
Prince Javier's Fate (Part 2)

"Justice, run!"

King Edward kicks the door open, just in time for a group of people, trying to ambush the two of them. One of the attackers had a crossbow, and he was aiming at Justice. Edward saw him and immediately call his familiar.

"Alexander, protect us!"

Appear a golem with a hardened crystal body, the arrow just broken in half when Alexander covers the father and son duo. Justice was trying to run back to the carriage, but Edward prevented him in time. He shouted at his son for his rash decision.

"No, fool! Do you want your beloved to be in danger?! Let's go to the other side." Edward pulled Justice away from the carriage, he was eyeing the small alleyway to ambush them.

"Where are we going?" Asked Justice to his father. His eyes were still focused on the location of their carriage.

"There's an alleyway. We can ambush them together." Said his father, with his right hand calling for his great sword.