
Imprisoned by the CEO

“You will have to marry me and bear me a child.”  “What the fuck?!” Logic flew out of the window when Grace heard him say that. “Excuse me, what did you just say?”  Maybe, she was the one who had heard him wrong. It could have been anything except marrying him and giving him a child.  “You heard me,” Christian tsked, “but I’ll repeat it. Marry me and have my child.”  Her mouth opened and gaped at me. In her mind, she was trying to make sense about what was going on. How in the world had it come to be? What in the world could make the situation come to this?!  “No?” Grace replied, but then realized that the word was not firm enough. “No.” she said again. Christian frowned, and it seemed so innocent like he had not asked her the most unbelievable thing. “Why not? I thought you wanted to help me. You offered.”  “I offered my help, my brain, my support not my,” she hesitated, “stomach!”  What was the word for it? “Womb,” he provided.  “Yes!” She slapped her hand on the table. “You don’t get my womb!”   “I don’t?” He challenged.  “No!”  “What if helping me out means Lorelai coming out of a coma?”  Grace felt her heart drop. “What?”  Christian nodded. “What if helping me out, agreeing to what you have to do for me, means bringing your grandmother out of the, that she is in?”  ******** Grace  was one strong girl and with the people she put her trust in, that was only a small number, she knew she could conquer the world, or at least she thought to herself.  When her best friend proposed a deal that could change their lives, she made a decision that was going to be mutually beneficial to both of them.  But one renovation led to many and everything has been just a game, a manipulation from him. Everything was full of deceit, lies, planning and plotting against her. Every single thing, right down the fact that only he had been her friend…  Everything was a lie and she had been living it, willingly.  Tropes; Friends to lovers, office romance, best friends, frenemies, marriage of convenience, possessive villainous and morally gray heroes!

Inara_Me · Urban
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170 Chs

Day drinking - II

"Wo-hoo!" Mia screamed over the new song released by some London popstar. " I love this song. This is soo much jam!"

Grace chuckled and nodded along with the music. With alcohol in her system, somehow dancing, even while sitting on a bar stool became easier.

How boring has she been to choose Coke and rum as her go to drink even in one of the best pubs? This was definitely better. What was she having anyway?

She squinted her eyes at it, not remembering the name but it was pink!

"I love this so much, Grace. I don't even remember the last time you partied with us!"

"Because I have neber done so!" She screamed over the music. Her words slurred but she let them out anyway. Normally, grace would have kept such remarks inside, but since she was drunk, she let them out swiftly.

"Really?" an equally drunk Mia tilted her head in confusion. "Why? It is fun."

"I know it is!" Grace giggled. "It's so much fun. I stopped counting after my fifth drink." And that has been during the daytime. She knew it was the night.

At first, Grace had made sure to go slow but after Mia kept on drinking more drinks and shorts to their table, Grace had given up and completely let go of herself.

She was going to have fun.

The kind of fun people her age would have. She was 25 God sake, and she graduated well over three years, yet still had not gotten drunk completely at a bar and down her ass off in a sea of sweaty people. That was one of the experiences she wanted to have and today, she was going to fulfil it.

"I am going to go dance." She screamed into the year of her friend before getting off the barstool.

Grace finished her drink in one go before going to the dance floor.

She let herself lose, practicing every dance move. She knew under the sun. She went from crazy, dwelling, like a ballerina, humming to the beats of the song as it changed, and then dancing her ass off like a crazy drug addict.

She can dance with a guy who attempted to do ballroom dancing in the mass of people. Still, she threw her head back, and after knowing that he was trying to feel up her body, she let him.

Twirling around before doing the dance with him. He was not drunk like the last guy, but seems like someone who was just having a little fun, and may have resembled a real Scottish man.

Maybe, he was even Scottish. Who knew what her mind was conjuring up at the moment?

"I will be right back. I need a drink." Grace informed the man, and he noted like he was going to wait here right on the spot. She turned around and slipped in between people before reaching the spot that she had previously abandoned. Mia was not there.

"What do you want?" The bartender asked and she answered. "Are you sure you would be able to handle that? You've had quite an amount of alcohol for today."

"I am fine." She shook her head. "Can you make one?" She had asked for a drink that Mia often took. It was a hard alcohol drink that contained way more than normal amount of alcohol in any cocktail. But who cared? She was out of a job!

The bartender appeared to be skeptical and did not instantly get her drink even though the bar was already crowded. His eyes moved through the one behind her, and he straightened up before leaving altogether. Grace watched with a frown on her face as he went to another customer and asked what he wanted.

Disheartened, she turned around but ended up bumping into something or rather, someone's chest.