
The Selective Memory

"Brom! Seriously, perfect timing, like ever!" Justice gruntled while Anne snorted, she does feel sorry for him, thinking how hard he was trying to be considerate and then finally asking for intimate time together, it wasn't easy for him.

Brom just turn his attention to Justice and look surprised, "Your majesty, I didn't know you were here?!"

Anne just gave him a weak smile. She is one of the people who already get used to Brom's antic. "Brom, what happened?" She asked him, knowing fully well that he would never leave, even when the crown prince was the one who asked him to leave.

"It's the midnight monster. They told me something surprising." He pulled Anne to go inside her hut, while Justice looked at them with a gaping mouth.

"Wait… Wait, Brom, let Justice inside as well!" She held him in the door frame and then pointed at Justice, who stayed behind.