
Innate Power Awakening Ceremony II

The group first came front of the four people and greeted them as Leon's don't emphasize in clan politics. If they saw each other and if no outsiders are present they usually greet according to age wise or relationship wise

Among the crowd in forefront is the current head of Leon's Theodore Leon who wore a violet suit with him is two beautiful women one is blonde women with slim and curvy body with a face like elf queen is his first wife belle griffin and another is a tan skinned women with a face that is so beautiful that is no less than belle is his second wife Delphine Devilin.

In the group everyone has smile in their faces as they don't get chance to meet each other so often

among them one person who look like in his thirties can be seen talking with Theodore very happily, he is the most senior person among the group and 9th youngest granduncle of Theodore and jayce, yeah that is their grandfather's youngest brother called Drake Leon he is a tier 10 Admantium level healer who is more than ten thousand years old he is here with his fifth child Emily Leon who he keep floated beside him

Olivia looked at the group and said " uncle everyone we were waiting for you all please let the kids go inside the rings"

Drake nodded and said to Emily" little emi I will put you inside the ring try your hard daddy will be waiting for you" to which Emily answered " I will do my best papa and I will become worlds best healer" said the girl showing a closed fist to her father

Theodore looked at prince who is looking all around the formation ground as to remember each every corner of ground as he planning something and said " phi phi be good kid and sit inside the ring obediently " prince looked at his father with his small eyes filled with intelligence and craftiness and nodded, And Theodore made prince fly through air to one of the ring like all other people beside him

By now there is only five more minutes for the decided time to start the formation jayce observed all children from above they all are sitting silently and seriously even his always playful nephew is sitting obediently

" Everyone when the formation starts you all will be covered in a white liquid and you will become unconscious, you need not worry of it, as after awakening of your innate power you will woke up " said jayce Leon and he continued " be ready kids "while speaking he channeled mana to family token and said "now"

Suddenly with rumbling sound the ring on formation ground turned into a silver white sphere and covered each kids in sphere while they become unconscious and they laid in sphere like a fetus in womb

The innate awakening formation uses every energy that found in world and the combination all of this energy turns the energy silver white, they call this world energy, this formation is actually a ancient formation with unknown grade but the formation is quite easy to create so even though this formation is above admantium level there is no problem with laying the formation with schematics left behind predecessors

The longer some one stays in the sphere the more powerful and complex the innate power they awake, because longer they stay the deeper the world energy seeps the body which in turn awake more powerful innate power

Just after five minutes there can be seen a sudden appearance of fire ball above one of the sphere, this is a common skill Lv 0 fire ball that can create using both warrior energy and mana its not even the normal Lv 1 magic skill fire ball actually it can't be called a skill. Then the sphere covering the kid retracted to form a white badge which then fall into hands of the conscious kid, though the kid looked sad and disappointed he still felt hope while looking at the badge. The badge is entry pass for the the real hurdle the talent test.

Talent test is conducted in status chamber, it is an ancient artifact that unearthed by Leon family, it can test and show power containing in one's body like strength, intelligence, mana affinity, warrior energy affinity etc in number. It's quite commonly used artifact in ancient times so normally each super forces in world have this artifact. with this artifact it's easy to select talented person to a organization

Following that many such low level class skill can be seen showing up above the spheres, on above one person you can see a wolf cub with intelligence flickering in its eyes it's a real animal but still its only a wild animal not even a Lv 1 magic beast

There is also people who awake skills, virtual weapon or other things like one person have awoken a virtual pen , another awaken a dust repelling skill or a warrior skill low level slash so on

Suddenly on seventh minute above a sphere there can be seen a sword appearing, seeing this exclamation can be heard among the crowd as appearance of the sword was like swan among a flock of chickens, it was entirely white colored sword which is a 1 star mortal grade weapon, mortal grade weapon are divided from lowest 1 star to highest 10 star.

The specialty of this weapon is that it's not a virtual weapon but a real weapon and as said before it can be level up with the holder increasing his level so it can increase it's level into a 10 star mortal grade weapon as long as user become Admantium level being.

Seeing this James Leon pointed his finger at the sphere making the sphere green color after that sphere retracted to form a green badge and fall into the hand of the kid, normally a person having innate weapon type power is selected into Leon family guards

Seeing this jealousy envy and excitement can be seen in faces of crowd as this marked has already chosen by Leon family if he is not against joining Leon family he can become a servant of Leon's

Next many real and virtual weapons or magic beasts can be seen in appearing continuously among the spheres and the weapons and some attack type real and virtual beast all were marked by James. But he didn't select those of low level battle skill as it's easy to learn such skills for any one. only middle level and high level battle skill are hard to learn. And low level innate battle skill is very hard to evolve or 99% it won't

Following that by increase of time the quality innate power shown in each person also increased. Till now no Leon's have awakened

On 30th minute with a rumbling sound above a sphere a blue flame formed which increased in it's size up to ten meters and formed a shape of whirlwind

It's a medium level flame type magic skill immediately, James Leon pointed finger at the that sphere turning it into a orange sphere which form a orange token

Following that many medium level skill appeared, only four hundred weapons appeared among which 300 virtual and 100 real and all are 4 star mortal grade weapon, the specialty of medium ranked weapons is they posses elemental power and all weapons were fire elements short ranged weapons.

If a weapon has special elements like space, time, shadow or other special elements other than normal 8 elements wood, fire, water, metal, wind, earth, light, darkness and ranked 4 star mortal grade, its still consider more powerful than 6 star mortal grade due to its element

The real weapons, real beasts, skills or other special innate powers and some special virtual innate power have chance to evolve beyond their grade infinitely but in case of virtual weapons there is seal placed in them and the seals will unlock as the power of person increase and after reaching or unlocking final seal there will no chance of increase in power

In order to get higher level or to evolve from a bottleneck the innate power of evolving category will demand user to fulfill a special requirement which stops the upgrading of innate power of 99% people in thousand deity world. And higher the level of innate power more requirement will be there to upgrade the innate power, like a low level 1 beast or 1 star weapon innate power will only ask user evolving requirement at every ten level but a medium level innate power that is 4 star weapons and level 4 beast and other special innate power that came under same category, will ask user evolving requirement at every three level, and high grade innate power will ask requirement for evolution for every level after it's first evolution.

But at present age 99.999% people hasn't undergone their first evolution only .001 of entire population of thousands deity world has gone first innate power evolution and all that is due to incredible luck.

Nearing one hour time more than 98% of sphere has opened only about two hundred and sixty sphere can seen in the ground every one was anxiously waiting for them even the Leon's standing in sky along the elders were waiting anxiously

"This time there is much more good cubs than last ten years aah I'm getting more nervous " said Olivia Leon with a red face filled with excitement. Even on the face of cold James there seem to be undisclosed excitement

Even for Leon family getting more than two hundred high level talent at a same time is a matter of joy, because each year there will be only at average hundred high level people.

Even though having low level innate power doesn't signify you as a trash but having high level innate power surely signify you as a top genius and you have chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with peak power of world in future. And now there is two hundred and sixty such people surely at least two hundred people will join Leon family from them removing the Leon's its still one hundred and fifteen it's more talents joined in clan than last eight years so of course they are happy

When clock hit eleven among them above a sphere a bow of ice materialized from thin air, the bow is completely made up of ice even the string is made up of a icy liquid like substance after appearance of this bow hundred meters around the sword start to freeze and ice crystals start from thin air

"A bow 7 star mortal grade bow ten thousand year old glacial ice if it took little more time to wake it will surely have a high grade" exclaimed Drake Leon

Most weapon of 7 star and above can control the elements of their partially in their surroundings and called domain type weapon all 7 star weapon are not domain type but domain type are 7 star and above. James pointed at sphere turning it red sphere following formation of red badge

Following this many start to awake their high level innate power they mostly were high level battle skill and another two 7 star weapon showed one water element sword and another earth element real spear were the sword is a virtual sword

And one person got high level real beast as innate power a level 7 python. In case of real beasts and most innate power with life and intelligence, one will only get base level of the beast or whatever intelligent living thing it's, or it should be said if your innate power in it's peak is a ferocious dragon of thousand meters long but at the time you woke it will be only be a snake of two inch from there it should hurdle all obstacles to reach its peak which is a very hard thing, this is to say you will never get a beast in its adult form or fully evolved form it's you who should evolve them

Actually after awakening real living beast even if it most common cat you can evolve it unlimited but if you don't know specific root to take which is common in 90% living type innate power as it is very hard to determine the which living being is your innate power, so if you don't even understand the living being how could you evolve it from its bottleneck

So awakening a higher level beast increase chance to found the route of evolution for the beast as there is more chance to distinguish the living being and understand the evolution path

On other side virtual beasts are more powerful than real beast but there is no chance for evolution virtual beast or other virtual innate powers, are like a box with a limited amount of seals the more powerful you become the more seals you break as breaking of each seal will strengthen until you open the box were you get a higher boost for your power and then it's over, the innate power will not strengthen anymore

For another half-an-hour there was all type high grade battle skills, support skills,and passive skill appearing above sphere which were all marked by James Leon because as higher the skill get there will be no skill that is useless

Now there is only 100 kids in the ground among 85 are Leon's and remaining 15 were outsiders after fifteen minutes the outsider start to wake their innate power among them 5 woke 8 star virtual weapon, Which shocked the crowd that was actually five 8 star weapons

Remaining one woke a virtual wood elemental which caused an uproar among crowd as it was a rare thing though its not living being it still was spirit with intelligence . Another two woke level 8 virtual beasts, The last two woke level 8 real beasts

After all this crowd in the sky and on the land were watching the remaining kids to be precise the remaining five kids. as Leon's are always found to be monsters which will have a unbelievable talent in training their class and it is a common knowledge they either woke lion type real or virtual beast or other indistinguishable innate powers, so every one was focusing on the last five as every one from Leon family are at center of the formation grounds and the other five sphere are in middle area of ground so they are easily noticed.