
In a Different World as a Side Character

Kanbaru Akito is living a normal life. But, due to an unexpected incident that caused him to be summoned by a Goddess, he now lives as Zero Hashura, an Adventurer in a new world... Well, as a side character, that is.

Izaya_Hasegawa_ · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 25 - Hikosa Tribe

It's the 16th of August, year 418 here in Dunia.

These are my current goals:

- Beat the Demon Lord

- Investigate the Enemy God's Servants

- ???

- Profit (Live a peaceful life)

The first one is already a pain in the ass, but the bigger problem immediately presented itself.

I'm just in the Realm of Mortals, so shouldn't conflicts about the Realm of Gods come much much later?

I even skipped the Realm of Celestials... and I have no idea what that place even is about whatsoever...

I didn't even know it existed before Lichtia-sama mentioned it to me...


We bid our farewells to Queen Hildegard, Saffy-hime and Elton early in the morning.

We're currently at a memorial park where many Adventurers are buried.

[Mother, father, how are you doing on that side? I'm currently having the best time of my life. I have my friends here with me. You should know who Iris is, but I gained a new precious friend; Zero.] (Ace)

[Robert-san, Jenny-san, your blockhead of a son has been very good to me.] (Zero)

[Uncle, auntie... Please be at ease... I'll always be at Ace's side so he'll never be sad again.] (Iris)

[Haha... You're always saying that, Iris. Why don't you tell them something else?] (Ace)

Iris blushed a bit.

She then opened her mouth to vow another thing in front of Ace's parents.

[I promise... I promise that I'll accompany Ace for one-hundred years!] (Iris)

If... If there was a 'God of Fate', then he must playing with me...

He must be laughing at me right now, anticipating what my face would look like after Iris said those words. Do you think this is funny, huh? Screw you...

[Thanks, Iris. Since you decided to stick with me, I promise that I'll always protect you.] (Ace)

[Ace...] (Iris)

[Iris...] (Ace)

This... how should I feel about this...

[Look at the two of them enter their own world.] (Lichtia)

[Lichtia-sama! You're here.] (Zero)

Suddenly, Lichtia-sama's voice rang inside my head.

[So, did you notice anything?] (Lichtia)

[Ah, yes. For now, although everyone is a suspect, my main suspects are currently Yanzo-san... and Elton Maverick. After them are Genji Armand and Chujo Thonor.] (Zero)

[Your reason?] (Lichtia)

[First, all of these four people didn't exist in the timeline... or rather, "alternate world" I knew.] (Zero)

["The Fangs of the Demon Lord", huh? I've seen it before on Earth. It was only recently that I realized that the world I've transported you to is one of its alternate counterparts.] (Lichtia)

So apart from alternate timelines, alternate worlds are also common.

Both are ruled upon by the God of Time and God of Space, respectively.

But to think that a Light Novel series' world was actually real in a different dimension... I guess infinity really knows no bounds.

[But my claims are far from solid. I must travel farther and meet more people. Plus, if the worst case scenario is that Servant's strength being stronger than the Demon Lord, then I'll need more power before even thinking about confronting them.] (Zero)

[Very good. Just continue what you're doing. You don't need to worry about what's happening on my end... at least for now.] (Lichtia)

[Don't worry, Lichtia-sama. If you have any orders for me, I won't hesitate in following them.] (Zero)

[That's what I'd like to hear. Then, I shall tell you some pieces of crucial information.] (Lichtia)

[What is it, Lichtia-sama?] (Zero)

[Carta-sama has sealed every god's power to a certain extent. We are now unable to use our Godly Powers outside the Realm of Gods. Carta-sama could've just sealed the rogue gods' powers totally, but unless she's sure of their identities, she can't make a move. After all, they are still gods with duties. All three realms would be plunged into unnecessary chaos if they suddenly become powerless. Finally, Carta-sama tried to seal a certain god's powers... but failed. This basically meant that "that mastermind-god" has obtained some sort of power that are outside the jurisdiction of even Carta-sama, a Guardian God. This also solidified his identity as the mastermind of all this.] (Lichtia)

[I see... That means although gods are unable to do anything against mortals and celestials, they also can't do anything to assist them. Also... since Forbice-sama is still missing, there's a possibility that "that mastermind-god's" power that even a Guardian God can't touch is... a plundered power...] (Zero)

There's a hole in my claim though.

If "that mastermind-god's" power is indeed stolen, then the only god he could've stolen it from, is the other Guardian God apart from Forbice-sama and Carta-sama.

This is because Forbice-sama would've just sealed "that mastermind-god's" power upon confronting him.

But from what I know, not even Forbice-sama and Carta-sama know that other Guardian God's location.

[That... You must be extra-careful from now on. I won't be able to save you from any life-threatening situations. And with Forbice-sama's situation... we're still clueless. Anyway, just be mindful of danger so you don't get your life suddenly taken.] (Lichtia)

[Thank you for your concern, Lichtia-sama.] (Zero)

[Mn. Then, I shall return now. I'll be even busier than before so don't expect me to contact you soon.] (Lichtia)

[I understand.] (Zero)

When Lichtia-sama left, the three of us rode the carriage and left the city.

[We'll head straight towards Kantario Desert.] (Zero)

[That'll be quite the journey...] (Iris)

[No no. What I mean to say is that we'll literally head "straight" there.] (Zero)

[How are we gonna do that?] (Ace)

Fortunately, I've already mapped out our progression.

[First, we need infinite storage. For that, I planning to find "that" artifact.] (Zero)

[...] (Ace/Iris)

[Second, we need something for easy transportation. And for that, I want to ride Dragons!] (Zero)

[!!!] (Ace/Iris)

[Then...] (Zero)

[Wait, wait, wait! An artifact that can hold infinite storage space is already ridiculous, but a "Dragon"?!] (Ace)

[Zero, are you really planning to find and ride a Dragon?! Are you serious...?] (Iris)

[Why wouldn't I be serious? I know a lot of Dragons around this world. Although they don't know me yet, I'm sure I can convince them with the right words... If not, a little force might do the job.] (Zero)

[He plans to force a Dragon to submit if it refuses!] (Ace/Iris)

[We'll help you, of course... But do you think we'll be able to accomplish it? Are we strong enough?] (Iris)

[I'm sure we'll be! If Zero proposes a plan, then I'm sure he has considered all the factors to make that plan as feasible as possible.] (Ace)

[You flatter me too much. I merely want to speed up our mission. I want to live a peaceful life as soon as I can...] (Zero)

The highest ruling realm is currently facing a crisis though...

[Don't worry, Zero... There will always be "hope". If we believe that hope exists, then we'll persevere in the end!] (Ace)

[That's just like you, Ace] (Iris)

Ace is right.

I just gotta look straight ahead and overcome all the obstacles with determination.

At that moment, a figure ran in front of our carriage.

It was a beastwoman.

She's being chased by bandits...

But from what I can remember, those bandits aren't ordinary bandits.

[Iris, Zero.] (Ace)

[Understood.] (Zero/Iris)

I immediately stopped the carriage and jumped out.

The three of us got ready to fight.

Finally, the girl's legs gave out when she crossed to the other side of the road, and then she fell to ground.

She was looking at our direction.

Her navy-blue eyes were hazy, but filled with hope.

However, they insisted on closing.

She was too weak to stay conscious.

[Hehe, just give up, little girl. Your friends are all dead. Just tell us where the rest of you are and we'll consider sparing you as our boss' plaything.] (?)

A skinny middle-aged man with an ugly face said.

[Hey!] (Ace)

Ace arrived in front of the guy, pointing his sword at him.

Iris went towards the girl to start healing her.

I, on the other hand, flanked the rear.

These guys... I clearly remember these guys...

They're among the vilest and scummiest men among this world...

As an audience of the original series, I was itching to kill them myself.

Although I haven't seen them do anything in this timeline, in this world, their current actions are enough to tell me they're just as bad, if not worse.

This time, I'll be able to kill them.

In my eyes, and I'm sure, in Ace's and Iris' eyes, these guys are not even humans.

They're even lower than animals.

[Huh? Who're you?!] (?)

Seeing Ace's and Iris' outfits, and the silver plate on their shoulders, all of the bandits immediately smiled.

[Silver-Ranked Adventurers? Brat, if I were you, I would scram the hell outta here!] (?)

The skinny guy said.

But as soon as his eyes laid on Iris.

[Holy shit! This guy's got a babe on his side. Fuck, how can this bastard be so lucky?!] (?)

All of the men immediately revealed lustful eyes after seeing Iris.

[Bastard... I would've advised you all to leave, but it seems like I have no choice but to kill you all.] (Ace)

[HAHAHAHA!!!] (?)

Every one of the bandits immediately laughed their souls out.

If I remember correctly, these guys are on par with Gold-Ranked or even Platinum-Ranked Adventurers.

More than that, their higher-ups are even stronger.


[-!!!] (?)

But before they could follow up their laughter with insults and curses, blood suddenly splattered everywhere.

The skinny guy's face was immediately painted with fear and terror.

Without even looking, he can tell that everyone behind him had died through Ace's Silver-Ranked sword.

The blood that reeked all over the place was enough to tell him that.

As a veteran bandit, the smell of blood was all too familiar.

[I'm sure Zero already knows who you guys are, but I'm leaving you alive for a while.] (Ace)

[B-B-Bastard! They are many of us around this place! Prepare to get killed by our reinforcements!] (?)

The skinny guy was shivering in fear.

It was evident that although he has taken many lives, he's still unfamiliar with the feeling of his life getting taken instead.

But, it was impressive that he still has the guts to threaten Ace.

He was confident that his men, who were hiding in the forest, are enough to take care of Ace.

[Men! Men! Bastards! Where the fuck are you?!] (?)

He looked behind and saw a figure walking.

Of course, that figure was me.

[Oh sorry about that. They didn't even know how they were killed, so of course, they wouldn't be able to respond.] (Zero)

Seeing me approach slowly, he started to tremble even more violently.

He looked at my Silver-Ranked sword, which was drenched in blood, with fear.

[Iris, take the girl to our carriage. We'll handle things from here.] (Ace)

[Mn.] (Iris)

Iris immediately leaped back to the carriage, carrying the unconscious girl.

[Zero.] (Ace)

[Yes, leader.] (Zero)

The man was shivering nonstop.

This, was without a doubt, the worst day of his life.

[W-Who are you guys?! We didn't do anything to you! L-Let me go! If you want money, we'll give you money!] (?)

Suddenly, I threw a dagger towards his hand.

[Aggghhh-!!!] (?)

It impaled his hand to the ground.

[A Teleportation Crystal, huh? Not bad. That bastard, Owen, actually gave you one.] (Zero)

[H-H-How do you know the name of our boss?! W-Who are you?!] (?)

[Look, just shut up, okay? Stop asking questions. We don't entertain dead men here.] (Zero)

I approached him put my face near his.

[I'm only gonna ask you this one time-] (Zero)

Because I bent my body, my real Guild Card suddenly fell out of my breast-pocket.

[Oops, sorry about that.] (Zero)

[Adamantium-Ranked?!?!?!] (?)

I put back my Guild Card in my other pocket and continued the interrogation.

[Eherm. I'm only gonna ask you this one time. Why is your Black Dog Bandits attacking the Hikosa Tribe? What's Owen's plan? I have my guesses, and if I feel like you're lying to me, you can forget about getting back with an arm and leg.] (Zero)

[You'll take me back? You won't go back on your word?] (?)

[Well, I will take you back. We'll come back to your headquarters together. But, do you think you have the luxury to even ask me that?] (Zero)

[I'll talk, I'll talk! H-H-He plans to take over them because someone told him about a treasure located deep within the tribe's forbidden area!] (?)

[Who told him?] (Zero)

[H-He called himself Dexo!] (?)

[I see. Everything makes sense to me now.] (Zero)

[You'll allow me to go back?!] (?)

[I never break my promises. Of course you'll be able to go back... as corpse, that is.] (Zero)

The moment I saw his expression change, I stabbed his heart and took his dog-life.

Although I firmly believe his and his guys' deaths were well-deserved... killing them still felt... bad.

Ace must feel the same.

I can tell, looking at his displeased expression.

Apart from the skinny guy, I burned their corpses using Fire Magic.

Although it's weaker than Iris', it's more than enough to completely incinerate them.

We continued our journey, but this time, we're headed towards Hikosa Tribe.

[She's fine. I successfully healed the serious wounds on her sides. She fell asleep after I stabilized her condition.] (Iris)

[Thank goodness...] (Ace)

I was currently driving the carriage into the forest.

Shoulder-length, scarlet hair...

Navy-blue eyes...

Petite yet alluring figure...

Devastatingly beautiful face...

A cute snaggletooth...

Fluffy cat ears and tail...

This girl... She's Melany Sith.

She's one of the main character in the series.

We would've met her right after the Lizardmen incident, but everything went off-course.

That said, she should be inside the Zephyrine Kingdom's territory, or at least in Ilram Town, since she left to go on a journey by herself.

Those Black Dogs must be the reason why she never left.

Their tribe would need as many forces as they can muster to defend themselves against the enemy.

That said, I don't plan on telling those two about Melany's role in my "dream" until they become good friends through natural means.

Not long after pondering to myself, she woke up.

I also stopped the carriage because we were deep enough that only going by foot would work.

[Yo, I see you've woken up.] (Zero)

I said, emerging from the driver's seat.

[I'm Iris Kinsley. These two are Ace William and Zero Hashura. What's your name?] (Iris)

Ace and I smiled while waving our hand.

Melany is younger than us.

She's fifteen years old.

Unlike humans, the age of adulthood for beastmen is thirteen years of age.

So it's better if we treat her as an adult.

After all, like most beastmen, Melany is pretty prideful.

[Thank you for saving me. I am Melany Sith from the Hikosa Tribe.] (Melany)

She bowed.

Straightforward as expected.

Well... this is her attitude... at least for strangers that she respects.

This isn't the personality that she shows towards the people she's close to.

[Ace William-dono, Zero Hashura-dono, Iris Kinsley-dono... I would like to repay you. Please come visit our village.] (Melany)

[Seeing that those guys from the Black Dog Bandit group are targeting your tribe, the three of us can't possibly sit idly.] (Ace)

[After what happened earlier, we have decided to try and talk to your Chieftain.] (Zero)

I'm planning to go all in with the Hikosa Tribe.

Like the Kingdom of Zephyrine, they are good, trustworthy people.

Time to establish my second base.

[I see. Then, let me guide you there... Eh..? Z-Zero-dono. You seem like you know where you're heading to... Do you perhaps, know where our village is located?] (Melany)

[Yes. I know the way there.] (Zero)

[H-How...?!] (Melany)

She became restless.

The idea of an outsider nonchalantly heading towards their "hidden" village without batting an eye startled her.

[Ah... Iris, can you tell her?] (Zero)

[How much should I tell her?] (Iris)

[Everything.] (Zero)

I said with a smile.

[Eh-?! Everything?!] (Ace)

[Yeah. It's alright.] (Zero)

[O-Okay... Melany-san, you see...] (Iris)

Iris told her everything.

From when we met, to where I confessed my real identity.

She also told her about our secret mission.

[Y-Y-You're Heroes?! A-Adamamtium-Ranked too?!] (Melany)

Melany was flabbergasted as she held our real Guild Cards like their family heirloom.

[Mn... We're not lying, I promise. I know it's ridiculous, but please don't think we're liars.] (Iris)

[No, no. Not at all. What you've told me is indeed unbelievable and literally out of this world, but I can clearly tell that each of your words are true.] (Melany)

[Heavenly Sense. It's your gift, right?] (Zero)

[How did you-?! Oh... right...] (Melany)

[You'll get used to it, Melany-san...] (Iris)


Why are your eyes dead, Iris?

[Yeah... You'll get used to it...] (Ace)

Ace too?!

Why are your expression exactly like that certain priestess?!

[Melany-san, since you don't have a Guild Card, would you mind if we use Appraise on you?] (Zero)

[No, not at all. Please do as you want.] (Melany)

I took out a piece of special paper.

This paper will record what I've appraised, but unlike Guild Cards that uses blood to fuse with the host, it won't update automatically or gather EXP Points that can update one's ranking.

Name: Melany Sith

Race: Beastman

Job: None

Class: None

Rank: None


HP: 1988/2000

MP: 292/300

P.ATK: 358

M.ATK: 297

SPD: 420

P.RES: 310

M.RES: 321

AGI: 415

INT: 108

LCK: 120

T.DMG: 10%

(At the back)


- ?


- None


She should be a Gold-Ranked Adventurer with based from her HP, but all of her other stats are stronger than even Platinum-Ranked Adventurers!

As expected of the Hikosa Tribe's genius.

I wonder how a bunch of incompetent bandits managed to kill her companions and corner her.

Her Job, Class and Rank says "None" since she hasn't registered anything using a Registry Orb just yet.

[Here you go.] (Zero)

[Woah, so these are my current Status.] (Melany)

She'll become just as strong as Ace and Iris in no time.

If this all goes according to my plan, she'll ask to come with us on her own accord.

She's along with the "others" that are integral in defeating the Demon Lord...

For that mastermind-god's Servant, I'll think of a way to deter him or her as much as I can.

[Melany-san can you tell us what happened?] (Ace)

[Yes. I was leading our tribe's recon team. Halfway through scouting out the designated areas, we were suddenly ambushed by those guys... They focused on me, early on. Two powerful spear skills were used on the sneak attack against me. They didn't hit my vital spots but they managed to scrape my sides.] (Melany)

[Spear skills, huh?] (Zero)

[They should be at least Platinum-Ranked in strength.] (Ace)

[Well, the wound itself wasn't that deep when I dealt with it. But the negative effects of the skills were most likely the cause of their team's downfall.] (Iris)

[Yes. Since everyone else were only as strong as Silver-Ranked Assassins, they got wiped out pretty fast. I could barely move. The initial effects were Paralysis and Poison. Then, my vision started getting hazy. I was constantly defending against an endless flurry of attacks, sustaining large amounts of injuries. And by the time I recovered slightly, everyone was already killed.] (Melany)

[I see...] (Zero)

[I ran away as fast as I could. I knew there more men in the back if I tried to flee towards the village. If that happens, it's either they kill me, or follow me back killing me with everyone else in the village. All I could do was run towards the opposite direction, hoping that someone strong enough might help... I'm glad... you three were there...] (Melany)

Melany's eyes became moist.

Although the death of comrades were common among this world, she was still, in the end, a young girl of tender age.

There's no way she wouldn't feel despair, sorrow and guilt, especially with the fact that she was the one leading them.

[Melany-san...] (Iris)

Iris was tearing up as well.

She held both of Melany's hands tightly.

After a while, I noticed that Ace and Iris were looking at me with suspicious eyes.

[No. I did not plan nor predict that encounter earlier, so stop looking at me like that.] (Zero)

[Eh, really?] (Ace/Iris)

[I may have a clue of what the future might hold, but I don't have any ability like Foresight whatsoever...] (Zero)

The two just smiled bitterly at my reply.

Ace faced Melany and declared...

[Anyway, we'll accompany each other when we get to your village. You'll vouch for us to make an appointment with your Chieftain and we'll act as witnesses for what happened in the forest earlier.] (Ace)

Melany chuckled.

[Oh please, Ace-dono. Formalities won't even matter if it's you guys. No would dare take the words of an Adamantium-Ranked Hero lightly.] (Melany)

[O-Oh right... We're Adamantium-Ranked Heroes... I forgot about that for a second.] (Ace)

The four of us continued chatting with each other whilst walking towards the village where Melany's Hikosa Tribe lies.

[Is that it?] (Iris)

Oh, it seems like we've reached the place.

[Yes! We're here! My benefactors, welcome to our Hikosa Tribe.] (Melany)

Unless you're around a hundred meters outside the village's perimeter, you won't even notice a single hint of an existing civilization.

The wall of huge wooden stakes reinforced with Earth Magic could withstand a barrage of Advanced Fire Magic.

The warriors are brave and loyal.

The village itself was living a peaceful age.

Before we headed further, I grabbed Melany's hand from behind.

It startled her a bit.

[Y-Yes, Zero-dono?] (Melany)

[Everything we told you... Please keep it to yourself, at least for now.] (Zero)

She smiled in response.

[Don't worry, Zero-dono. I didn't have any plans on telling a single soul to begin with.] (Melany)

[Thank you...] (Zero)

Two guards with wolf ears approached us, brimming with vigilance.

[Who goes there? Melany? Who are these humans?] (?)

[Where are Craig and the others?] (?)

[Loro-oji-san, Quoya-oji-san, I'm only gonna say this once. You must address my benefactors with utmost respect. Not only did they save my life, they're also about to save our tribe.] (Melany)

The two wolf-guys stiffened.

She's this young, but her words hold so much weight.

I remember these two- Loro and Quoya.

Loro is the head guard, age thirty.

Quoya is his direct subordinate, age twenty-eight.

These two are currently the strongest warriors in the village, comparable to that of Diamond-Ranked Adventurers.

Well, apart from the forty-eight year old Goldov Heep who's also the tribe's Military Supervisor.

From what I remember, he's as strong as a Mithril-Ranked Hero... at most...

[Just... what happened?] (Loro)

[It's very serious. We must see Lord Chieftain right now.] (Melany)

[Great timing. They're currently holding a meeting inside the village hall. Your mother is also there. Come with me. Quoya, stay here. Miss, misters, please follow us.] (Loro)

Look at that sudden change in attitude.

Ah~ I love broad-minded people.

[Leave the gates to me.] (Quoya)

We entered the village and were met with everyone's gazes.

Eventually, we reached the village hall.

After opening the door, five beastpeople were seated around a meeting table.

[Lord Chieftain, Head Scout Melany Sith is here to make an urgent report.] (Loro)

Seeing us and hearing Loro's announcement, "someone's" expression distorted in shock but immediately returned to normal.

Sigh... so he's the traitor, after all.

I'm sure the motive's all the same.

Whatever, I'll just get this over with as fast as I can.

I just want to leave immediately and adventure together with Ace and the otheeers!!!

The old beastman with a build comparable to that of a grizzly bear stood up in anger.


It's Goldov Heep, alright.

[Loro! How dare you intrude without warning?! And who in the world are these human outsiders! How can you suddenly take them here?! Are you mad?!] (Goldov)

[Goldov-sama, with all due respect, we don't have time for this!] (Melany)

[What?! You-!] (Goldov)

[Everyone's dead! Everyone single of them.- Torka, Pam, Craig... They're all dead! We've been ambushed by Owen's dogs!] (Melany)

Melany shouted while trembling.

If Loro didn't close the door the moment we all went it, her voice might've been heard by everyone in the village.

Upon hearing what she said, the other four immediately stood up.

A beastwoman with cat ears and long scarlet hair pounced towards Melany and hugged her.

She was Melany's mother, Ginger Sith.

[My daughter! I'm-I'm glad you're safe! W-What happened?! Did you get hurt?!] (Ginger)

[Yes, mother. I was hurt. No, I was on the brink of death. In fact, I was already doomed to die the moment the ambush happened. I was their first target, being the strongest and the leader of the group. I didn't have the chance to help the others, and the when I came to, they're already gone...] (Melany)

The mother and daughter's tears streamed down their cheeks.

At that time, Burdock Rollio, the Village Chieftain, Adam Degrey, the Treasurey Supervisor, and Farco Libent, the Economics Supervisor, along with Goldov Heep, blew up in rage.

[That bastard Owen...!!!] (Goldov)

Goldov smashed the wooden table in pieces.

[Melany... Tell us... what happened... You're saying that my son... died... I demand... an explanation!!!] (Farco)

[What exactly happened?! Darc was also there... And you're saying he was killed?!] (Adam)

[Everyone, calm down. Iris.] (Ace)

[Okay.] (Iris)

Iris used her staff to remake that wooden table.

[We're here to help Melany-san explain the situation.] (Ace)

[Shut up, human! Who are you to talk?!] (Goldov)

[Shut your mouth, Goldov! Let them talk. We don't have time for your petty obstinacy.] (Ginger)

Sheesh, Melany's mom sure said it.

[You-!] (Goldov)

[Lord Chieftain, they were the ones who saved my life. And now, they are offering to help our tribe as well! Please, hear them out!] (Melany)

[Three guests, please have a seat. Loro, gather every warrior and defend the village at all cost. No one can neither enter nor leave until this meeting is finished. Go!] (Burdock)

[Understood, Lord Chieftain.] (Loro)

Loro dashed away after saluting.

All of us seated around the meeting table.

I'm just want to wrap this up and take Melany with us...

[Zero, go ahead.] (Ace)

[Yes, leader. Alright, listen up. First of all, there's a traitor among you guys.] (Zero)