

Time slowly passed by and the group had been in Fuyuki for a week. During that time Jun spent most of his time looking after Sakura while deepening his knowledge on magecraft. Even though he didn't plan on using it, it was still better to understand it than let the books go to waste.

Unfortunately, having the crest worms within her for the past year had still managed to damage Sakura's magic circuits, albeit not as bad as the Sakura from the series but bad enough that it would require her to rest for a couple months to recover. The good thing was that since the crest worms were gone, Sakura would no longer have to go through that never ending hell again.

After a few days of training, Jun became able to sense the flow of mana in the air without trying. But the further away it was the more he would have to concentrate in order to sense it.

During this time he also activated his Mystic Eyes multiple times and saw a couple of Shinigami patrolling the city. It was quite weird seeing them in a place that was not Karakura town.


After days of searching, Jun finally found the relic used to summon Medusa in one of the books. Apparently there's a temple in Eritrea (Greece) that is said to hold artifacts that have a connection to Goddesses of old.

If Jun was right, this meant that if he managed to dig up the right artifact and use it as a catalyst, then summoning Rider was only a matter of time.

'I guess this means I'll be taking a trip to Greece in the future.'

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in."

Slowly opening the door, the tan skinned trap entered the room.

"What's up?" Jun asked.

"Kariya sama said to tell you that we'll be leaving tomorrow."

'Tomorrow huh.'

Looking over at the unconscious Sakura, Jun thought about how people would react if they saw him carry an unconscious girl onto a train.

"Hey Daruku."


"Do me a favour and look after Sakura for a couple of hours." Jun said getting up from the floor.

"Sure, but where are you going?" Daruku asked concerned for Jun's well-being.

Hearing the concern in her voice made Jun smile.

"Just out."

Walking out the room he made sure that Sergei wasn't following him.


Appearing out of the portal, Jun walked out dressed in his black hoodie and jeans. In front of him stood a densely packed forest that stretched as far as the eye could see. Opening his Mystic eyes he saw another dome like barrier covering the entirety of the forest.

'Another bounded field.'

Deactivating his Mystic eyes he suppressed his demonic energy to the limit and walked through the bounded field. He figured that if he suppressed his demonic energy, the Einzberns would just treat him as a lost child if he was discovered.

And just as he imagined, the Einzberns completely disregarded him and let him roam around freely. From what he could remember about the Einzbern castle and forest, he knew that it would take four hours to reach the castle by walking. But since he was a half demon, his physical abilities couldn't be compared to normal humans. Even without the use of his demonic energy, he was far superior to even gold medal athletes.


While Jun was busy infiltrating the Einzbern forest, the young Taiga was standing by her lonesome in courtyard filled with tombstones. Directly in front of her were two tombstones standing next to each other side by side. Naturally they belonged to the father son duo of Kiritsugu and Shirou Emiya.

Grey clouds started to gather together as a rumble of thunder echoed out. Rain descend upon the earth drenching the world in water.

Standing there in silence, she ignored the rain and kept her eyes locked onto the tombstones.


Walking over from a black car, Raiga held a black umbrella over her head. When he found out that his usually energetic granddaughter was in such a state he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble. He didn't know Kiritsugu or Shirou that well but he knew that Taiga held them to great importance.

Watching his granddaughter blankly stare at the tombstones he felt lost and didn't know how to comfort her.


'So this is the Einzbern castle.'

Walking out of the spirit infested forest, Jun made his way towards the castle.

'Weird how there's no security.'

As if speaking to soon, Jun was ambushed by 2 women dressed in weird maid uniforms, one of them pointed a comically large halberd that didn't suit her size at his face.

"State your purpose."

Ignoring the obvious weapon only centimeters away from his face, Jun smiled at the two homunculi.

"You know, its rude to greet your guests with such a dangerous object."

Stepping forward, the taller homunculus stared at Jun with some hostility.

"We do not welcome demons!"


Surprised by the fact that they knew that he wasn't human, Jun looked at them with a hint of seriousness but soon calmed himself down.

At the end of the day, they were human. Artificial humans, but humans non the less. It was impossible for them to go against him.

"Since you know that I'm a demon, you should understand that this toy *Points at the halberd* is useless."

"Useless or not, it is our job to protect the Einzbern family. Even if it kills us." The taller homunculus said before shouting "Leysritt!"

"How loyal." Jun mocked side stepping the halberd that was stabbing towards his face.

Waving his hand, a flash of blue light exploded out of him as Leysritt found that her halberd had become significantly lighter.


Hearing Sella's scream, Leysritt barley avoided the slash aimed at her head.

Jumping back towards Sella, she found that the white haired demon had somehow managed to arrive in front of her sister maid.

Balling his hand into a fist, Jun delivered a simple jab to Sella's stomach and sent her flying towards the castle. Activating his Shundo technique his body flickered and appeared before the falling Sella. Grabbing her by the ankle he used his demonic strength to lift her up and repeatedly slammed her body into the concrete.

"Did she break already?"

Seeing as how Sella wasn't moving Jun thought that he must have already pushed her physical body past its point of tolerance. Letting go of her foot, he watched it limply fall to the floor.

'She should still be alive.'

While he was thinking about Sella's condition, Leysritt discovered the reason her halberd suddenly felt so light. The area connecting the head and staff had been cleanly severed leaving her with the staff part of the weapon.

What Jun just did should have been impossible. Leysritt's halberd is made of a material called Rhenium. A rare and valuable metal that exceeds the tungsten steel used in the armor plating of tanks. So for Jun to make a dent on it let alone sever it should have been an impossibility without using a weapon.

But what she didn't know was that Jun had a sword made of material far sharper than what she could imagine. And the staff in her hand is proof of that.


After making sure that Sella was still breathing, Jun turned towards the other homunculus.

From what he could remember, Sella and Leysritt shouldn't have even been born yet. It seems that the God who made this experimental world chose to mess with a few things. It would explain how there were so many different variations of hell existing in one universe. He wondered what this version of Gaia would do if he threatened the earth? Or does Gaia and the counter force work in the same way that they did in the fate franchise? And if they did, then what is their view on the devils angels and other supernatural entities that invade their territory?

Moving out of the way he dodged the staff that was swinging at his head. Jumping from left to right he evaded another attack and sent the homunculus flying with a kick.

'If I remember correctly, Leysritt is said to have physical strength that is on par with Medusa. So around B-.'

'I wonder if I can tank an attack of that level with my childish body?'

Standing his ground, Jun watched as Leysritt dragged her body up from the ground.

'Looks like her defense is pretty good.'

Gripping her staff with both hands, Leysritt pushed off the ground and charged at the white haired child.

Smirking at her actions, Jun slid his hands inside his pockets as a wide grin crept onto his face.

Closing in on him, Leysritt held the staff above her head and used her inhuman strength to swing it down with enough force to bend metal.


Leysritt (Fate series)

Sella (Fate series)

Daruku_Hoshino (Nanana's burried treasure)

Sakura_Matou (Fate series)

Aradacreators' thoughts