master)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Accelerated Healing(Master/Passive)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

Longevity(Master/Passive)- Next Stage Cost- Bought

' I grew stronger, and my status updated way more than I thought, it also seems like the system knows my name from my last life, ' I thought, as I'm wondering what time is it. ' This should be season three, I think, ' I thought, as I disappeared at an fast speed. At Star Labs, Barry, H.R, Joe, Iris, Caitlyn, Wally, and Cisco just got finished talking to Lyla about the Dominator. " Barry, what are we going to do against an Army of Aliens, " Iris asked, as he had an idea. " I think I can help, " a voice said, as they all turned to see me looking at them. " Jay, " Caitlyn replied, as they were all stunned that I'm here. " It's been a while, " I stated, as I knew would have to explain some shit.

" We thought you died, you flew into an black hole, " Iris said, as I looked at her. " I wasn't dead, but trapped in the original timeline, but flashpoint freed me, " I replied, lying about it, but that made them look at Barry. " So flashpoint actually caused something good, " Cisco muttered, which I heard. " So, we're going up against aliens now, " I asked, as they nodded. " And we're going to need an army of our own to fight with, " Barry answered, as I sighed. " Barry, don't ask how I know this, but go get the legends, I'll go to star city, " I said, as Barry nodded. " One question, how is Thea, " I asked, as they all looked at each other. " She's more violent than Oliver now, and let's just say, she's been through a lot since you were gone, " Caitlyn answered, as Wally and H.R was wondering who I am. ' So they don't talk bout me much, ' I thought, as I disappeared faster than Wally could see. Barry caught an glimpse of my movements. " He's an speedster, " Wally asked, surprised that Barry knew another speedster that wasn't evil. " Kinda, " was all Barry answered, as he disappeared.

Oliver and John was just taken back to Oliver's apartment, which stunned them. " Barry, how many times do I have to tell you…, " Oliver was saying, as he looked at me stunned. " Not Barry, " I said, as John went to the balcony to throw up. " Oliver, John, I…we need your help, " I stated, as Oliver looked at me. " Against what, " John asked, coming back into the apartment as he wiped his mouth. " Aliens, " I answered, which Thea heard as she came into the apartment. " Ja…Jay, " Thea stated, as I appeared in front of her. " Thea, we'll talk about me being back later, but are you in, " I asked, as Oliver spoke. " She's retir…, " Oliver was saying, as Thea interrupted him. " I'm in, " Thea said, as Oliver looked at her. " It's aliens, and plus, Jay's alive and he needs help, " Thea added, as Oliver nodded.

A couple moments later, we arrived at the aircraft hangar that Barry now owns. I learned that Bette left to go travel the world a year ago. ' I wonder how shocked the legends will be to see me, ' I thought, as I wasn't actually trapped in the blackhole, but was trapped in the waverider's mainframe. So, I kinda helped the legends out along with Gideon who somewhat knew of me from future knowledge. They seen my appearance twice, and the last time was when I used all of my energy to save them, and come back to here. The waverider appeared, as John said something with made me chuckle a bit. Sara, Ray, Jefferson, Stein, and Mick came out of the waverider. " Jadan, " Sara said, looking at me, while Oliver, Barry, and Thea didn't know I knew Sara. " How are you here, and you're human, " Stein asked, as I sighed. " So, I guess I'll explain where I've been for the past two years, " I said, as they nodded.

" Weren't you killed in the black hole two years ago, " John asked, as the Legends didn't know that. " I flew into the black hole two years ago, saving Central City, but instead of dying, I was trapped in the waverider's mainframe, that's when Sara and them just became Legends, and since I had no way to leave, I helped them out along with Gideon, their A.I, " I answered, as Barry, Cisco, and Caitlyn knew who Gideon was. " Jadan, you disappeared from the mainframe after appearing in this form, or how you actually looked and saving us, so how are you here and why are you back in your human-form, " Ray asked, as I decided to make up an lie. " I'm not actually human, well I am, and not at the same time, " I answered, which confused them. " What do you mean, " Barry questioned, as I sighed. " I'm an meta-human, which makes me human, well half-human, and I'm an half-kryptonian, which makes me half-alien, " I answered, as only Barry knew what an Krytponian is, as he thought of Kara. " You're alien, " Thea said, shocked as I wanted to talk to her in private.