
Impotent CEO's Accidental Affair: Running with Her Babies

He was rumoured to be Impotent yet how did he ended up impregnating a lady? She ended up getting pregnant for an unknown man... But why did her babies got stolen right after their birth at the hospital? •••••• The plan was simple, Lottie was to act as a rich man’s daughter and replaced her wealthy best friend on her blind date, but things didn’t go well as planned when she ended up spending the night with the wrong man thinking it was him she was meant to meet. But unknown to her, he was the city’s most popular and wealthy billionaire Ralph Chapman. She was drunk when she had a one-night-stand with the billionaire but she could not recall his appearance soon after the deed was done. She got pregnant and gave birth, but her twins were taken away from the hospital in exchange of money, and worst still this happened while she was unconscious. After recovering from the tragedy, she wanted to start life anew but because she was the adopted daughter of her family, she was made to become a substitute bride and married a crippled and impotent man instead of her sister. Now fate plays a trick as it happened this same impotent and crippled man she got married to was the father of her two stolen babies. Was luck on her side or was her life in danger if her husband finds out she was the mother of his babies who he wasn’t aware of all this time?? Yet, it was only a rumor because her husband wasn’t crippled nor impotent.

Izu_6830 · Urban
Zu wenig Bewertungen
20 Chs


"And I am late again! It's almost 10.Pm and I'm still at home "

With a speeding heartbeat, Lottie pushed open the door and sobbed as she hastily slipped her foot in the sandal. She was sipping orange juice from a small can which was her only breakfast.

As she stepped out, she almost collided with her neighbor, Mrs. York.

"Oh, dear! Be careful! You almost broke my eggs."

"Sorry, Mrs. York! But I am getting late!"

"Didn't your alarm wake you up on time?"


"Why not?"

"I forgot to set one"

See I said it, you are so ditzy. Your head is always in the clouds. If you stay the way you are, you won't even realize when somebody makes a fool out of you."

Lottie rushed. "Sorry Aunt but I will fully listen to your scolding when I return. For now, I have to rush, or else I am dead if I am late today for it!"

She ran like the speed of lightning.

"Wait! Is that orange juice your only breakfast?" She was asking but Lottie was already gone.

Mrs. York sighed. "Oh, dear. She can't even take care of herself. I hope she meets someone who could"

Lottie charged inside the BlueRose hotel and the moment she stepped inside, her knees gave out.

"Hah...hah..." she gasped heavily, "I am here... I am finally here...I made it."

She brought out her phone checked the time. It was after now after 11, one hour past the time she was supposed to meet this man for the blind date. There were five missed calls from Jess and that could have been when she was hurrying here and didn't hear the call.

There was a message from Jess too. Lottie tapped on it and it read, "Don't forget to meet him at 10. Am at the marriage bureau now. The man is a struggling model, and no photos of him was leaked due to his privacy, but you will meet him in person. Dad told me he will be putting on a brown suite so look out. Also, don't get carried away by his looks, darling. He is gay. Just irritate him like a spoilt wealthy daughter."

After going through the whole message, Lottie replied back," Am there now, don't worry I won't get carried by his look and also won't forget how you thought me to act like a spoilt child. Later then."

After that, she placed her phone back into her bag and walked further into the hotel, but there was no sight of any man in brown suite. Was Jess sure this was the right place?

There were only five minutes before it would be 12 o'clock

"Ughhhh! Only five minutes! Can this poor soul not even rest for a moment?" Lottie cried. "Where could he be then. No photos of him, so how do I locate him then?"

Lottie started with her marathon again but this time it wasn't a smooth road as before. Her head was only focussing on meeting this man and she realized a second late that she had collided with someone.

The bag she held flew open and all the makeup plus her phone that she had orderly stuffed inside rained down like a violent storm.

Lottie went blank.

"This is it...I am dead...I am done for."

Her makeup kits had a lot of different products in it, and right now, she saw her doom. It was only five minutes yet this has happened again.

How would she cope now? Plus would the man not have left by now thinking she wasn't coming any more?

Lottie thought, "No! I can't allow Jess to be exposed.. I must hurry up and meet this man."

Organizing all of it again for an unorganized girl like her would take forever. Hardly five minutes weren't nearly enough.

Today's blind date was very important for her, plus she had practiced how a wealthy man's daughter behave the previous day.

Jess also brought her an expensive gown and shoes just to disguise as her, she even made her hair done by a professional hairdresser and now, she could see Jess's hard work go all down the drain.

She collapsed on her knees, feeling defeated, yet the makeups were continuing to pour down.

"Oh, poor Lottie. Acting clumsy like always."

"She is so screwed. One more mess and the deal will be off.

"Am so sorry Miss, can I help you out?" The man that bumped on her earlier and threw her things over the place apologized.

Lottie forced a smile, "of course not, don't worry I will manage on my own!"

The man smiled too, "okay, thanks!" After that, he walked away.

After packing the makeup kits back into her bag, she received a voice note from Jess" Bestie it's already late, hurry up now father already told me he is there. All the best."

Now the 'Mr stranger with no photos ' was nowhere in sight.

She went into the stall and started washing her hands.

The time was now past 12 o'clock and it had drained her emotionally and mentally.

"God! I need this man. I don't know what else to do now!

She came out of the restroom area letting her eyes slide over the dining hall. At that moment, a man with brown suite caught her attention. His hair was curly and neatly done and from his back, Lottie could tell he was handsome.

He was definitely the one!

"Finally!" She heaved a sign of relief as she dashed towards the man.