
Aino´s life

"I expected different situations from my family, being farmers or ninjas from other nations, but never that it was as big as this"

Finishing recapitulating all his memories Hajime murmurs to himself as Yugao begins to look between the tombstone and Hajime trying to join the data.

As they stood in front of the tombstone a series of steps could be heard behind them coming from the outside towards them, as Yugao perceived them she stood in front of Hajime to protect him by sheer instinct.

Due to the low visibility of the cave, they could only see the silhouettes approaching slowly.

"I can know what he does next to my husband's grave"

When a young woman enters the room, a voice is cast from the shadows and although they could not see the faces of these people, they also could not see Hajime and Yugao.

"I apologized our intrusion, Miss, we just walked nearby and found this cave and I felt curious about the beautiful stone"

Although he lived more than a millennium ago on this earth his acquired memories were barely and for him, it was only a memory of yesterday, the voice of the woman came not from his wife Kaguya but from his great friend Aino who apparently could not remember Hajime's voice and although she should not be alive at this time he did not know that it had happened after his death.

"Yes, my husband was the best thing that ever happened to me in this life and my great love"

"Then your husband must have been enormously handsome and charming"

Seeing this Hajime could not pass up this opportunity to joke with a friend and more with the story that Aino was his wife.

"Good for a wife her husband will always be the most beautiful and charming person"

The more Aino flattered her "husband" the more Hajime smiled.

"Well we shared the same name so it made sense that it was so"

"Ho, that's an unexpected coincidence, so let me introduce my name is Aino, nice to meet you, Mr. Hajime"

"Nice to meet Miss Aino, it's indeed an unexpected coincidence, the good thing is that my wife's name is different or I'd be in trouble"

"Hehe, and what is his wife's name"

"It's called Kaguya"

Hearing her words Aino suddenly gets stuck in place as if she were struck by a sudden ray as she tremblingly looks up so she can see well the face of Hajime who receives her gaze with a soft smile.

Seeing Aino stop abruptly, her companion turned to see her find out the cause, but when she wanted to ask she was greeted by a small tear that stretched down her Aino´s cheek that when she saw her was also stopped.

"Neko could please leave us alone".


"Don't worry, she's an old friend, they won't hurt me"

Seeing Aino's reaction, Hajime no longer had any doubt of the person he was, seeing this he asked Yugao that he was now in his Anbu costume to retire without revealing his name, Aino also asked his companion to wait outside.

"So in my absence, I got a new wif -- "

As Hajime saw how both people were alleged he began to speak quietly but was interrupted by a sudden embrace that left him speechless.

"Don't say anything!, I don't want you to disappear again!, I've been hallucinating you all these years and every time I get close to you you disappear so don't say anything"

With the sudden act, Aino begins to hug Hajime more strongly as she begins to speak tremblingly.

"It's okay I'm not going to disappear, I'll stay next to you so don't cry please you know it's the things I hate the most"

Watching Aino cry so loud, Hajime could only hug her and wait for her to calm down and let out all her feelings, after 10 minutes Aino fell asleep in Hajime's arms.

Hajime seeing how slept her peacefully had no choice but to leave the place while carrying Aino.

As he left the cave he could watch as Yugao and the other person looked face to face prepared for any movement.

"You two stop or you're going to wake Aino."

Finishing Hajime's words, the two turn to see the entrance of the cave where they see how Aino was delicately charged by Hajime, which walks to a small area where he sits calmly before the eyes of the two people.

/ Flashback Aino/

Aino was born as a simple daughter of the castle bondage in the ancient country of the ancestors, where from a young age she was taught to be a good assistant and servant.

Being so small, she was assigned different tasks, it was obvious that he was wrong on several occasions by scolding her by superiors and her family, this was repetitive until Hajime appeared, the order given to Aino was to clean the dining room of the new warriors who had entered the battalion, but because she fell asleep she did not have much time to clean the place before the people arrived.

Aino was desperate to clean the dining room quickly without realizing that a young man had appeared behind her, quickly rising Aino begins to apologize to him, as she prepared to receive his scolding, but instead, he began to help her with the cleansing, from that time they began to meet several times and to talk about different subjects, discovered that the young man was called Hajime and was one of the new interns of the place see often.

With former, he spent the years Hajime won all the battles making him the most feared person in the country, because of this only the people closest to him normally spoke while others treated him with respect and fear.

All the maids of the castle did not want to appear nearby as they were afraid of him, so the one who spent the most time with him was Aino who knew his true self, she was happy that she was the only one who knew her kind side and having him to herself, for her Hajime was someone whom she admired from the bottom of her heart and who preferred to stain his hands with blood so that others did not have to suffer from the load.

Everything was normal for her until news of the emperor arrived Hajime had brought his girlfriend to the castle and they wanted Aino to serve him by being the closest to him, when she learned of this Aino did not know how to ration. Should you be happy that you finally he got someone to love? Or sad that Hajime was more out of her scope?

Upon entering the house made for Hajime and his girlfriend, Aino entered with many thoughts in her head, entering the room she saw Hajime's girlfriend sit on the mat, her name is Kaguya a woman so beautiful that she did not look like this world, Aino did not know how to present herself or act in front of her.

Although Kaguya seemed someone of few words she opened up more and more creating countless talks between they, with the time she spent with her she could notice that despite being a couple of boyfriends Hajime and Kaguya did not seem to be a couple, every time they have seen together the mood of both is a little cold, there are times when they do not even talk to each other and Aino has to talk about a subject to break the strange atmosphere, Aino could not even see a pee of affection in the look that Kaguya gave To Hajime as if for her only was to a friend.

Because of this Aino dared to ask Kaguya about it, but instead of answering his question he answered with another question, 'Do you love him?' with Kaguya's question, Aino did not know how to answer, inside she already knew the answer, but it was nothing more than a fantasy, like those maidens who find love with her prince, but one thing was fantasy and another very different reality, romances with high-ranking people would never work.

The seasons passed and Aino could see love begin to blossom between Hajime and Kaguya, Aino seeing the people most loved to her begin their relationship, holding back the love I felt for him as it would only bring trouble for all.

One day A news broke, Kaguya was pregnant, Aino was very happy as a sister who could not wait to see her nephews, but this happiness did not last long the neighboring empire had just sent an army and was in front of her country, Emperor Tenji along with Hajime quickly headed to the front along with her army to repel the attack Aino could only pray that everything happened without problems.

Her prayers were in vain after the army left an enemy army group along with the minister of that country came to take Kaguya, being only a few guards we could not face him, as the battle was to start Kaguya went to the front stopping the attack, with a mysterious force Kaguya repelled the enemy and even killed several of them in the process all were frightened by the sudden display of terrifying power.

The guards present at the beginning were afraid of such a demonstration, but as warriors trained by Hajime they preferred to concentrate on their mission which is to protect their commander's wife, along with Kaguya and Aino retreated to the sacred tree a place where no one wanted to approach.

When they finally believed that a new horde of enemies had escaped were spotted, the guards stayed in the same place to give Kaguya and Aino enough time to escape, running as fast as they could to the sacred tree began to hear the beginning of the fight, which were second they felt like hours with each step giving the fighting screams approached until a familiar cry for both sounded flipped to see the source of that cry and there were they could see Hajime coming to the fight stopping only that army.

Kaguya had finally got that fruit from the tree which with a single bite an immense force could be seen joining it, flying above the tree all the people stopped what they did to see it mesmerized by it when from the earth huge raises began to come out of the ground engulfing all people except Aino and Hajime, which unfortunately found itself in the latter.

Seeing this Aino could only run beside him and see his last moments, all the feelings she had suppressed exploded at that very moment, but it was too late and with a few words Hajime said goodbye to both.

Kaguya had the power to revive Hajime but the moment I tried it the soul of the latter had completely disappeared and with it, his hopes of seeing him again, with the broken heart of both the only thing that kept them alive were the little children who grew up inside Kaguya.

Kaguya had changed the memories of all the people of the world except Aino where they were treated as gods.

The moment the children were born was when both women smiled again with it Aino and Kaguya became more and more supporting at all times, although at first, she felt fearful of Kaguya's power that did not prevent their relationship from spoiling.

Aino's life was colored again when they had a family, they spent their days chatting with Kaguya and caring for the two little ones, their names Hagoromo and Hamura.

The years passed and the tranquility reigned the only evil were the changes that Kaguya was suffering at times was the remaining influence of the sacred tree that created chaotic thoughts on Kaguya.

Aino felt powerless in the face of this situation and was afraid of losing a loved one once again, although Kaguya had given him the so-called chakra could not be useful to her friend.

Time passed and those who were children became young adults, they treated both Kaguya and Aino equally since they asked Aino himself if they could call her a mother what she happily accepted as she could not refuse to the children of that man she loved, this was no longer a secret and both Kaguya and the children knew it.

Everything would be perfect if it weren't for Kaguya's changes that became increasingly recurring until one night it exploded, the kind and loving Kaguya became a block of ice being who just wanted to recover the chakra from all the beings of the world, Hagoromo and Hamura paled to stop their mother for several days until they were finally able to stop her, but the damage was already done by Kaguya when she woke up from that trance', she asked her children to seal her as a mother she did not want to harm her loved ones.

Seeing as someone else moved away from her, Aino's world collapsed again, seeing Aino in such a state Hagoromo and Hamura took longer in Kaguya's

sealing process so that even if it was sealed he could continue to talk to them to give Aino some hope.

Years passed and Hagoromo and Hamura began to form their families while an old Aino watched them, but it seemed that the problems would not leave Aino the remaining thoughts of the tree had escaped from Kaguya before being sealed creating a being seeking her resurrection.

Knowing this Aino made a huge decision and was to obtain an immortal body to take care of the Kaguya seal at the same time as she was looking for some solution for her both Hagoromo and Hamura at first they refused and as they would not they knew what this entailed was not a magnificent life as everyone thought if only one person would have to see as his loved ones and all those he knew to die slowly without her being able to do nothing, but this did not discourage Aino who would do anything to protect his family.

Although they could not give him immortality in himself, they could give him a body that would never grow old and die of old age, although it would follow the problem of dying of some wound or poison.

And so I began Aino's journey began, she trained to become stronger to protect Kaguya's seal and watch the world in search of that being, see civilizations grow and slowly collapse, the only clue she had of the enemy was when his 'grandson' Indra had awakened his power I tried to attack Asura.

Unsuccessfully she could only wait for it to be revealed again, the years went on and the fights continued if it were not for her to talk to Kaguya and his sons who remained in astral bodies Aino would have gone crazy.

There were nights when she could be seen with Hajime and Kaguya living happily.

Even though he showed a strong front over the years that passed the more Aino was falling apart and he wouldn't know how long he could resist.

/Flashback End/

Setting the sun on the Aino horizon had finally awakened.

"You're finally awake, Aino"

Opening her eyes slowly she could see who she has dreamed for hundreds of years, that without answering his question she slowly caresses Hajime's cheek as if she were afraid that if she made it stronger he would disappear.

"Although I don't care if you caress me, others will be uncomfortable about it"

As if Hajime's words pulled her out of a trance Aino not only did not separate from Hajime but instead she gets closer to him hugging him and burying her head in Hajime's chest.

Surprising not only the other two figures but also Hajime who foolishly looks at the little Koala who wraps him tightly.

"I've been dreaming you for countless years and you think that now that I finally have you, I'm going to leave you for something so trivial"

"Okay, you're in charge."


Falling night Yugao lit a small campfire where the 4 gathered around.

"And Hajime-st Aino-san would like to tell us that it is happening"

Unable to bear it anymore Yugao is the first to speak as she looked at the strange couple.

Hi everybody how are you

Here I bring you another chapter where I develop Aino a bit as a character.

I hope you like it and continue supporting the novel, your comments are welcome

hinnk_uricreators' thoughts