
Impurities: Fall of Angels

"Why am I forbidden, why do I even look like this? ... WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET ME FROM! WHO THE HELL AM I?!" "You will never get the answers to that question from me, I have locked up those answers and thrown the key away a long time ago..." *** "You're a mystery that I need to solve and I won't stop until I've put all the clues together." He said and it felt like through the blessings and curses I had been given a gift to reassure me. The fact that we just met was what made it special. "The world has set you on fire and keeps on pouring fuel on you. I might not be able to off the fire becayse it's now part of you but I can shield you from it's burns and turn the fuel to sand." My childhood friend said and for once in my life all that protection I always got didn't choke me it made me comfortable and safe. I had no idea what I wanted more a gift or protection? *** When 2nd Heaven becomes a discrimination palace, Angels begin to feel unsafe... Heaven who doesn't know who she is or where she belongs tries to pave a way back to the place she believes she belongs while struggling to make a choice between a gift and protection. Loretta who is not so different from Heaven finds where she rightfully belongs. Nathan who has a contract with Hell keeps on running away from his fate. And Elmo tries to gain recognition to fight for the beloved Angels.Will Heaven figure out who she is? Will Loretta find the peace she longs for? Will Nathan come to terms with his fate? Will Elmo be able to put up a good fight?

LotoNera · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 7 Realm of Balance

I found myself in a room filled with nothing. The door stood in front of me but it was locked.  Then I felt a surge of emotions flow within me, grief, sadness, pain, sorrow, loneliness, instability of the mind. All these drowned out my inner voice and I tried to use my powers to get rid of my emotions but for the first time in my life, my powers became limited. It got harder to breathe as if the oxygen in the room was limited and was about to finish. I tried using my powers to open the door but my limited powers couldn't do that much. There were no windows or any other opening in the room so I just kept banging the door, hoping someone would hear me from the other side.

"who is it?" I heard a familiar voice ask. It got harder to breathe with every second so I could barely answer the owner of the voice. I just kept banging the door hoping he/she would answer it.

"Nathan, is that you? Have you gone against me again?" I heard the person ask but couldn't process what was said. I could feel the oxygen finish, so I began to bang harder.

"Truly believe that I hold the solution to your problem and the key shall appear in your hand." The voice said and I knew that the person on the other side was the only solution to the mess I was in, so I believed and a key appeared in my right hand. Without wasting much time, I opened the door, ran out and filled my lungs with oxygen.

"Loretta?" the voice asked as I stabilized my breathing. I recognized the voice but it seemed like my ears were deceiving me. Immediately, I looked up and I was speechless to see the Devil. I didn't understand, what happened? He obviously didn't call me because him himself was amazed at my sudden appearance.

"what happened Lory, why have you called me?" he asked with a smirk playing on his face and I thought that surely the Devil was playing games with me.

"firstly, don't call me Lory. Secondly, I did not call you. Thirdly, how did I get here and lastly, if this is one of your games, it's not funny." I told him trying to remember how I got here but my mind was completely blank.

"daring aren't you, very fitting for a Demon. Don't worry it isn't one of my games. How you got here: you probably called for me without knowing it and I will address you with whichever name that I see fit" he said and I realized he was sitting on a statue and that was when I became aware of my surroundings. The place was filled with so many statues of Angels and Angels fighting, a statue of the Throne of Power, Seat of Power, the place had no grounds but rather it had clouds. This was when I realised that I had been making use of my wings. It looked like we were in 1st Heaven which I didn't think possible. It looked like a battle that had taken place a very long time ago and had only this to account for it but then I thought:

'a battle in 1st Heaven and between Angels, could there be such a thing? I mean, it doesn't make sense'

"Realm of Balance where the Battle of Balance took place." He said and I looked at him in shock. Such a place was only rumored to exist who knew it existed.

"but how did you and I get into 1st Heaven?" I asked still confused.

"this place balances good and bad so it has served as a medium of communication between Angels and Demons. This place is open to all, even humans." He said and for a while it didn't feel like the Devil was talking.

"but wait. How did I call you? I would have known if I did." I asked still in confusion.

"spiritual calling." He said like it was the answer to my question.

"and how exactly does it work?" I asked telling him he had to further explain.

"I am not going to keep answering your numerous questions like I don't have kingdoms to rule over." He said standing up and flying slowly to my direction while I used my wings to move back. "since, you haven't made your decision and you're still confused, I'll be taking my leave." He said and as he was going his former words ringed in my ear, 'Nathan, is that you? Have you gone against me again?'

"which Nathan were you referring to?" I asked and he stopped mid-flight and turned in my direction.

"that depends on the Nathan, you're asking about." He said looking at me intently.

"I'm referring to Higher Angel Nathaniel of 90% purity." I told him awaiting his response.

"then in that case it seems that we are talking about the same person here." He said smirking like the Devil he was and my face grew in shock. "Lory, I wish you could see through me and understand that your view about Hell in general is wrong. I only invite the people I choose because I know their suffering is just because they dwell in a place that is not theirs. You don't understand that 2nd Heaven is the way it is now because of failure of balance between good and evil resulting in the loss of pure souls. Only I that understands your desire can truly give it to you but the choice of life and death lies in your hands. Tomorrow, you shall witness the truth I speak. For now, enjoy your last moments as an Angel, Rebellez Loretta." He said and disappeared into thin air. His words continued to make sense but I knew he couldn't be right, I just needed someone to tell me if he was wrong... or right.


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