
In A Cultivation World With The Highest Intellect

Brax Azarov is the smartest human being ever, with an IQ that couldn't be measured. His contribution to humanity by helping humanity develop 1000s of years into the future is unquestioned. He created a god formula that can cure all diseases making it so that death from illness became a myth. He found a way to extend the human life span through artificial means. Living for 1000s of years is no longer just a dream. He found new elements and created many artificial ones when he felt like they needed to exist. He discovered space travel, light-speed travel, and space jump allowing humans to quickly colonize other planets across the Milky Way galaxy and other neighboring galaxies. There was no field that Brax Azarov didn't master, but at the age of 309, he was assassinated. He didn't want to die as there was more he needed to know, there was more he needed to learn. As he took his final breath, he only had regret because even after living for 309 years, he was still clueless about almost everything. His thirst for knowledge is far greater during his final last breath. Lucky for him, his journey doesn't end with his death. Just when he thought it was all over, he opened his eyes and found himself in a completely new body. A body of a teenager in a completely new world, and this time he is presented with the opportunity to achieve immortality so he can never stop his search for knowledge. ________________________________ Author's Note - *WARNING^ This story contains strong sexual content and violence. Discord Link - https://discord.gg/S6TmHRnF Support me by buying me some coffee - https://buymeacoffee.com/lust_god

Lust_God · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Accepting A Quest

The quest hall's walls are filled with massive boards, each containing multiple quests that a disciple can accept.

With so many options to choose from, Brax starts skimming through them.

It doesn't take him long to find something that sparks his interest.

A quest involving bandits.

Bandits are harassing a mortal village that is under the sect's jurisdiction, so they have requested help from the sect. The reward for clearing the quest is 25 low-grade spirit stones, and the recommended cultivation level is the 6th stage of Qi condensation.

'This is perfect' Brax thinks as the danger is not too high, the village is close to the sect so he won't be facing anything beyond his capability and the reward is also good.

A quest with a reward of 25 low-grade spirit stones is quite desirable for an outer sect disciple at his level, but no one wanted to take this quest because there were bandits involved.

Bandits are notorious in the cultivation world. They might pose a minor threat to cultivators, but a single cultivator would never take a chance against them.

They are crafty bastards who rely on their numbers and shady methods, plus some of them are also cultivators. So many cultivators face demise when going against them.

So normal outer sect disciples at the 6th and 7th stages of the Qi condensing realm wouldn't bat an eye on quests that involve bandits, as they don't want to take a chance on their lives.

As for disciples that have higher cultivation, the reward of 25 low-grade spirit stones might be too low for them to pay attention to it.

This quest is perfect for Brax to experience this new world.

He makes his way to the counter and signs up for the quest. Brax's choice surprises the outer sect disciple manning the counter, but he doesn't say anything and assigns Brax the quest. It is not his responsibility to warn these disciples.

If they are capable, they will return, and if they are not, they will die. Death is very common and no one will bat an eye if an outer sect disciple dies on a quest.

As soon as Brax gets the quest assigned to his name, the quest listing disappears from the quest board and Brax makes his way out of the hall.

"I am excited to see the outside world," Brax murmurs, as there is not much memory of the outside world inside his mind.

The previous Brax didn't have much of a life outside his small village and the sect.


Since the deadline for the quest is around two months, Brax decides to head back to his Adobe and get ready for his departure.

On his way back to his adobe, he sees a female outer sect disciple practicing with her sword. This makes him think of something important.

"A Weapon, I should have a spear back at my place," he says. "But I do not have any spear techniques. Should I get one?" he questions and decides to change his destination.

He starts walking in the direction leading to the manual hall. There, he should find a suitable spear technique that he can practice before leaving the sect.

Once again, back in front of the manual hall, Brax saw the same scene as before. Disciples enter and exit the place, moving onward with their daily lives.

Brax enters the manual hall and quickly makes his way towards the weapon section. This section is much larger compared to a normal martial arts technique section, as weapon techniques are more coveted because weapons greatly enhance a cultivator's power.

So a lot of weapons techniques have been created throughout history.

Brax immediately starts browsing through some basic and intermediate-level spear techniques. He memorizes all spear techniques that he reads, from simple thrusts and swipes of basic level technique to more complex movements of intermediate level techniques.

Satisfied with his harvest, he returned to his adobe.

Unlike before, Brax will need to put some effort into practicing these spear techniques, as he will be starting from the very beginning. He has no prior knowledge about these techniques as he did with his martial arts, which allowed him to create his own advanced-level martial technique.

He takes his metal spear and starts performing those simple thrusts and swipes from the basic manuals.

Since they are just basic spear moves, Brax easily masters them to perfection with the help of his photographic memory and his ability to force them into his muscle memory.

If someone saw him mastering these techniques with such ease, they would puke their guts out of sheer disbelief.

Even if they are just basic-level techniques, one requires a lot of practice to gain mastery over them. But not Brax, his sharp mind and intelligence are a hack.

He can deduce, find, and fix even the minute mistakes by just glancing at them. His mind works on a different level, far beyond any human capability. That is why he was so great back in his previous life.

No matter the task, whether it be physical or intellectual, he would master them in the shortest amount of time.

And these were just basic spear movements infused with Qi energy. Nothing to sweat over for Brax.

Done with the basic stuff, Brax moved on to the intermediate ones. Now these proposed a better challenge to Brax.

The difference between a basic-level and an intermediate-level technique was night and day. The movements got more complex.

Brax didn't have the time to practice them all, so he chose the easiest one of the intermediate-level spear techniques to practice. A low-rank intermediate-level spear technique called the Mirage Spear thrust.

The difference between it and a normal Spear thrust technique is its ability to conjure illusions of multiple spears, allowing the user to confuse their opponent and hide the real spear's attack.

A/N - I changed a few things in the previous chapters and deleted a few of them as I didn't like them.

I would advise you to skim through the past chapters to see the changes.

Lust_Godcreators' thoughts