
Impurities: Fall of Angels

"Why am I forbidden, why do I even look like this? ... WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET ME FROM! WHO THE HELL AM I?!" "You will never get the answers to that question from me, I have locked up those answers and thrown the key away a long time ago..." *** "You're a mystery that I need to solve and I won't stop until I've put all the clues together." He said and it felt like through the blessings and curses I had been given a gift to reassure me. The fact that we just met was what made it special. "The world has set you on fire and keeps on pouring fuel on you. I might not be able to off the fire becayse it's now part of you but I can shield you from it's burns and turn the fuel to sand." My childhood friend said and for once in my life all that protection I always got didn't choke me it made me comfortable and safe. I had no idea what I wanted more a gift or protection? *** When 2nd Heaven becomes a discrimination palace, Angels begin to feel unsafe... Heaven who doesn't know who she is or where she belongs tries to pave a way back to the place she believes she belongs while struggling to make a choice between a gift and protection. Loretta who is not so different from Heaven finds where she rightfully belongs. Nathan who has a contract with Hell keeps on running away from his fate. And Elmo tries to gain recognition to fight for the beloved Angels.Will Heaven figure out who she is? Will Loretta find the peace she longs for? Will Nathan come to terms with his fate? Will Elmo be able to put up a good fight?

LotoNera · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 12 Letter to Nathan

I flew directly to the main building. I had no time to waste. I headed for the reception office, my steps quicker than normal.

"Is Nathan around?" I asked Higher Angel Clinton before he could say anything.

"he hasn't come back since he left this morning." He said and disappointment filled me.

'what was I going to do now' I thought.

"thank you." I said out of courtesy and headed west for the library in the building. With the binding bracelets still on me, I couldn't use my powers to create writing materials so I took a letter, an envelope and a black-feathered pen from the card section. I sat down at the back in an empty row and wrote:

Nathan, I'm sorry to inform you about this through paper but we weren't chanced to meet. I know you've heard about what's been going on and it's sad to say that it's true. I received my disciplinary method today and accepted it in return for a meeting with Senyoryte Auriel. I wish to tell you in details but in summary it was a disappointment and a total waste of time. Nevertheless, I will not be getting disciplined. I'm leaving for a place you're familiar with and I hope you join me there soon. I know our separation would be shortlived and I'm looking forward to meeting you in HELL.

     Yours truly,


I wiped the tears that had formed in my eyes. I wished we'd had a proper goodbye but I guess it's meant to be this way. I had a strong feeling that we'll meet soon; very soon. I put the letter in its envelope and knew that I had to make it Confidential so that only Nathan could read it. I focused all my power and tried to break the binding bracelets using the advantage that I was of 100% purity. I wasn't able to break the binding bracelets but I was successful in making the letter Confidential. I left Previn and flew to the Angels Training Ground. I greeted Archangel Roland and gave him the Confidential letter.

"I'm happy you had the time to respond to his letter." He said making me remember that Nathan had written a letter to me.

"you just reminded me, I completely forgot. Could you give me back my letter I'll need to make changes?" I asked and collected the letter. I took a sit in the hall, focused all my power on restricting the binding bracelet and summoning Nathan's letter by continuously moving my hands which were at parallel position clock wisely to be at the other's position. Finally, after twelve tries I was successful. I opened the letter, in which he wrote;

Loretta, what has happened this last month feels so unbelievable. Wasn't it just a month and some weeks ago that we were in our favourite place spending time together? What happened to those two Angels of that day? Why does it feel like we have become totally different people? I heard of everything that happened between you and the JINUA. I can't blame you though, but I wish you could explain its essence to me but I'm not even sure we will meet soon. I have no idea what you've planned to do but I know there's no way you'd accept the disciplinary method given to you. I know the JINUA will try to remove you completely since they feel you are a threat. If you ever have second thoughts about Heaven and need to find where you truly belong, I know exactly where that is and I'm sure you know deep down where it is. Loretta, my heart grieves for you and I can only advice you to take your life into your hands but the decision is up to you.


P.S: Always on your side.

This was what I loved about me and Nathan we were never far apart from each other. The tone he used to write the letter brings pain to me. I can't even describe how he sounds. This letter is just so unlike Nathan. I took out my letter from its envelope to write a response.

Just read your letter. Those Angels are gone just like our beloved 2nd Heaven. I finally found where I belong thanks to some external help and the decision is up to me that's why I have decided to take my life into my own hands.

I dismissed Nathan's letter and gave Archangel Roland my letter. I gave him my last goodbye and went to the Flying Center which was mine and Nathan's favourite place. If I had to visit a last place in 2nd Heaven, it had to be that place. I flew to one of the middle flying cliffs. I focused all my power on trying to summon the Devil's letter. I was scared it wasn't going to work since I had used my power to many times but after the twenty-fifth time it worked and I summoned the letter. The black and silver letter appeared, I read it's content again and set my eyes on the Devil's signature that was on the left side of the letter. I took out the black feathered pen and the Devil's words reappeared to me 'just sign it and you will never know sorrow'. I was about to find out if there were any truths in his words. I signed the letter and the binding bracelets broke.

  Suddenly, a dark force pushed me off the cliff and I found myself falling at great speed. The worst part was I couldn't feel my wings at all. I felt my back ache in the place where my wings were in an indescribable way and I turned back to see that my wings were no more...

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