

Avil swore not to date a fellow student,and she did because of her choice of school, all girls school but when during her last year, she enrolled into a mixed school, her promise still stood until she started falling for the school hunk she hated. He saw her as someone that he could love but a casual remark from her poured cold water on him, he decided to date another who also happens to be her worst enemy putting a strain on their friendship

Daoistyie1gd · Teenager
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20 Chs


Class ended for the break period, Avil must confess the school deserves their crown of excellency, she packed her stuff,took a novel titled " 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙪𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙮 (vampire genre)" from her locker, as she was closing it, someone pushed it with a force nearly clipping her fingers if not for her fast reflexes, Avil's mood soured, she turned to see the person and to her-not-so surprise, it was the circus monkey,with her team, all blonde, well same monkey vibing with other monkeys, Avil looked at her and left without saying a thing, as she walks away, she noticed the look of pity, sympathies and excitement she was getting, she wondered why but it clicked, oh, they thought she will be the next bully target, she laughed at them secretly, we will see about that soon not this month just got in school, wait till am really in.

Avil went to the library to finish her assignments before heading home. When she arrived at home, the smell of dumplings, lotus soup and meat filled her nostrils, she hurriedly took her bath, changed and came down bumping into her elder brother who took all their mother's pretty features except he was tall, they high fived as they passed each other, soon the family of four sat down after praying and started eating, " Sweetheart, how was the new school? " Avil nodded because she had food in her mouth, "it's a lie mum, I think Avil is being picked on at school, it was exciting to watch" her brother chipped in earning a glare from Avil, her parents looked at each other then at her " is it true sweetheart?"

"Nothing I can't handle mum, don't mind Avis, he is just bluffing" her brother chuckled, they continued eating merrily.

Avil went into her room after doing the dishes, she smiled at herself, got up to brush her teeth before sleeping when a light knock sounded on her door, she knew it is her mum without looking, "come in mum" her mum giggled and came in sitting down at the chair there, Mrs Cross is a very beautiful woman in her early thirties, she still looks hot and young with her silver hair let down, it cascaded like waterfall on a cliff, rosy mouth and brown eyes, she looks lovely at her daughter, held her hand, patting it gently "Sweetie, do you wanna go back to all girls school? " Avil wasn't all that surprised,she knew that what her brother said will certainly tick her mother off, she smiled "Mum, it's okay, I wasn't bullied, it was some kind of welcome ritual, you know am not easily bullied, I am fine and besides, I won't keep running, so am fine, okay? " her mother nodded albeit slowly "okay, if you say so but if anything goes wrong don't forget to tell mummy, we are here, and your brother is in the same school as you okay? " Avil nodded, her mother then left, looking at her mum, she wondered if she is an elf, if that really existed, she laughed at her silly thought and went about her business.

The next day, her parents made sure to force her brother to go to school with her together, his face looked like someone forced to loan out 500 million dollars, Avil teased him all the way, and when he tries to catch her she evaded, which increased his annoyance,they soon arrived to his relief and joy, he swore never to say anything close or about bullying again at home, he wanted to avoid his witch of a sister throughout school, Avil looked at him, knowing what exactly is going on in his brain, she laughed at him, earning successfully a smack on the head.

They went their separation ways when they entered the school building, Avil picked what she needed from her locker and went to class,immediately she entered an unprecedented silence reigned, everyone was looking at her like they would a show which made her really uncomfortable and itchy, her first instinct was to go back but she controlled herself and went to her seat, to find someone beside it sleeping with his face down, she ignored the person put down her bag,soon the eyes directed at her turned front except from one, circus monkey, she was looking at Avil with anger and jealousy but Avil ignored her.

The first lesson maths soon passed,she wondered why the teacher didn't complain when her sleeping beauty neighbor slept during his lesson, was that allowed, well it's none of my business, she started preparing herself for the next lesson Biology.

When the first break came, Avil decided to sleep a little but circus monkey and her team didn't want that, "Hey, transfer student" Avil ignored them and laid down her head back after all her name isn't 'transfer student' and she did introduce her name, being ignored like that didn't sit well with circus monkey, she signalled one of her team, a blonde skinny girl, she nodded and went away, soon returning with a cold can water, circus monkey smiled and uncapped it, pouring the content on Avil.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!! ' Avil shouted as the cold water hit her, running to her front, making her shirt cling to her body, showing her beautiful figure, circus monkey's eyes blazed with jealousy, Avil immediately took her black sweater, put it on and went away to change, thank goodness she had extra, if not, that bitch is gonna pay, she went into the girl's bathroom to change, after that, she hanged her cloth inside her locker, and went back to class, everyone was kind of surprised she brought a spare, which further proved their theory about being easily bullied, Avil swore that if that bitch tried that again, she will give her a taste of her cake, her sleeping beauty neighbor finally woke up, as if sensing a presence behind him he turned.

Avil on seeing his face knew that he really deserves being called sleeping beauty, he was handsomely beautiful if that's possible, a baby face, sharp jaw, blue eyes that are as blue as the sky, a red plump kissable lips,black hair, pointed smooth nose, thick well maintained eyebrows,long eyelashes that seems to be fanning his smooth cheeks,she wondered how incredible he looks under all these clothing but judging by his arm, he seems to be very fit, she guessed maybe he is in a football team or swimming team, she shifted her eyes from him reluctantly, that she swore not to date in school doesn't mean she won't admire a beauty when she sees one, "Hi" he smiled at her and man what a killer smile he has, Avil returned it with what she thinks is a friendly smile, "Am Ramon and you are? " Avil opened her mouth to speak but circus monkey was there like a flash, her neighbor's attention went to her and Avil wondered if they are in a relationship if so she really pitied her poor neighbor, she decided to get up and give them space, as she reached the door, a voice stopped her "wait, you haven't told me your name yet" she smiled at him and said "The name is Aviline, Aviline Cross"