
In a Different World as a Side Character

Kanbaru Akito is living a normal life. But, due to an unexpected incident that caused him to be summoned by a Goddess, he now lives as Zero Hashura, an Adventurer in a new world... Well, as a side character, that is.

Izaya_Hasegawa_ · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 21 - Chicken

My mother, Kanbaru Nanami had no one left in her family .

My father, Kanbaru Hiroto was a runaway.

They met, fell in love, and got married.

Then, they had me.

We lived happily as a family, but all of that disappeared when they died.

My mom worked as an editor at a Manga publishing company, while my dad was a Light Novel author.

Our house was big enough, and my dad had a car.

We were pretty well off.

One day when I was six, my parents left me in the care of our neighbors next door; the Takahashi family.

Our parents were really close and I was friends with their two children; Hajime-aniki and Minami, who was my age.

They've known each other since we moved here back when Minami and I were just three years old.

My parents went on a trip-for-two to spend some time as husband and wife.

Even though I was just a small child at that time, I was smart and mature enough to understand that they needed some quality time.

I agreed obediently which they took the wrong way.

They felt guilty seeing their child say yes to being left behind with an indifferent manner.

To take away their worry, I smiled seeing them off.

"Have a nice trip!" I said with a huge, cute beam on my face.

Two days passed and I was happily playing with Hajime-aniki and Minami.

Haruka-oba-san, their mom, suddenly got a call.

She called for Fuutarou-oji-san, her husband, mortified.

Minami and I were peeking from the stairs at that time so we didn't hear, but I got a feeling that it was something bad.

They saw me and called for me.

"They died in a traffic accident.", they said.

As a child, no matter how smart I was, the feeling of losing my parents felt just as heavy, if not heavier.

I braced for impact and miserably failed.

Haruka-oba-san and Fuutarou-oji-san hugged me ever so tightly.

They hugged me like I was their child.

They knew that I understood what they were saying- that my parents are gone and never gonna come back.

I didn't wail but tears were flooding down from my face.

For a kid of my age, losing a parent should've been traumatizing for the first few months.

But being able to understand further, I thought of the future.

They won't be there tomorrow, next week, or any day that came after.

They won't be around for any celebration.

They won't be around when I grow up.

They won't be around when I graduate, get a job and have a family...

Even as a child, my mind went all over the place.

I broke.

I cried myself to sleep that noon.

When I woke up, Minami was sleeping beside me.

She was hugging me tightly.

"Minami-chan, I can't breathe." I said.

"Akito-kun? Akito-kun!!! Waaah!" She cried upon waking up.

At that point, I felt like everything was hopeless.

It was laughable.

A six year old kid was having a midlife crisis.

"Does Minami-chan want to play?" I asked with a smile.

"Your mama and papa are gone and you're super sad, right? So we don't have to play right now!" She replied.

She was in tears but she continued talking.

"Don't worry, Akito-kun, mom and dad will be here. Onii-chan will be here. Minami will be here!" She smiled, with tears in her cheeks.

Upon hearing those words, I felt like there was hope- like there was light at the end of the tunnel.

"We'll be together for a hundred years!" She declared.

"Is that a promise?" I asked.

"It's a promise!" She replied loudly.

During that moment, I made my own promise to myself.

I will be Minami's friend 'til the very end.

I will prioritize her needs over my own.

I will make her happy.

Not long after that, my parents' bodies were recovered.

A small burial was held but only I was the real blood-related family member around.

Since my parents and I were really close with the Takahashi household, they were there.

They also knew about my parents' circumstances.

In the end, Haruka-oba-san and Fuutarou-oji-san took me in as their own.

They didn't adopt me, but they became my legal guardians.

Apparently, my parents' last will and testament stated that everything we had would be transferred to the Takahashi family, then to me once I reach the age of twenty.

I was supposedly the heir and Haruka-oba-san and Fuutarou-oji-san were the executors...

At least, that's what they said.

I didn't how those things worked back then but I had complete trust in the Takahashi(s).

They didn't sell our house because I wished for it.

I said that once I turn thirteen, I will live in our old house alone.

And also, once I grow up and get a job, I will try my best to repay everything they've done for me.

They knew that courtesy was futile so all they could do was accept my proposal while smiling bitterly.

Hajime-aniki and I were close, but he was seven years older than us so he kinda grew up and lived his own life.

Minami, on the other hand, was like my twin.

We did everything together.

And although I was smart, I still lacked mental maturity so our childhood was as normal as it could've been.

We played together, ate together, slept together and bathed together.

We had a lot of other friends in the neighborhood that were around our age, but none of them became as close to us as we were to each other.

Six years passed and we started growing.

Our mental maturity started growing too and of course, Haruka-oba-san and Fuutarou-oji-san knows it.

They forbade us from taking baths together.

Minami retaliated but I understood.

Of course, neither them nor I tried to explain anything to her.

Another year passed and I turned thirteen.

Just like I said on my "proposal", I will be living in our old house once again.

All those years that I spent living inside the Takahashi household, I did my best to show Haruka-oba-san and Fuutarou-oji-san that I'm responsible enough.

I helped do the chores as much as I can, while still enjoying my childhood to it's fullest.

I made sure that I know enough to decide for myself.

I even studied martial arts to protect myself (and Minami) and became pretty good at it.

And so, when that time came, they would approve of me.

For the first three nights, I slept at my house with Fuutarou-oji-san in a separate room.

It was just to make sure that I was safe.

Minami felt lonely, but I made sure that we can still hang out at any available time.

We can't sleep together anymore since we're gonna be middle school students by spring.

We're all grown up, and even she came to understand that.

Our middle school life began and it went pretty fine.

But, I restricted myself from interacting with Minami too much.

I wanted her to meet other students that she can be friends with- other girls that she can hangout with.

Of course, it upset her.

I can understand at least that much.

We've been practically inseparable for a decade, and here I am suddenly distancing myself for a reason that I shouldn't even be thinking about.

But I guess that was a problem on my part.

I try too hard to act like I'm mature just because I'm a little smarter.

But luckily, I came to understand the problem before I upset Minami even further.

I'm not really a loner.

I was friends with the whole class, and if I were to describe it like the ones from Manga or Light Novels, my status inside the class was just a tad lower than that of the class idol or the class hottie.

In Leyman's terms, everyone was okay with me.

I was quite good at adjusting myself with others, and I try to be as nice as I could.

My goal was to be as civilized as I can possibly be and watch over Minami without any outside hindrances.

But seeing Minami grow up as a really beautiful girl, I knew that some bastards would try to enter her life solely for stupid reasons.

That's when I stray being from "civilized" and become violent when necessary.

A month after we became middle schoolers, I established myself as someone close to Minami.

That way, no one would look at us with weird eyes whenever we go home together.

My aim was to be his body guard.

Fuutarou-oji-san and Hajime-aniki would beat me up if I don't take on that role.

At times, we get followed by some of our very curious schoolmates.

Of course I am aware, and I tell Minami about it.

And to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, I go inside my house and wait for them to go before going to Minami's house.

But at times, we get followed, or rather, sought after by some guys that aim for Minami.

I have confidence in my martial arts abilities, and never neglect exercise to keep myself in shape.

And so, I just tell Minami to go on ahead (while I take care of her malicious pursuers).

It's nothing serious.

I just beat them up until they decide that they'll never go near Minami again.

Of course, in the name of my Sensei, I let them punch me first.

That way, I have the justice of "self-defense" on my side.

I usually let them deal the first blow where there's people around.

I remember the faces of at least a few of those who witness the bastards hitting me first, and then, I run away.

Of course, the idiots would come after me, thinking that I'm afraid.

Then, I'll proceed to beat them up thoroughly when we reach my desired locations.

If they try to get me in trouble for beating them up, I just call over one random witness (that I persuaded beforehand) and pull the reverse uno card on them.

Some of my guy friends liked Minami, and knowing their characters, I had no problem with them asking her out.

I'm only after the bastards that go after her for shallow reasons.

Even if they were an otaku (like me), or even a weirdo (hey, I won't judge), I'd be cool with them asking her out as long as they keep themselves in check.

Sadly none of them made the cut for Minami herself.

They were all rejected.

And then, time passed and I happened to hear something I never would've thought I'd hear in my life.

Haha... Who am I kidding...

Of course, I've thought about it, countless of times... but decided to ignore it.

One day during our third year in middle school, I was waiting for Minami by the shoe lockers since we decided to go home together.

She and her friends were on cleaning duty.

But alas, I got tired of waiting and decided to get her.

I was on my way back to the classroom when I heard her and her friends talking with one another.

I instinctively hid myself and I didn't even know why.

Was it because they would always look at me with weird eyes whenever they see me and Minami talk...?

Anyway, they must've been the only ones left.

"So Minamicchi, are you and Kanbaru-kun going out yet?" said Aoyama Takako, one of her friends.

"E-Eh?! No! We're not going out! N-Not yet..." She replied.

"Kyaa~ How confident! Well, you better watch out. I heard that Kamejima-san from Class B has a huge crush on Kanbaru-kun." said Fujimoto Yukino, another one of her friends.

"Hehhh~ That's nothing! Minami liked Kanbaru-kun for the past five years!" Another girl, Kirisaki Reina, added.

"Seriously! You two should just go out already! You like him, and it's impossible for him to not have the same feelings." Yokodera Megumi said.


Am I hearing things?!

No, I'm definitely not hearing things!

But this... How should I put it...

It feels weird...

Should I go out with Minami?

Should I be the one to ask her out?

Aaaaarghhhhh! I can't decide!

You guys are probably thinking things like; "Stop being spineless and indecisive! Just confess first and ask her out! Boom, the end! Everyone is happy!".

But believe me. It feels really weird.

I felt like something's not right with that idea.

As I've said, I thought about Minami romantically many times.

Even when I try to deny myself, I can't help it.

She's just too cute, too kind, too perfect!

But the thought of "me" going out with "her"... Was it really okay?

Sure, she likes me, and I'd probably get a "yes" if I ask her out, but it felt strange...

It's a feeling that I couldn't explain.

I treasured her, and her happiness was all that I cared about.

But it was unclear to me if... what I felt for her was "love".

I ran back to the locker area knowing that they'll be out soon.

Minami and I walked home that day, with me being all restless and shit.

And so, I became confused.

Time passed by and we became sixteen, entering high school.

Aoyama and the three others were in the same school as Minami and I.

They were close friends, best friends.

And so, I convinced Minami to hang out with them more, or walk home with them more.

She agreed; with condition of walking home with me from time to time, and interacting with me in school like we're the closest friends ever.

My three best friends; Kasugi Shouyo, Tendou Yuuki and Kagurazawa Eiji attended the same school as me.

They were the ones that I mostly hung out with aside from Minami and my other friends.

I also decided to not do anything.

And I would only act romantically towards Minami if she was the one who confesses, and we become a couple.

I had no reason to reject her, after all.

Four months passed and everything was going well... until that day came.

"MINAMIIIIIIIIII!!!" I shouted as loud as I could as the driver-less truck ran over her, which caused her undeserved, untimely death.

I kept thinking about it...

Just who was that toy peddler?

What's with his sinister smile?

What happened to my body back then?

Why did he look, or rather "feel" familiar?

Did he do all that?

Was he the cause of Minami's death?

As I tried to think deeper, reality crushed me as I realized that she's never gonna come back, no matter how hard I try to figure everything out.

In that weird dream, she told me that I shouldn't waste my life just because she's not there...

But I found it really hard.

The regret I felt when I realized that I loved her... but it was already too late...

And then, Lichtia-sama appeared.

She transferred me inside Dunia, the world of our favorite series; "The Fangs of the Demon Lord".

I decided to leave my old world, serve Lichtia-sama and live a new peaceful life.

Well, it's a slightly different- no- a really different Dunia, but I'll still try my best to help vanquish the Demon Lord once and for all.

I just want to find my purpose in life once again, and finally, live peacefully.

And so I'm here.

I met the Main Character of this world, Ace William, and then the Main Heroine, Iris Kinsley...

We did some adventuring together, and defeated some enemies together.

Iris... I saw her in 2D, but when I transferred here, I never thought that she would look so similar to Minami in real life.

It felt weird.

It's like they're the same person.

The Iris Kinsley I knew was indeed similar to Minami; beautiful, kind, thoughtful, smart, and strong-headed.

But being face to face with her, talking with her and travelling with her... Something resonated within me.

I don't want to make the same mistake of denying my feelings, and then only accepting it when it's too late.

But I don't want to interpret it as love, when in truth, I'm just seeing Minami in her too much thus, directing false romantic feelings...

I want to make sure that I know what I feel.

Is it really love?

I don't know...

Maybe- since even though I smile and laugh whenever they flirt, even though I support their coupling as a side character, it hurts.

My chest hurts.

Is it jealousy?

Is it loneliness?

I'm still clouded in thought, that's why I'm in a big pinch right now.

[You... You're in love with her, aren't you? Iris, that is.] (Joe)

Joe suddenly asked... but since I'm still unsure, I don't know what to answer.

[Why would you suddenly ask that, Joe-san?] (Zero)

[The way you look at my daughter... Your eyes contained so much care and affection. It's almost like you've been in love with her for years.] (Joe)

Ehhh?! Really?!

[Hahaha! You must be exaggerating. She is my friend, so of course I care for her.] (Zero)

[But why did your eyes look so lonely when they were talking happily? You did a good job in coating that sadness with your warm smile, but I saw it. I can't be wrong.] (Joe)

This old man...

Was he always this good at figuring out people's feelings?

His perception is godlike...

Sigh... I'll just have to tell him the truth, huh?

[You got me... Sigh, to be honest, I'm not even sure. But if this feeling really is love, then I won't try to do anything. I... From the moment I met those two, I told myself that I would support them no matter what.] (Zero)

[I see...] (Joe)

[You can be relieved. I won't go after Iris even though I see her that way.] (Zero)

[Hmm... YOU CHICKEN!] (Joe)

The back of my head was suddenly smacked.

[Ehhh?!?!] (Zero)

[If you love her, then go after her! It's alright to be selfish when you love someone, you know? And my daughter can decide for herself. Even if she likes Ace, there's still a chance that she might choose you!] (Joe)

[But I thought you liked Ace...] (Zero)

[I do. And I like you both. Zero-kun, you're a good kid. I can at least tell that much. It's not like I want you to interfere with their relationship in a bad way. I just wanted you to make a decision that you won't regret.] (Joe)



[Regret... I see! Thank you for this, Joe-san.] (Zero)

[No problem. Just go ahead and sleep now. I'll be keeping watch til' later and remain here.] (Joe)

[I understand... I planned to think about some things under the moonlight, but... I guess I'll go back and sleep... Good night, Joe-san!] (Zero)

He grinned at me as a reply.

I underestimated him.

I never thought that a character who almost had no screen time can figure out people with his perception... Amazing.

But at least, one thing is clear; if I confirm my feelings for Iris, then I'll confess.

There's a ninety-nine point nine percent chance that I'll get rejected, and that's super generous for a side character.

But it's fine- I'll make sure that I won't regret whatever my decision will be.