
SS A Lonely Pair

{A/N: Short chapter but I think some of you will like it. Just wanted to add a little more depth to the story.}

*POV*The Original Okino*

How did my life end up like this..? Why was such a weak human being? I hate myself. For the last few years, starting from high school, I've let myself be humiliated and become a fool.

I often ask myself why I keep allowing this? Am I afraid to lose Otome? Because I want to convince myself that it's all been just a nightmare that I'll eventually wake up from?

So many negative emotions have been bottled up in me and I needed some way to cope with them. I needed something I could control...

I was walking around the city drunk one night. I wanted to feel anything other than what I felt at home...

I eventually found myself at a brothel. Even though I was drunk, I was still very nervous. I was about to hire a prostitute... something I've never done before.

I've only really had bad experiences with sex. I was hoping I could find something out of this that would give me some confidence. In truth, I would be happy if I could just forget my troubles for one night. Just one night...

And then I met her...

She was a very beautiful girl. Her hair was dyed blonde, and her skin was tanned. The way she wore her makeup made her feel playful, yet seductive. Is this the 'Gyaru' type?

She had a beautiful smile that would make me dazed every time, and she always treated me kindly. When I visited the brothel, we wouldn't always have sex right away. I enjoyed talking to her as much as I did being passionate with her. Maybe even more so.

I wasn't stupid. I knew she was just a prostitute at the end of the day, but it really hit me hard when she no longer worked at that brothel. I never saw her again...

For that briefest moment in my life, I had felt happy. She was like a flickering candle in my dark world, that has now lost all sources of light. I never even learned her real name...