
Anne's Decision (Part 1)

"She has the ability to manipulate her appearance not because of her high-level spell, it is because she's the narrator of this fairytale storybook."

Anne explained everything while the others listened to her while trying to find a way out.

"So, she can do anything she wants in every part of this kingdom?" Asked Henry at her, while he was walking around aimlessly trying to find a way out.

"Not exactly, I don't think she will change the narration of the story so much, and she can't control the others, she can manipulate her, like what she did to Heirim."

Heirim agreed with her opinion, "Yes, I don't think she can control us, but she can manipulate us like she even put so much effort into changing my view in life." It sends shivers down her spine, "Imagine, plotting every move, just to make sure she will always have the love of her life in her tight grip."