
In a forest

Jack gets Isekaid and his goal is to make it to the other side of the forest. Simple I'm just doing this for fun and I just posted so I feel more obligated to finish. *Warning* Bad grammar Bad at English I am not a very creative, consistent, good writer, etc. Writing style might be inconsistent. Bad character development I'm guessing 2 chapters a week there are going to be a lot of time skips later on Cover is mine

Mine_Blown · Aktion
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36 Chs



[ Status ]

[ Name: Jack Roman ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Level 1 ]

[ Exp 0/100 ]

[ Health 100/100 ]

[ Strength: 10 ]

[ Speed: 10 ]

[ Stamina:10 ]

[ mana:0/0 ]

[ unassigned points: 2 ]

[ skill: Appraisal lvl1 ]

"So these are my stats, huh, guess it was changed, so 1 speed is probably around 1mph, and strength I'm not sure but that must be why I feel so much weaker than before. I also have magic, so that goods but this mean that this is a magic world which means that I'll have to face monsters while I'm in the forest."

The thought of facing monsters in the forest made Jack nervous, but he couldn't help but feel intrigued by the prospect of using magic. He began to daydream about all the things he could do with this new skill.

As he started to get off track, Jack reminded himself to stay focused. He had a lot of questions and doubts about this new world, but he knew that he needed to take things one step at a time. As he looked at his stats again, Jack noticed that he only had one skill: appraisal.

He wondered if there was a way to gain more skills, or if repetition was the only way. Despite his curiosity and uncertainty, Jack felt his eyelids growing heavy. He had many more thoughts and questions, but he was too tired to think of anything.

Jack examined his stats and realized that his body had been altered to have all his stats at 10. While this might have been helpful if he had been weaker before, it only made him weaker now.

However, he noticed that he had unassigned points that he could use to bring his stats up. He also realized that he had levels, which meant that he could level up and earn more points to strengthen his body.

But he knew that it would only get harder to level up as he progressed, so he decided that we would try to use his points wisely. As he thought about his body, Jack realized that he didn't know how dangerous the area was.

He decided it was better to strengthen himself just in case, even though he knew that exercising might be a better long-term solution. But Jack also wanted to explore the magical aspect of this new world. He wondered how magic worked and if there were ways to gain more skills.

Although Jack was eager to test out his newfound magic, he knew that he had more pressing tasks to complete. He needed to finish his shelter and make a weapon. As he worked on the shelter, Jack realized that it wouldn't take much longer to finish. He planned to gather more materials tomorrow and complete the task.

He made several trips to gather the palm fronds, cutting them down and weaving them together. He also gathered some trees that he had stripped of their bark and cut them into logs. Next, Jack searched for the perfect stone to use as a tool. He found one near the stream and heated up some other stones for the water.

With his materials in hand, He used a stone to split the wooden logs, working carefully and methodically. When the space was wide enough, he inserted the stone and began hitting it with another stone. The logs split easily, and Jack was pleased with his progress.

Jack worked diligently on his shelter, using stones to secure the wooden logs in the ground. He then added more wood horizontally and tied it against the other wood to keep it secure. He built three walls before moving on to the roof.

Using longer pieces of wood, he made one wall bigger to create a slight slant. He then tied the palm fronds against the walls, throwing dirt on the roof to complete the shelter. Next, Jack moved on to the door.

He didn't know how to make a proper door, so he simply adjusted the size of the wood and added some palm fronds. He left a space for the door and adjusted a piece of wood from the wall to create a spot for a stick. Using extra string, Jack wrapped it around the stick to create a door that could easily swing open and closed.

He repeated the process on the other side, tying it so that it wouldn't come off. As he stood back to admire his work, Jack felt a sense of pride wash over him. He had created a functional shelter with his own two hands, using only the resources available to him in this new world.

[ crafting acquired ]

[ crafting leveled up ]

[ crafting leveled up ]

"I guess that's another skill."

After drinking some water and eating some food, Jack finally had time to explore his newfound ability: magic. He sat down and crossed his legs, eager to see how it worked. Since there was no immediate danger, Jack closed his eyes and focused on feeling the mana inside his body.

He concentrated for several minutes, but there was nothing at first, except for the sound of the leaves rustling and the wind passing by his ear. Undeterred, Jack stayed in his meditative pose and continued concentrating.

Finally, he saw something: the outline of his body in front of a dark space with little lights, like looking up at the night sky. Inside the outline, there was a blue speck following a path, moving at a very slow speed.

'I got it

Although he had been kicked out of the space when he first saw what he thought was mana, Jack couldn't help but feel excited. It was better than nothing, and he was eager to see more. "I gotta do it one more time, one more time," he said to himself, determined to explore further.

With a deep breath, Jack closed his eyes and focused on feeling the same sensation as before. It didn't take as long this time, and he soon found himself in the same space as before. As he looked around in awe, Jack couldn't help but exclaim, "Woooah."

Jack could see the outline of his body and the path of the mana veins, but he couldn't see his physical body. He tried to move the outline with his mind, but nothing happened. Intrigued, Jack moved closer to the outline to inspect it more closely.

As he did, he felt a sucking force and suddenly found himself inside the body. He was transparent except for the outline and the little blue dot, and he looked at his hands, wanting to see if he could move them. He tried to clench his hands, but he was kicked out of the body again.

Jack realized that when he moved into what he called "body two," he also moved into his physical body at the same time. Determined to explore further, Jack got back into a meditative position and went back.

He entered the body but did not move this time. Instead focused on the dot that was moving through his body through the veins, he let it move through his whole body again and again. It was a lump of nothing just traveling through his body. There was nothing inside the ball.

Moving on from that he looked at the glowing spots that looked like stars, he wondered if this new world of magic would be like the manhwa he once read.

With a sense of curiosity, Jack willed one of the stars to come towards him. It slowly got near him, and when it entered his body and nothing happened so Jack made it go toward the space in his stomach.

As Jack swallowed the small white dot, he felt a slight discomfort in his stomach at first. But soon after, the dot began to bounce around inside him, causing him intense pain that seemed to last for an eternity. He collapsed onto the floor, writhing in agony, and clutched his stomach tightly as if trying to squeeze out the pain.

His face contorted with a mixture of pain and fear as he realized something was terribly wrong. The pain grew more intense with each passing moment, and he could feel his body convulsing uncontrollably. As he tried to get up from his meditative pose, he felt like his insides were being ripped apart.

' what have I done?' Jack thought to himself, as he groaned and grunted, unable to contain the agony any longer. His eyes became bloodshot, and blood started to flow out of his ears. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't find the strength to do so.

'It hurts so much, make it stop,' he pleaded silently, as the pain became unbearable. Jack finally passed out on the ground, his body still twitching involuntarily from the intense spasms.

Even in his unconscious state, Jack's body continued to writhe and convulse, as if trying to expel the foreign object that was causing him so much pain. The little white dot had turned into a liquid, and Jack's body was struggling to cope with the foreign substance.

The twitching gradually subsided as the minutes ticked by, and Jack's body fell silent. He remained unconscious for a while. When he finally woke up, he felt weak and disoriented, but the pain had subsided somewhat.