
Chapter 28: The Head Guild Master

/ShaggyJoestar: Sorry this took so long, I won't be updating this much as I'm focusing on my other story, Reincarnated as a cultivation protagonist, this story won't updated much unless I get sick of writing young masters and bullshit cultivation names./

"Here they come men!" Says an adventurer with many scars on his face telling of his experience. He held up his shield as multiple giant pigs ran towards him, their eyes were blood red and they went at amazing speeds surpassing that of a tiger. The men behind him roared as they all ran out to kill the many gigantic pig monsters as they possibly could.

The man with many scars hacked and slashed his way through the horde of monsters.

"Shield Guard!" He shouts as his shield glowed blue as the pig made contact with his shield, a shockwave could be heard but the adventurer held his ground as he stabbed the pig killing it.

However ten more pigs ran towards him a panicked looked came over his face as he's under a cool down for the skill he just used now regrets not upgrading it on the skill tree or getting different defense skills.

Fortunately a mysterious black blur shot past him and the pigs by multiple slash wounds appeared on them in perfect cubes the pigs then fell down in chunks of meat and blood.

"This is why I warned you about getting more defense skills Mike." Scolded a feminine voice which turned out to be Skipper in a black assassin gear with a black scarf and fully decked out in blades strapped to her arms, legs and hips.

"Yeah Sorry." Said the man as he deflated "By the way those are mine." Says Skipper as she points to the perfectly cut cubes. "Wait wha-!" But she disappears in front of him not allowing him to finish.

"[Snow Upper]" An icey aura surrounding Snow's fist as she punched one of the pigs sending it flying into another group causing a snowy explosion.

"Oh! Yeah I'm on a roll!" Says the self proclaimed wolf girl as she wags her tail in happiness. However a giant pig came rushing at her from behind but was immediately knocked by a single back handed punch from her.

"[Sonic Slash!]" Says Dusk as he sliced through a group of pigs coming his way, his sister Dawn then followed through with an attack of her own "[Bunker Slash!]" She shouts as her blade glowed a deep blow this skill is one of the many evolution of [Hammer Smash] on the skill tree.

About twenty other pigs was killed with that one attack. "I appreciate the help little sister." Said Dusk with a small smile on his face. "Why thank you brother." She replies.

"[Gum-Gum- Sonic Gattling]" Luffy threw hundreds upon thousands of punches each going at mach speeds destroying the army of giant pigs in front of him. He created this move by fusing his usual Gattling with the skill [Sonic Punch].

Soon the entire army of pigs were destroyed leaving their bodies all over the field of Acadia planes.

"Alright it seems this years Giant pig horde festival was another success." Said Guilo as he looked on to the many adventurer dismantling the creatures. The Giant Pig horde festival, is 2 year festival where giant pigs due to the hunting of certain monsters are able to breed to large numbers.

This used to cause lots of problem for the town the first few years it began but now everyone was used to this as the adventurers made a contest out of it which became a festival over time. The rules for the festival were simple the adventurer who kills whichever pigs own that pig.

As their meat is incredibly tasty and rare most parts of the world, the town even has adventurers visiting from other towns and different places willing to make a quick buck.

-A bit later-

"Alright guys let's cook em up!" Yelled Luffy with a gigantic smile and saliva dropping from his face. Hearing his words the entire town cheered. They've all eaten some of Luffy's food.

After cooking various number of pigs in multiple differ styles, everyone has gotten their share of the giant pig, Luffy was finishing stuffing his face with his party. When a Guilo and a man wearing a floral pattern shirt, sandals and shorts. This was obviously Sabbath the Head Guild Master, the man was tall at least 6'8 in height and he had a muscular body telling of how much power he held.

"Hello there Monkey D Luffy it's a pleasure to meet you." He says with a man. "I could say the same Head Master Sabbath." Luffy replied, hearing this the man smiled. "It seems you know of me or did you use Observe? I wonder." He said with a smile as he narrows his eyes

"Nope my.Grandpa Garp dresses the same whenever he goes on vacation." Says Luffy as he took a sip of his ale. "I see, well these type of clothes were invented by the hero Yujiro as vacation clothes, though I just like to wear them as common clothes." He replied.

"I see but whatcha want though, I know me being S-rank I should've met you way earlier so why so late!" Asked Luffy.

"I don't think we should discuss this here." He said Luffy nodded and got up "My party comes with me." Said Luffy. "Sure I don't mind."

The group entered Guilo's office. "This place is still a mess even after five years." Said the Head Guild Master as he turned around to the Luffy his party and Guilo.

Let me cut to the chase, I've been dealing with Demonic cultist they seem to be on a uprising and have been trying to cripple us." The headmaster replied.

Luffy's face remained blank as he asked "As in us what do you mean?" The guild master was silent fora few seconds. "All of us, Humans, Elves, Beastmen, Dwarves all the races common to the world."