

When all super-forces arrived they formally started discussion about how to proceed further, the leaders of all forces gathered in sky they also asked Pope of light church to come

Eastern elder dragon once more confirmed "we will enter Deity sanctum on order of our arrival to prevent any type of misunderstandings is there any one against this "

The reason Eastern elder dragon ask this question is because adventure guild ranked super-force using a special artifact which is quite easy to cheat against, so they don't want to underestimate any one, this fact become more solidified when lady violet took action before

So Eastern elder dragon asked this question, seeing no one stepping forward he was just about to continue when a voice full of arrogance sounded "Respected elder dragon its not that I am being noisy, but how come last ranked force can enter first while we the eight ranked can only enter last don't you think its a quite idiotic?" When you hear the former words you might think the person is respecting elder dragon but if you see his mocking sneer and latter words you will know he is indirectly suggesting elder dragon is idiot

Hearing this Eastern elder dragon doesn't loose his temper, he just plainly asked "oh then what you suggest? Marcus Fernir" while looking at a man who has handsome features looks like in his thirties and wore red royal robes with various mythical animals pattern on it and wore a golden crown and holding a scepter in his left hand, he is the emperor of Fernir Empire

"of-course I will replace them after all they are only last ranked super-force, even though they fought with some firefly both of them are too weak, isn't that the reason they ranked last hmph they are more than ten million years old family, but is still ranked last among us super-forces, look at us we gained our rank just after four million years so we are more fitting than any one to replace that weak family" said Fernir Emperor without hiding his disdain

Hearing Fernir Emperor comparing themselves to firefly the Pope of light church was angered he noted down silently in his mind that when they reveal their fangs, they will destroy Fernir Empire second after Leon family

Fernir Empire is a Empire of many races except natural spirits, they are famous for their arrogance or ego, every citizen act like they have their eyes on top of their head, even though citizens ancient of empires like Dwarven, Elven, Beastmen, Sage and Fishmen are arrogant if compared to fernir empire they are saints

The first Emperor of Fernir empire obtained a heavenly treasure from ancient ruins which can increase talents of livings beings born under the area were aura of this treasure reaches and the emperor set the aura to spread all over fernir empire

The more concentrated the aura the more talent a being will have and this even effect innate powers, so even common citizen will have incredible talent and good innate powers in Fernir Empire

Most of their citizen awakens good innate power compared to other forces, the people who live in imperial city and its vicinity always have super talents and top innate powers, innate power seen only once in a ten thousand year like army type and artifact type will be seen among them more frequently than other power

But like every coin having another side there was another side to this blessing, they have a side effect that it will increase their egotism little by little making them overly arrogant and conceited

By the time first Emperor of Fernir Empire know of this matter he couldn't do any thing. Because it was too late by then, as they have become overly dependent on the treasure, And as more time went by the stronger the egotism of fernirians got and more powerful they got

The Dwarven Emperor snorted and said "you are only a kid among us, there were even more powerful super-forces that had more potential than you, who got destroyed in river of time, and you a force who don't even have a history of ten million years are blabbering of potential what is use of potential when you are killed"

He didn't refuted Dwarven Emperor even though the Fernirian's were arrogant they were not fools, the reason they are overly arrogant because it had become their instincts, which was caused by the treasure that increased their talent and innate power

Moreover he was afraid of top seven super-forces, because he know the heritage of top seven super-forces dates back to ancient era and among them five council have a ancient empire under them who's heritage is passed down since ancient era, while adventure guild have branches all over known world is also of ancient heritage and in mythical council each of their member is equal to five members of other super-forces, is also a continuation of ancient heritage, this is also a reason the position of top seven forces is known as unshakable

He avoided Dwarven Emperor and looked at lady violet and said "I will give you a chance, kneel down and offer me your position as apology, otherwise you will face our Destructor's power, lets see if your puny Leon city can endure a shot from Destructor's tetra cannon" said Fernir Emperor with acruel smile

Hearing this everyone thought he is too arrogant and unscrupulous, threatening with life of innocents civilians, but thinking about Destructor they too were afraid of it

Due to weak foundation of Fernir Empire they have only one ark, but that ark is among one of top three ark with most powerful attacking power in known world, this is also the reason they got late as its too slow in travelling compared to other ark's, its said that Destructor can even kill a third level universe being if driven by a universal being

So other forces just keep watching without interfering, as they thought its better to not get in bad side of either party

While top seven super-forces and dark temple thought that Fernir Emperor is simply courting death

Lady violet furrowed her brows and asked with calm "are you threatening me?"

Hearing this Marcus Fernir laughed and said with a mocking tone"threatening you?! No I'm stating what I'm going to do less you said I didn't warn you, you are simply too weak to hold into first position when there is someone much powerful than you like us standing in last position, so you better give up your position if you want to keep puny life of your family" he paused and looked at lady violet with unbridled confidence and arrogance and continued "if not I will show you how powerful Destructor's tetra cannon is" finishing he looked at the ancient battle ark which is fifty kilometer long with a rectangular shape, mounted on it was four cannon each have four barrels completely laden with runes unlike other arks who have Foruin combination, this is Dwarven technology only dwarves have battle ark of this category other than Fernir Empire

Hearing this others forces were also observing situation with interest although other forces didn't raise any opinion against Eastern elder dragon, if they got chance to enter early they won't say no, moreover they can know how much more power Leon family have hidden so they kept quite

While top seven super-forces and dark temple Simply looked at Fernir Empire like a idiot

The top seven super-forces and Dark Temple thought deeply, why Fernir Emperor is doing this? when they suddenly had a epiphany that he is simply showing of his power, as his ego doesn't allow him to keep his calm when a much lower ranked force attracted all lime light, even though he is careful by directly threatening using fire power of Destructor which have one of most powerful attacking power, but he have know idea who is he standing against, they looked him with a hint of pity and schadenfreude

Hearing lady violet looked at Fernir Emperor and smiled at him, latter felt a chill went down his spine when he saw the smile, she asked him "...weak?...puny...family?..hehe then watch with your eyes open" lady Violet pointed towards the Damocles and said "what is weakness"

Suddenly the Damocles which was floating silently suddenly lit with lightning all over its body like a beast awakened from its slumber, lightning crackled all over its ten kilometer long body and instantly the lightning released from tip of the ark

The lightning cleaved through atmosphere like a water fall and directly hit the Fernir Empire's Destructor, the Destructor got covered in lightning for a second and the lightning disappeared

When the lightning disappeared the milky white shield was still on, seeing this Fernir Empire heaved a sigh of relief, when he heard what lady violet said he thought she have some tricks on her sleeve

He looked at lady violet and smiled with more arrogance than before and said "looks like your so called Damocles can't do anything it....."

Crackle crackle crackle


Suddenly he heard a crackling sound and followed by sound of air blowing, Emperor of Fernir turned towards the source sound and froze

He saw the fifty kilometres long battle ark falling to the sea from the sky covered in crackling lightning and the shield protecting it had disappeared, only now everyone understood that the shield couldn't protect it from Damocles's shot, they didn't see or hear lightning hit due to the shield that covered their view and sound, Fernir Emperor didn't gain his awareness untill the battle ark plunged into water and skid for a thousand meter before coming to stop and floated on water

Seeing this lady violet asked Fernir Emperor "I guess now you have no problem now that we showed our power right?"

Hearing this Fernir Emperor didn't say anything he just keep floating in air still in shock, his previous arrogance nowhere to be seen only despair in his face, as he looked at the now silent battle ark with no shining inscriptions or runes on it

Seeing this lady violet looked at Eastern elder dragon said "elder dragon please proceed with meeting"

Hearing this elder dragon asked with shocked voice "lady violet, that ark did it got wrecked?"

Hearing this question others forces too looked at lady violet as they were too dying to hear her answer

Lady violet shook her head and said "no the ark is alright, the lightning just messed its energy channels of ark, so until the lightning energy dissipate the ark won't able to perform any functions"

Hearing this everyone heaved a sigh of relief, if it really destroyed the ark with a single shot it will be too overpowered, but on other hand they know in current situation any one can destroy Destructor easily

When Fernir Emperor heard it he too let a sigh of relief, after all Fernir Empire only have one ark if they lost it, it will be terrible for them. he checked the battle ark with his spiritual sense and was happy to know there is only some small casualties among crew, he noted this day thinking he will definitely get back to Leon's for this humiliation one day, so he kept his silence

Hearing this Eastern elder dragon asked "then we will continue, do any one have disagreement with current procedures"

Hearing this know one raised any arguments and some of them looked at fernir emperor with a gloating expression

Seeing there is no disagreement Eastern elder dragon continued "then I suggest each forces only sent their super geniuses for expedition, because I think only they can survive the trial prepared by deities, only our super geniuses can consider geniuses in ancient time and they will be the one those deities searching for, if we send normal geniuses they will simply become cannon fodder"

Super geniuses are those of super talents and high level innate powers, every super-forces will have such geniuses, only problem is those under age ten is very hard to find. fortunately natural energy release was high for past some centuries and last few years it was all time high which increased talent and innate power of population so super-forces have more super geniuses this few years

Hearing this supreme sage said said "elder dragon I think its better to decide a fixed number of people because different forces will have different number of supreme genius on different time so its better to decide on number of people we send otherwise some will have more while some will have less"

"Yes elder dragon its better the way supreme sage said that way it will all be depend on our power and fate" said Ocean Empress

"OK then we will decide of ten slots from each super-force while four for top forces and three for other forces, and we will try our best to fill our slots with supreme geniuses while remaining will filled with top geniuses" said Eastern elder dragon

Hearing this everyone nodded even though Fernir Emperor want to say something he didn't

"then we will wait for arrival of juniors, now its evening let us enter the deity sanctum tomorrow afternoon with an interval of thirty minutes between entry of each force" said a man with pale white skin with face of human with white tiger ears and have a 王 character on his forehead and a tail behind, he is the Beast Emperor, the Emperor of ancient beast Empire and leader of Beast council the fifth ranked super-force

Hearing this everyone nodded

Seeing this Elven Empress said "after we entered we will let top-forces enter together and after one hour we will let first rate forces and so on "

Hearing this no one denied her, if they denied entry of this forces it will cause mass dissatisfaction among populous after all most of this people come from their own territory

Seeing all was settled and no one has any different suggestion Eastern elder dragon said "OK then we will meet here tomorrow afternoon" saying that he flew towards Xenia, except Pope of light church because he wasn't invited and Fernir Emperor because of his anger towards Leon's didn't enter Xenia, all other flew to Xenia to their allotted Residence

Following day in the afternoon leaders of all super-forces except Leons were standing in sky one kilometer away from the entrance of deity sanctum hundred meter behind them other forces, all looking towards the hundred meter tall door frame with water like curtain inside it

Suddenly a space gate opened in sky and lady violet stepped out, tagging along with her were ten kids among them was a kid with cute face looking at everything with curiosity who have white hair and golden eyes. The kids all have a backpack and a bracelet on their hands

Lady violet nodded towards other leaders and lead the kids towards the entrance of deity sanctum

The only reason all forces allowed the entry of forces one by one, is because they all knew from legends that deity sanctum is incredibly large plane, which will take years to explore so they were not afraid of losing chance of getting inheritance due to lagging of few hours

When lady violet reached two hundred meters away from the entrance a intense white light appeared blinding everyone, after few seconds light vanished, when light vanished two hundred meter surrounding the door frame has become a grass plain

If looked from sky, it look exactly like a tiny island with a large door frame in middle with many figures sculpted on the door

Lady violet landed along with kids on the beach of island but when she tried to walk with the kids to the island some invisible force prevented her from walking into the island she can only stay at the beach

Seeing this she said to the kids "little ones from here on you are your own, remember to cautious on your every step, it doesn't matter if you didn't get any inheritances what matters you return in one piece, and you all should listen to Prince inside the sanctum, also remember what I said at castle be wary of those people, now of you go"

The kids all nodded with excitement after thanking her they run towards the door, with ease no invisible force blocked them seeing this violet flew back

Leader's of all forces who were standing in sky watched this scene with batted breath, when the kids reached the door they holded each others hand and stepped forward at same time and vanished though the water like curtain