
In a Beast Taming World I Opened a Beast Shop

*Read the synopsis first before reading the first chapter. Kane is an average guy who works a dead-end job, he hates his job and has never once experienced a life of luxury without worrying about tomorrow, since he was an orphan and has no memories of his parents, the earliest memory he has is when he was taken in by an orphanage. On a rainy day after his work, Kane aimlessly walked towards a famous bridge near where he works but it is not famous for a good reason because the bridge is where people commit suicide, and this time it is Kane who plans to do the same, he stepped on the railings and took a deep breath then he closed his eyes, he heard the people nearby shouting trying to stop him but he started to lean forward and he starts to fall seconds later he feels that something is weird he should have fallen to the river already, yet he feels nothing, he slowly opened his eyes to make sense of what was happening. To his surprise he is now lying on the floor face down, he slowly sat up and scanned his surroundings, he is now inside a tattered wooden house. " Where am I " On the floor, there are scattered purple-colored pills, he picked one up and took a sniff. " Poison! " He ignored it first and decided to walk out of the house it is a completely different place. " Is this earth?" He asked himself "Wait, wait, did I just transmigrate? " In this new world, he will not end up a miserable salaryman and he will decide his fate with his own hands. Important note: The concept might be generic but give my work a chance, I hope you enjoy it. Strong and inappropriate words might be used parental guidance is advised especially to young audiences. Thank you and happy reading. P.S. The length of every chapter will be 1500 words and above, and I will release 1 chapter a day but it might increase depending on how the story will be received and if I find the time to focus on writing.

MidnightLetter · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: New World

"Did I really transmigrate? " Kane starts to inspect his new body and he saw that it is on the thin size and has a pale white skin.

He walk closer to a small pond nearby and inspected his face. His new body has dark hair and yellow eyes and pale white skin, his facial features are better than his old body.

" Ooohhh this body is quite handsome, if I put on a little more weight and develop some muscles this body will be something else " Kane starts to praise his new body, then he suddenly remembered the poison pill he saw earlier, he ran back to the tattered wooden house and picked up the purple colored pills on the floor.

" It is indeed a poison pill, wait did this boy commit suicide? " He starts to wonder why, and he suddenly remembered that he did the same thing.

He fell silent and went out of the house again after cleaning it up, he then looked around and saw that the wooden house is located in a place surrounded by tall trees and no other house is nearby. Then he saw a path he followed it and after a few minutes of walking, he was welcomed by a view of a small village with wooden houses that has a similar structure to the house he was in earlier.

He felt his head hurt as if it was being hit by a hammer, he knelt down and starts to sweat bullets, and after a few seconds the pain starts to fade and his breathing went back to normal, he felt something has changed, suddenly names of people and other information flooded in his head.

" This must be the memories of the previous owner of this body," Kane said to himself, then he proceeded to walk towards his house and he knows the way to his house that is thanks to the memories he just received, it turns out that the tattered wooden house earlier is an abandoned house and a woodcutter lives there before.

He walked for a few minutes before he arrives at his "house" but along the way, people looked at him and says different things, some people especially the elders tried to console him and say that it was okay and that there is another path for me to take, while the younger villagers look at him with disdain and some even calls him a trash.

Memories start to replay in his head when he enters his "house " It turns out that the original owner is quite an introvert, he was also an orphan and usually spends his time reading alone, and that he has good relationship with the elderly people of the village since he often helps them in his free time, but the other kids hate him since he does not talk to them and in some instances he even ignores them.

" No wonder the other kids hate me, but why are the elderly trying to console me and making me feel better while the other kids are calling me trash?" Kane asked himself and new memories flashed through his head.

Kane was in a daze but it soon turned into a smile then a frown and he ended up having a disappointed look on his face.

" So this world is not just occupied by humans but a large part of this world is filled by what they call Demon Beasts, there is even a specific occupation where humans make a contract with a Demon Beast and bind with them thus forming a master-servant relationship, the Demon beast then can accompany their masters in their adventures and travels while others can help with specific tasks... Interesting, " Kane said.

" Though this body of mine is capable of being a Beast Tamer, but I actually have the lowest talent when it comes to being one " Kane said with a sour face.

Kids of the age of fifteen undergo a ceremony called the Awakening, and in this ceremony, the talent of every kid and their future as beast tamers will be determined, the awakening ceremony awakens the soul talent of a person and there are six levels to soul talent, with level 1 being the weakest and having the least potential that is why they are often referred to as trash, while six is the strongest and is regarded to have an unlimited potential.

With Kane's luck the body he ended up with after transmigrating has awakened with the lowest level.

" No wonder the original owner of this body committed suicide, he always dreamed of being a strong Beast Tamer to roam the world with his strong and domineering Demon Beasts but reality is so cruel that one awakening ceremony could kill a person's dream along with the person, " Kane said as he shook his head, he is now inside his bedroom.

The house was small so he finished checking the whole house in a few moments.


Days have gone by and Kane is now quite comfortable with his new life in this new world but he can't stop thinking about the original owner of this body, since this body has the lowest level of soul talent he does not plan to be a Beast Master but the memories of the original owner of his body kept bothering him.

It is already late at night and Kane is still awake in his room with a lit candle placed on top of a small wooden table beside his bed, he is reading history and information about this world, since the former owner of his body likes to read he has quite the collection of books and it is really helpful to Kane, he has the memories of the original owner but not everything, while some are even incomplete memory, that is why he is studying right now.

" So there are actually other branches of Beast Tamers, there are Alchemists and Breeders," Kane said in delight, though he cannot roam the world along with his strong and domineering Demon Beast he can still fulfil the dream of the original owner of his body to be a Beast Tamer.

Since the memories of the original about being a beast tamer bothered Kane so much he decided to do something about it that is why he is studying right now.

" Let's see which one is suitable for me, an Alchemist or a Breeder " Kane starts to compare the two branches of Beast Taming.

" Alchemists concoct medicine and produce items and other consumables for Demon Beasts to increase their strength, they use various materials and resources and combine them to increase their effect, Alchemists often bind Demon Beasts with fire attribute since fire is used to process the materials and resources " Kane read a short introduction about Alchemists " oh! Alchemists earn a lot of money as well, it turns s out increasing the strength of a Demon Beast is quite costly " Kane's eyes start to sparkle with the thought of earning a lot of money, In his previous life most of his problems are caused by his lack of money.

" Let's see what a Breeder is, " Kane said as he continues to read the book.

" Breeders or Beast Breeder are Beast Tamers that produces demon beast cub by breeding, they look for Demon Beasts of the same species with different levels of talent and potential and provides them with a good environment and resources in hopes to produce a high-quality Demon beast cub with extreme potential, it is a high investment high return kind of profession " Kane finished reading the introduction to Beast Breeders.

" Alchemists and Breeders, not only can one earn a lot of money they can also make connections with strong Beast Masters, hahahahaha ain't this the perfect profession " Kane said, he has decided to be a Beast Tamer but still thorn between two choices.

He decided to call it a day and decided to make the decision tomorrow since he was already sleepy.


Morning came, Kane prepared a simple breakfast and went to start his day he now works part-time jobs in the village, he helps with the farmers when it is harvest season, and during harvest season, he also works at a meat shop as a butcher and does other menial tasks as long as he is paid. Before his routine is always to go home after work but this time he decided to go to the nearby town, since he has now decided to be a beast tamer he needs a Demon beast to make a contract and bind with, plus the other kids in his village already binded with their own Demon Beast.


He is now riding a carriage that is part of a caravan, the destination of this caravan is the same town where Kane is headed and one of the carriages in this caravan is owned by one of the farmers he works for so he managed to tag along and get a free ride, if he travels on his own, not only is it dangerous it will also take him a long time.

The caravan moved out in the afternoon and is about to arrive at their destination in a week, there are ten carriages in this caravan carrying different goods to sell at the merchants in the nearest town, the caravan is protected by a group of Beast Tamers, there are ten Beast Tamers protecting the caravan, and Kane cannot help but stare at the guards in curiosity, it is his first time seeing a Beast Tamer. He does not consider the young beast tamers in their village as official beast tamers yet since they only got their Demon Beasts not long ago and they still lack experience.

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