
Into The Portal of Darkness (Part 2)

The silhouette of a group walking from the direction of the park. Anne knew immediately that it was Heirim with Arthur, she was smiling while holding into Vale's arm. The young woman then saw Anne and Vale, and she immediately run towards the two of them.

"Anne, Sir Vale… Good to see you." Said Heirim to the two of them.

Anne nodded her head and teared up for a bit. "Good to see you as well, are you alright?"

Amused by Anne's question she gave her a grin and said, "I should be the one who asked you the question, Anne, are you alright?"

"Yes, including your brother, how do you even manage to get here?" She asked Heirim, but her eyes goes to Arthur who look around the area. "Wait, It was just Arthur and you? Where's the other magic knight?"

"Don't worry, they are here, we opt to help in every area as soon as we have arrived. So, the captain asked us to spread out and then gathered here in two hours."