
In a forest

Jack gets Isekaid and his goal is to make it to the other side of the forest. Simple I'm just doing this for fun and I just posted so I feel more obligated to finish. *Warning* Bad grammar Bad at English I am not a very creative, consistent, good writer, etc. Writing style might be inconsistent. Bad character development I'm guessing 2 chapters a week there are going to be a lot of time skips later on Cover is mine

Mine_Blown · Aktion
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36 Chs

How it began

"That's how you can discover the angle of impact by knowing the size of the blood droplets and the distance from the blood to the area of convergence.


All the kids started to pick up their backpacks and were ready to head home. " Don't forget to study for tomorrow's tests, it's going to include some photos of a crime scene which you are goi-"

Before the teacher could finish Jack left the classroom and headed for the second floor. He went to his locker to pick up his sweater.

"I finally got a good job," said a person behind the locker door.

"What place accepted someone like you," said Jack not even looking to see who it was.

"I got accepted as a busser in a restaurant downtown"

"Now I'm even more curious about how someone like you managed to get a job like that"

"Man why are you like that"

"You know I'm joking" Said Jack as he playfully punched him on the shoulder, as they were leaving school. "So what are you going to do with the money."

"Guess guess guess" Said Dan with a grin. "I'm going to get those new shoes I've been talking about."

"With the grades you have it's better to save some money for college, or for a car. I'm not telling you not to spend money, but save some of the money"

"Man, why are you talking like my mom"

While they talked they reached the corner of the street

As Jack and Dan approached the corner to cross the street, Jack was about to say something when they heard a cacophony of car horns blaring. A truck had run through a red light, and the driver appeared to be falling in and out of consciousness. As the truck careened towards an old lady in its path, Dan sprang into action, rushing past Jack to reach her in time.

Jack hesitated, unsure of what to do. He watched as Dan reached the old woman and managed to get out of the truck's path just as it swerved to avoid them. But before Jack could react, he found himself sent flying backward as the truck barreled towards him.

He felt a sudden cold and hot sensation, struggling to breathe as his vision grew blurry. Dan rushed over to him, shouting something that Jack could barely hear.

"Don't worry, buddy, you're going to be okay. Someone's calling an ambulance. Just hang on for me, okay?" Dan said.

" I don't want to die yet"

'I still haven't had my first girlfriend. I haven't finished my last year of high school either. I also haven't finished growing. I'm only 5'4 at the moment and most importantly my family. I guess I'll meet you soon brother.' That was all he could think of before he lost consciousness and his body went limp.

"Jack, stay with me, come on we have so many things to do." Dan kept begging Jack to respond to give him a little bit of hope. As he was letting out tears for his best friend, the one that had been with him for more than thirteen years.

Dan pleaded with Jack to stay with him, his voice shaking with emotion. "Come on, Jack, stay with me. We have so many things to do," he said, his heart aching for his best friend of thirteen years.

Tears streamed down Dan's cheeks as he watched Jack's lifeless body. He couldn't imagine a world without his friend, without the person who had been there with him all the time.

But no matter how hard he pleaded, no matter how many tears he shed, Jack remained unresponsive. Dan felt a sense of despair wash over him, realizing that his friend was truly gone.

He stayed by Jack's side, holding his hand and whispering words of hope, even though he knew that Jack would never respond. At that moment, all he could do was grieve and remember the times they had shared together, cherishing the memories that would live on in his heart forever.

Darkness surrounded Jack, and he felt a sense of fear wash over him. He was hallucinating, seeing grins and smiles that appeared and disappeared before his eyes. He tried to close his eyes, but he realized that he had no body, no eyes – he was just there. Time passed, and Jack learned how to zone out more than usual. He heard noises, songs that weren't anything special. Then he saw a small dot of light that gradually grew larger.

As Jack approached the light, he realized that it was surrounded by other, less shiny lights. He was heading toward a galaxy, and he could see a planet in the distance. He kept getting closer and closer, feeling a slight resistance until suddenly, he felt pain for the first time in what felt like an eternity. The pain grew worse as he approached the planet's surface, and he saw that he was heading towards the bottom part of a continent, he hit the ground at a blazing speed. Surprisingly, there was no crater, and he seemed to be fine.

He was wondering what to do when suddenly, a wave of pain hit him. He struggled to stay conscious, but he felt himself losing consciousness. Just as he was about to black out, the pain grew worse and worse, and he tried to stay awake with all his might, but eventually, he succumbed to the pain, and everything went black.

The first few chapters are going to have around 1k words but I'm going to try to increase it later on. Any idea on how to make the chapter better, comment and I'll try to apply it.

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