
In a Fantasy World With a Gacha System

Jonathan Crane. Luscious Morning Star. Two people from two different worlds. One from a world much like ours excusing the higher levels of technology. The other from a world of magic, superpowers, and gods. These two should have never met. And yet in one's desperation in one's final moments they called out desperately to the void for assistance. But it did not come as a knight in shining armor nor a reincarnated being with unlimited power. Rather it came as a fusing of their two souls. A fusing that would shake the world to it's core. So no this is not the story of Johnathan Crane and Luscious Morning Star. This is the story of a newly created being with a particular system to help him on his journey.

ForThe_Lolzs · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Void and Pain

You know it's funny how all it takes is one moment for your entire life to come to an abrupt end.

Some die by making a series of bad choices that lead to their death.

Others die willingly, ready to face their death with open arms.

Then there are those who simply were at the wrong place and at the wrong time.

I was of the latter.

For you see I did not fuck up Majorly that day, nor was I ready for the embrace of  death and willingly killed myself.

On that day, March 18 of 2020 to be exact, I was simply listening to music while enjoying a nice walk on a mildly sunny day.

Then a meteorite flying at speeds unimaginable to the human eye hit me directly in the face, killing me instantly, and sending me to the void I am in now.

Not the best way to die that's for sure, but at least  I didn't die in a humiliating manner.

Still you could imagine the frustration that flowed through me at my abrupt death.

Thankfully death didn't seem to last long as not even a moment later a bright light encompassed me entirely knocking me into unconsciousness.


The first things I felt upon awakening was not  the pleasant  sensation of a gentle summer breeze nor the fierce heat of an unfamiliar sun bathing my face with its rays. 

No, rather the first thing I felt upon recovering from my death was pain as something powerful impacted my ribs, not only sending me flying into a smooth cold object, but literally shattering the left side of my ribcage. 

Screaming out in pain my eyes shot open trying to take in the world around me, but ultimately failing. 

Everything was blurry and nothing made sense to me as my senses were still flaring up in pain. Only blurred figures standing tauntingly over me were visible.  Even the words in which I knew they spoke were nothing more than a garbled mess that caused my head to ache. 

[  Power, Soul Fusion(Random)  was activated. New soul  has been acquired. Now preparing to merge souls. User confirmation needed]

Suddenly having a robotic voice speak to me only added  fuel to my already confused senses. Unfortunately I wouldn't get time to adjust to anything as one of the figures slammed only what I could assume to be it's hand on my face.  The responding crunch  and pain that followed told me all I had to know as I once again felt  my sense worsen.

My world spun as I laid on what I only could assume to be ground helplessly. The figures standing menacingly over me. 

[  Power, Soul Fusion(Random)  was activated. New soul  has been acquired. Now preparing to merge souls. User confirmation needed]

Once again that same robotic voice resounded inside my mind. My mind in the state that it was could not understand anything the voice said, nor what this could do to me if I gave confirmation.  But I did not care, I was grasping for something to save me 

" C-confirmation g-given." I said out loud. Though to others it would be barely a whisper. 

[ Permission granted to merge souls. Now merging the souls of Johnathan Crane and Luscious  Morning Star…]

Then in a flash of light I knew no more.

Yes chapters will be short but I will try to make it up with quantity.

ForThe_Lolzscreators' thoughts