
Another girl

"What?! Are these ship crews coming from Kalpataru island? Are you guys insane?!" Nathan screamed while he was looking at Brom in disbelief.

"Well, maybe if you and chief Hale were more honest in the first place, we are not going to be in this mess!" Said Brom back at Nathan. He left the three of them alone and cast a protection spell into the kitchen.

"He was right, senior, if only you tell us the truth." Leo looks at Nathan with a wince on his face.

Nathan glared at him. "Shut up! I've already felt so bad, so just…" He took a long sigh and sat back on the bench. He glanced at the kitchen door. "So, Anne, did your friend just lock us in here?"

Anne shakes his head, "No, senior, he just put a protection spell on the room, so, any intruders will have a hard time…" Suddenly, two ship crews saw them inside the kitchen, he tried to walk inside but was thrown by the spell. She smiles at Nathan and Leo. "See, I told you Brom is the best… After Vale, of course."