
Impure World Reincarnation, the Strong Emerge

"What do you do when you're stuck with a dumb but cute drama-queen system that only makes 'ying ying ying' sounds? Waiting for answers online... Pretty urgent! Not only did the system bind itself to the wrong person, it even had me transmigrate into a dead body! But... This dead body is quite strong! I guess I can work with that! On the stage of the Konoha Crush plan, I step out of the coffin from Edo Tensei as the First Hokage! 'So, from this moment on, I am Hashirama Senju!'" ***** 150PS = 1CH 500PS = 4 CH Have early access to over 30 chapters on patreon along with weekly mass chapter drop: patreon.com/Draco_ This is a translation.

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Chapter 1: Reincarnated as a Dead Man!

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It's midnight. 

Chen Xiang was walking through an abandoned building, surrounded by concrete and steel. He seemed visibly distressed, his eyes darting around nervously.

"Hey, folks..." he whispered into his phone, which was live streaming. "Tonight's theme is this unfinished building that's rumored to be haunted!"

Chen Xiang's voice quivered with tension. And it wasn't just an act—he was genuinely nervous.

Despite his background as an experienced IT programmer, Chen Xiang had recently gained sudden internet fame after an unexpected incident. To capitalize on his newfound popularity, he decided to transition into live streaming. He chose outdoor adventure content, much like Wu Dige, a well-known outdoor streamer.

However, unlike other streamers, Chen Xiang hadn't staged any of his content or scouted the location beforehand. This was the real deal.

Comments scrolled rapidly across his phone screen:

"Another streamer exploring an abandoned building?"

"So boring!"

"Get in there already!"

"Stop stalling!"

"How can you stream outdoor adventures with this little courage?"

Most of the comments were from trolls, likely jealous of Chen Xiang's looks.

Chen Xiang sneered inwardly, ignoring the comments, though they did get under his skin. He didn't know where he got the sudden burst of courage, but he quickened his pace.

Then a static noise erupted from his phone, and the screen went black.

"What the...?" Chen Xiang's mind raced. He had fully charged the phone before starting the stream, so it couldn't be out of power.

A sudden flash of lightning lit up the night sky, casting a harsh light on the derelict building, looming like a sleeping giant.

"Damn it!"

"What kind of weather is this?"

"It was fine just a minute ago!"

"Just my luck!"

Chen Xiang knew that a thunderstorm was coming. With the sudden change in weather, his stream was effectively over, so he decided to leave. Just as he turned to go, a strange rainbow-colored light appeared in front of him. It radiated a mysterious energy and shot into his head.

A cute, high-pitched voice echoed in his mind, startling him.

"Detecting a compatible host!" 

"Initiating system binding!"


"Binding successful!"

"Hello, adorable host..."

Just as the system's chipper voice sounded in Chen Xiang's mind, a bolt of lightning struck from above, coursing through his phone and into his body.

Crackling static filled the air.Electricity arced across Chen Xiang's body, and smoke began to rise from him. The sensation was intense, almost exhilarating. His vision immediately went black.

Then he heard a voice whispering in his ear: "Summoning Jutsu: Reanimation!"


Chen Xiang felt a powerful tremor coursing through his body. Any other sounds were drowned out by the thunderous vibration.

"Yippee!" the system's cutesy voice chirped in his mind. "Hello, adorable host!"

"Nice to meet you..." it started to say, but then cut itself off.

"Wait a minute!" the voice exclaimed, sounding shocked. "Why is the host a guy?!"

It was as if the system suddenly realized something terribly wrong. "Oh no! I bound myself to the wrong person! The host is supposed to be a cute girl! I'm an AI system designed specifically for girls!"

The voice grew increasingly distressed, and Chen Xiang could hear a faint crying in the background. "This is a disaster! I can't handle this!" The system was clearly panicking, its cheerful demeanor shattered.

Just regaining consciousness, Chen Xiang's face went blank as he listened to the system's over-the-top reaction. It was clear that he had received a system, but this one was... a bit odd.

It felt like the system was overly dramatic, which was a lot to process. And then there was the whole being-struck-by-lightning thing that had brought him to this dark place.

"Hey, system," Chen Xiang thought, trying to stay calm despite the weirdness. "Do you know where I am?"

"Nope!" replied the system, as clueless as he was."Ah?" Chen Xiang was perplexed. "Wait, maybe I know where you are!" the system exclaimed. It seemed to realize it hadn't loaded any personal information yet.

"Yippee!" The system let out another cute sound. 

"Data load error!" 

"Energy shortage!" 

"System crash!" 


The chipper voice cut out. It was almost instant, but then it came back again. 

"System rebooted successfully!" 

"Loading interface data..." 

"Load failed!" 

"Loading mission data..." 

"Load failed!" 

"Loading shop data..." 

"Load failed!" 

This barrage of error messages made Chen Xiang's head spin. As a former programmer, he suspected that the system was crashing left and right.

What rotten luck, he thought. Not only had he been struck by lightning, but his system had apparently taken a hit too. It was hard to imagine a more unfortunate scenario for someone who had just crossed over into another world.

"System sprite rendering..." 

"Rendering successful!"

Suddenly, everything seemed brighter. A tiny sprite, about the size of a hand, appeared before him. It had large, blinking eyes and long, pointed ears poking through its light blue hair, which was braided in a loose plait. It wore a pale green dress and had small white wings that fluttered gently.

"Yippee! Now you can see me, Host!" The sprite waved its chubby little hand with enthusiasm."..." 

Chen Xiang looked at the sprite waving its tiny hand, left speechless. It was undeniably cute, but what good was it if everything loaded failed? Was this system broken? Or maybe it was just dramatic for no reason.

"This system is a joke!" he thought to himself. All the loading attempts had failed, and yet the sprite seemed oddly unfazed.

"Hold on!" The sprite suddenly seemed excited. "The system information hasn't fully loaded!" It tapped on some invisible button, like it was pressing a key.

Chen Xiang watched this with increasing skepticism. This wasn't the kind of system he'd hoped for.

"Continuing to load!" 

"Loading identity data..." 

"Load successful!"

[Identity Information]

- Name: Senju Hashirama

- Status: Deceased

- Rank: God of Shinobi

"???" Chen Xiang's mind flooded with questions. Senju Hashirama? Wasn't he the First Hokage? And what was this "deceased" status?

"Oh no, this is bad!" The sprite's cute voice took on a hint of panic as it checked its phone. "Host," it said, turning its big eyes toward him, "I've got some bad news!"

"What now?" Chen Xiang muttered, feeling exasperated. 

"It seems that during your crossing over..." the sprite's voice wavered, "...you were struck by lightning!" It paused, then added, "And you died!"


"Yeah, I only managed to bring your soul over. It seems your soul replaced the soul here, which was, well, Senju Hashirama's!" The sprite stared at him with wide eyes, waiting for his reaction.

Chen Xiang was stunned. This wasn't what he'd signed up for. Was he really the reincarnation of Senju Hashirama, but in a broken system that didn't seem to know what it was doing?

All he could do was sigh. This was going to be a long journey.