
Sense of Similarity

Let us go back to half a day ago when Justice and the magic knight leave the capital to reach the dark portal on the other end of the great kingdom, they need to reach a steep hill to get closer to the portal. After almost two hours of harsh terrain and torrential rain, they arrived.

"Your majesty, we need to climb now." Brom suddenly stop his horse and put it into a sheltered area. The others followed suit. While Brom raise his hand with the auron bangle attached, he close his eyes and concentrate on the aura of the dark portal.

"Have you found it?" Asked Justice to Brom.

"No, please let me concentrate." Annoyed by his questioning, but still able to focus on his magica, Brom finally found a way to get closer to the dark portal. He opens his eyes and opens the glassmap. "Alright, there will be some hurdles, but I think we can manage the climb," Brom explained the route that they need to take, some begin to gruntled, but not Xavier, Justice, Heirim, and Arthur.