
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Talent

I have bad grammar.

Itachi101 · Anime und Comics
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56 Chs

Fu Qin!

"wow, you want to challenge me?" Sora asked as he looked at the woman with the long sword standing before him. the woman hesitated for a long time, this was the first stage, and she knew deep down she was not Sora, a match. but she had to try.

"y-yes. I mean no disrespect, but this is a competition." She said serouly, Sora smiled slightly, as he nodded at her words.

"a person shouldn't back against a challenge. of course, knowing when to step forward and back is extremely important." Sora said with a smile as he pulled the wooden sword from his back,

"I like the look in your eyes, you have 30 seconds, what you learn is up to you," Sora said with a smile, the woman with the sword's eyes widened slightly. this was the first time anyone saw Sora pull out the weapons on his back.

as soon as Elder Thunder gave everyone was signal to begin, she stepped forward and rushed toward Sora. her sword stabbed toward Sora, who went on to smoothly tap the sword, and with a rotation of Sora's sword, her sword almost flew out of Sora's hands. Sora's wooden sword flashed, stepping at her neck.

"the sword style you use isn't suited towards you, instead try using the silver moon sword style, instead of the rushing dragon step, try using the gentle fairy step. to normal eyes, they are suited towards you, but that's just fool speaking. try them for about 1 week, the first few days it would be harder, but if you put in the work, by the 5th day you would skill the huge improvement." Sora said calmly, stunning the young man for a moment,

she thought her skills were perfect, yet with a simple move, Sora easily defeated her with a simple move, which was of course shocking. in swordsmanship, she thought she would be at least better than Sora. yet Sora proved her wrong so easily.

"elder brother Fu, thank you for the taking." She said softly with a deep bow, before getting off the stage, the next moment, a group of people flashed onto Sora's stage. Elder Thunder was speechless seeing more than 10 people on Sora's stage. they even seemed as if they were about to fight each other for the chance to face Sora.

"It's alright, all of you can come at me at least. I give you all 30 seconds" Sora said calmly as he put the sword away, it was rare for someone at this to not have cultivation, only those with Sora could stand among the people here without cultivation thanks to Sora's teaching.

and so they all came at Sora, and Sora easily took care of all of them within 30 seconds, once he gave them a small lit, they went off on their way after bowing down to their Fu Qin, their father who was among the crowds watching this had dark faces, who can stand hearing their son calling someone else father with such looks, they never got? they felt as if they had green hats all of the sudden.

"wait, what are you all doing? show some respect to the elder brother. even if your elder brother doesn't mind, it doesn't give you all the green light." a young man stepped forward, stopping everyone from rushing onto Sora's stage, those who were about to rush onto the stage froze slightly, before they nodded slightly.

they were overusing their elder brother's kindness, but when they looked at him, they saw that Sora was standing before Yun Hailan. she coldly looked at Sora, this guy dared to disrespect her, it was only right that she taught him a lesson. she also needed to take first place, that was the whole reason she came here and jumped straight here.

"you're getting on my nerves?" She said angrily seeing how Sora didn't even look toward her but toward the side. She stepped forward, and with that step, a wave of water shot toward her. the wave was almost the height of a one-story house, but as the flames neared Sora, it turned to mist.

But through the mist, a flash flew aiming towards Sora's neck. Sora moved forward, but he freeze mid-away and forced himself back. with him being in conflict with what to do, he was hit. with him being hit, he was sent shooting backward.

the mist which forward disappeared the next moment, from the impact created, there everyone watched in shock as Sora stood at the edge of the stage, he had almost fallen off the stage, but his leg was drugged into the ground, stopping him from doing so.

"elder brother was hit?" everyone was in shock seeing the cocky smile Yun Hailan held, this was the first time anyone landed a blow on Sora, so they were shocked.

"look at the ground." someone pointed out, drawing everyone's attention to the ground, where they all noticed Sora's mask, which was cut in half. everyone's heart skipped a beat, would they be able to see his face?

the world stood still, everyone's attention was on Sora, who had one hand coldly on his face, but he was slowly lifting his head, allowing the other half of the mask to fall to the ground, allowing the world to see him.

"..." everyone forgot how to breathe, as Sora's hair flew due to the wind, his charm was seen by the world. normal, one charm was different. it would be targeted towards a person type, you could be a pretty boy, you can be hot, and so on. many types of looks. yet Sora's charm covered them all.

his charm target those of all form size and shape, animals, the undead, and man more. Sora was a magnet for all things within this world. even with the cold look in his eyes, as if he was about to kill someone, he was still handsome.

"... I-its you?" Yun Hailan snapped out of her shock, she couldn't help but yell out loud, this allowed many people to snap out of the state they were in, allowing them to think clearly.

"It's weird, I don't know if I should hate you, or be grateful. without you, I would have never awakened my hidden talent. yet because of you..." Sora said softly as he stepped forward, Yun Hailan smiled slightly before she slowly began to laugh.

"This fool is the person you all look up to? a fool toy I easily manipulated, playing at the palm of my hands. got this full into throwing his whole life away, and he couldn't even show his face?" She laughed mockingly, making everyone stunned by her words. Sora lowered his head slightly as he stood a deep breath

"I was childish and foolish to fall for a woman like yourself... what is a world where one must be on guard against someone they love? to love someone to be willing to do anything, just to be played... that opened my eyes to how cruel this world could be. so, I will be the elder brother everyone can rely on. I will be the light everyone can trust in the darkest of days. and sluts such as yourself." Sora said as he looked coldly at Yun Hailan, who just sneered at his words.

but her eyes shrank as she suddenly felt danger, she quickly crossed her arms as she blocked the incoming punch from Sora which shot towards her. the sound of bones breaking sounded within everyone's eyes, and Yun Hailan's pained cry sounded as she flew backward with broken arms.

but before she could get fall, Sora grabbed her hair and pulled her forward, Yun Hailan screamed in pain as her neck almost broken broke from this movement. everyone watched as Sora didn't even treat her like she was human, pulling her back as if she was some type of trash.

"you use that pretty face to go around playing with the heart of man... for that, I shall punish you to never be able to show that face to anyone again," Sora said coldly and with a punch, Yun Hailan's beautiful face was destroyed.

her teeth flew into the sky, and her nose was shattered, but as she flew backward, Sora reached out, his hand reaching into her mouth and grabbing her tongue.

"you are quite good with words, all I will cripple is that for you," Sora said coldly and with a force, her tongue turned into a pancake. Sora was pulled backward, and she was pulled towards Sora by the tongue.

"This is a total of 3 men now right? you just jump from man to man, the son of heaven was your best one right?" Sora asked coldly as he punched her neck, making her eyes almost pop out, as she flew backward, Sora's hands turned into claws that stabbed into her eyeballs.

"Suffering within the darkness, never able to see anything. in a way, this will be your blessing, as what I would do to your face will bring you to tears," Sora's voice entered her mind, this was something he didn't want others to hear.

the others heard 'you took many things from me. I will not kill you. I'm only going to vent, killing you would do nothing. and since I'm alive, take it as me saying, we are even.' his fingers which were not within her eyeballs connected, and he pulled her back.

Elder Thunder seeing this blood scene snapped out of his shock, seeing that Sora might skill this woman, he stepped forward, but he stopped with the necklace, around Yun Hailan exploded to life, shooting Sora flying backward, destroying the upper part of his clothing.

but his body was alright, Sora landed on his feet while looking at Yun Hailan who was recovering thanks to the treasure she had. but her eyes, couldn't be removed

"y-you... you went too far." She yelled in rage as a powerful dragon aura exploded off her, dragon scales covering her body, while dragon wings flew from her back. she let out a dragon roar, before she stepped forward, shooting towards Sora like lightning.

"was it too far when you had your other lover beat me to a half-dead state? was it too far when you destroyed my world? was it too far when you left after using me?" Sora asked as he grabbed her face, and slammed her heavily into the ground. Yun Hailan let out a soft cry, but it quickly turned into horror as Sora at this moment combined purple lightning, with blazing body heat.

Yun Hailan was horrified and a pained scary sounded, as her face was being cooked, the already destroyed face began melting, with some of it gluing itself to Sora's palm. but it was burned away,

"stay alive, and realize how everyone who you played would ignore you from this forth onwards, start to learn how it feels to put in hard work, in this world, there are no shortcuts," Sora said as he kicked her way like she was some trash, he couldn't kill her, just not yet. as you see, the son of heaven will be enraged upon getting news of what just went down.

"... my apologies, wish you all didn't get to see that part of me. but the thing I hate most is those I trust betraying me. humans are not tools, all of you are not tools. you should all be treated right." Sora said with a sad smile, making everyone who was scared seeing this scene move seeing that sad smile.

Sora's charm had a greater effect without the mask, they all began making reasoning within her head to justify Sora's action. which was not hard, that woman skipped to this part, and was going around toying with their Fu Qin. who would love to see their Fu Qin be played by another woman?

"..." everyone's heart twisted slightly seeing the melted face Yun Hailan had, her injuries were no longer capable of taking her life. but with the air blowing, her face was burning with unimaginable pain. she was now blind as well, Sora pretty much took everything from her, leaving only her bloodline.

"Fu Qin, you went overboard." the elder who had told Elder Thunder that Yun Hailan wanted to join said angrily as she appeared before her.

"son, there is one thing you should know about your father. I have no regret about what I just did, those who kill should be those who are ready to be killed. those who do wrong should be those who are ready to pay for their wrongdoing. you say I went too far, then tell me what rules I have broken?" Sora asked coldly, making the elder face turn red in rage

He angrily pointed at Sora, but he had nothing to say. Sora indeed did nothing wrong. everything he did was within the rules limit, he didn't kill, he didn't cripple her future, and even without eyes she had 4 senses remaining, if he wanted to push forward with this, attacks had no eyes, that was even more so when one was attacking blindly in rage.

",,, Son, we are even now, because of her. I think I would be pretty much be deaded 2 times over by now. she can take it as one death, that fact she is alive and is capable of aiming to kill me in the future is me showing her how gentle. I will admit, the eyes were something I didn't wish for, but sometimes those who can't see, see more than those with eyes." Sora said calmly with hands behind his back,

"the eyes are destroyed, but you have 4 other senses, train them. your beauty is gone, but that would move any temptations, you will hate me, so use that hatred to aim to kill me. I will wait for you, you can even some see my teaching." Sora said softly, moving the crowd, what a kind elder brother they had. But Yun Hailan was enraged hearing Sora's words, she wanted to speak, but Sora spoke faster

"cultivate the Heavenly river cultivation art, the cultivation you are cultivating now is conflicting with your bloodline. just because that cultivation art is of water type doesn't make it suited for your bloodline. be careful with the cultivation art you pick, each wrong one you pick is making it so your future gets smaller and smaller." Sora said calmly with hands behind his back, stunning the crowd once more, to think he would give tips to someone who might kill him. truly a good elder brother,

"elder brother, you're the best." someone chilled, becoming a true and faithful follower of Sora, indeed their Fu Qin was a one-of-a-kind. he is the light within the darkness, a bright ray of light who reaches his hand out to support the allies, even if they might kill him.

with that first cheer, everyone went off, cheering for Sora. even those who knew Sora for the first time were moved, such a kind elder brother, they couldn't help but join the crowd, what type of person would be this kind to an enemy? in this world, where the strong prey on the weak, Sora's action was unheard of. it was the actions of a saint, sure he lost control, but he was going to own up to it by training her? truly, a saint.

"Fu Qin! Fu Qin! Fu Qin! Fu Qin!" the crowd along with many other people cheered, Sora smiled slightly while looking at the notification bar which had been refreshing by the second for the past few minutes, but its speed suddenly increased out of the blue.

"..." Yun Hailan fainted on the spot hearing everyone cheering for her now new enemy, she knew a manipulator, and Sora was one of them. it was the same game, but Sora was better and seemly more skilled than her. to have millions of people cheering his name, due to his own capability, she couldn't do that.

She knew Sora, and Sora was not like this, she had to have birthed this monster. to think her actions would have such a huge effect on this world. but she had a unique physique, as soon as she fainted, she woke up.

she had to survive, which means she would have to avoid the son of heaven, or else he would grow disgusted with her looks and kill her on the spot. she needed to hide, she had almost no one to get support from now,