

While Prince and others were undergoing survival training, the number forces gathered around beside the opening of Deity sanctum increased. If you looked far above from sky, were deity sanctum appeared you can see an amazing scene

The many aircraft's floating on the sky had formed a circle shape, there were four such circles the center circle is smallest and outermost circle is largest, they all surround a hundred meter high ancient looking door which is shining with dim lights

If you look bit more closer you will know that the smallest ring are actually a group formed of ancient battle arks, which have many runes and inscription on it and there are twenty four of such ark's formed the first circle around the door of legendary Deity sanctum, yes they are the super-forces of thousand deity world

one kilometer away from this circle of ancient ark's there is another circle formed of hundreds of battle ark's and flying ships, yes this group is also made of battle ark's but they have no word ancient before it, if super forces saw this battle ark's, they will scoff at it and say its just a armored battle ship, these are top forces of thousand deity world

And one kilometer away from top forces there is another large circle formed consisting of thousands of aircraft's, same as the second circle they also contain battle ship's and battle ark's or armored battle ships as super forces say, but here such battle ark's are lesser than the first group, they are the group made up of first rate forces of thousand deity world world

And the last circle contains tens of thousands of battle ships and airships they are the second rate forces, third rate forces or rogue cultivators of thousand deity world

The leaders of all top forces, first rate forces, second rate forces and third rate forces were invited to the the luxury air ship of Leon family called Xenia as guests to discuss and inform about details pertaining deity sanctum

Only top forces and super-forces were allowed in first floor of the ship, except a representative from each of first, second, third rate forces and rogue cultivators who represent them wholly, who will be elected from them after arrival of all remaining super-forces the remaining are arranged according to their ranks to remaining floors

All this forces had surrounded the opening of deity sanctum making this place worlds current most protected area, if you ask, who are they protecting this place from? of-course its from themselves

At the top most floor there was a large flower garden with various beautiful flowers, were the people from super-forces and top forces gathered,they were talking and laughing forming their own little groups you can see various servants walking to and fro with various dishes and drinks

Violet was also among them entertaining various guests and she will go personally to welcome leaders of super-forces who arrive time to time

Suddenly with a sonic boom three flying ark's stopped at mid-air they are in golden in color and twenty kilometer long emanating a holy aura that make you feel submissive and worship them but as every one here powerhouse themselves they felt nothing

On each of these ark's there is a five leafed clover emblem, yes they are from light church, when the leaders and other people from different forces world saw this three ships they furrowed with dissatisfaction and disgust, dissatisfaction that they came with three ancient battle ark's, after all it's not like others super-forces only have one battle ark's they only deployed one battle ark is to show their respect to others of their same level and at same time showcasing their dignity

After all although every one compete each other if there came a precious resources, there is also common courtesy and respect they keep to each other, though its first time all the super-forces gather after many millions of years there have been small gathering if a precious objects revealed near to their territory who ever saw it will compete for it, only if a object is very rare and precious that it can effect entire world will all the super-force move together like now, it is like a unwritten-ed rule in thousand deity world

And the cause of disgust to light church is because the principles of church are something inhabitants of thousand deity world abhor most, as the church preach the idea of all others except humans who believe in church is heathens and should be killed with no exception

Thousand deity world is world all races lives in unity may it be darven empire, elven empire, beast empire, beast men empire and draconian empire and so on, all has other races as its citizens and there are even many people of other races in high positions in these empires, but light church has only humans while all other races were treated like slaves

This caused disgust toward them from all other forces and common people, another reason the church had turned all people of radiant continent into zealots of church by demarcating other races which is something all races see with much disgust

Its said when light church came into being in the radiant continent, it doesn't have contact with outside world and so doesn't know there is super-forces above them watching the world

light church started its foundation by destroying unity of races and portraying humans as superior to other races, because majority population of radiant continent were humans and light church want faith power to become powerful so they preached the races with highest number

Faith power is another source of energy, which is collected by a special artifact which is sometimes made by directly merging with a higher level being or placed in an organization empowering the being who get the faith energy or members of organization respectively and its used in many other ways, faith energy is often created when a large number of living beings believe in that higher being or in certain principles and pray in name of artifact or that being if there is one

So when the radiant continent knew there was a continent beyond sea, when adventures of western continent discovered the continent, the zealots of the radiant empire which created by light church were angered knowing there is a continent which doesn't believe in their god of light and immediately declared war on the western continent which they called first crusade

First western continents top-forces like Beast hall and Titan clan defended against the radiant empire, but when light church send ancient battle arks and universal level being they were terrified, at that time spies of beast hall founded the situation of radiant continent which shocked them, they released this news to the all known world

The news that a organization with faith artifact caused destruction to a continent by turning all people to its zealots and treating other races and non-believing humans as heathens and is now fighting a war against western continent because they are not of same religion shocked the entire thousand deity world

Especially those forces with faith artifacts like Templar's the ninth ranked super-forces, Dark temple the eleventh ranked super-force and Blood god church the fourth ranked top force of world and a force respected by all world at same as super-force's were utterly shocked after all it is something will destroy their status causing people wary of them

In thousand deity world all forces know that its disaster converting living beings in name of faith, as its no different from making them slaves and destroying half of their sanity, which is inhuman thing so they never do such things as there is always a better way, that deities have instructed them

Knowing this piece news Templar's known as worlds army of Justice, Blood god church known as healers of world and Dark Temple requested all top seven super-forces to judge this matter

At same time Templar's send their first top three armies along with a battle ark and universal being directly to Radiant continent and besieged the entire continent and Radiant city, capital of radiant empire and light church

While Dark temple sent their forces to western continent to wiped out the army of Radiant empire which landed in western continent

Later continent only knew that top seven super forces send their own representatives to Radiant continent and freed all other races and peace was attained but the light church was left with out much damage

this also made radiant continent first continent with only a single race in the thousand deity world

Its said both Elemental Empire the fourteenth ranked super-force and Great Evergreen Union the twelfth ranked super forces along with help of sages and many artifacts cast a spell above earth grade on the Radiant continent to prevent birth of nature spirits, because news of massacre of many nature spirits on Radiant continent whom born from nature and always have low population

And now seeing this force of-course everyone was disgusted, the most disgusted was those with faith artifacts like Templar's, Dark temple and Blood god church as they know faith is something formed with trust, respect and love of sentient beings to a particular living entity only such faith will be pure and could be used with no further repercussion and not something farmed by falsification, deception and treachery

When the three Ark's stopped violet who was entertaining guests looked at the three ark's and frowned with anger in her face and a fierce light flashed by her eyes

The leaders of top seven super-forces who violet was standing with noticed this, the guild leader of adventures guild the seventh ranked super-force, was one of the youngest among them and was someone who become guild leader just a hundred years ago asked lady violet with utmost respect in his face "lady violet what concerns you?"

Hearing this everyone looked at her, supreme sage who had transformed into his human form also looked at violet, he know Leon's were someone who treat anyone with sentience with respect as long as they are not some butcher or something like that so he thought her anger with light church is norm

Violet looked at everyone and said "they are coming to make trouble" she frowned and thought something and continued "later remember to be wary of them there is something wrong with them, warn your juniors about light church and ask them to be always wary of them in deity sanctum"

Hearing what violet said everyone's face hardened, because they know clearly who violet is and she is not someone who warn them if there is no considerable issue, if light church were here to make trouble a place were all forces of world gathered, then they must have something to depend, and that something must be something that can cause damage to them they all thought of this way, after all they are leader of super-forces and not someone without experiences

They all send message to their HQ's directly and noted what lady violet said

"Lady violet should we inform others? Is there any bigger threat that we need to know about" asked a beautiful lady who have water blue hair and was no different from human and wore blouse like dress made of red orange shell on upper body and a long skirt with scales of fish of same color on lower body she is the Ocean Empress a mermaid, the leader of sixth ranked super-force Aqua Council

"No need to inform others now, we will do it if needed, lets maintain our silence for now and abserve what they are up to" said Lady violet after calming down

Violet then informed general of blaze corps Kalion Aruthos and admiral dragonfly fleet Liza Pica who were maintaining order among various forces to be wary of light church and informed the situation to Frank Leon

While they were talking the left and right cardinal and pope were observing the the entrance in the screen of battle ark

"That is the entrance to sacred plane of deities, your eminence it look like we should forces our way there" said left cardinal with determination

"Left cardinal didn't you notice anything? the super-forces gathered here haven't entered the sacred plane, there must be something we don't know" said right cardinal with annoyance

The pope who was observing other forces looked at the door and noticed the black tablet on left side seeing the tablet his face turned darker he growled in low voice "look like there is some restriction placed on the sacred plane, those abominable deities even after their death they won't give up their mantle to us"

"Look like we should inquire the details about others, hehe lets show this ignorant fools, what is a super power is" said Left cardinal with dense killing intent

Right cardinal shooked his head and said "no its not right time to show our power we should ask the reason politely, we can always make an example of them after we got the inheritance or else if something unexpected might happen which might hinder us from obtaining the inheritance of deities, after all who knows what preparation that damned deities have made?"

Hearing this pope noded "Right cardinal is right, moreover even if we are powerful we shouldn't belittle the super-forces after all if they can use battle ark cleverly it will cause us heavy damage especially those two" he pointed at Damocles and Black thunder "I feel threatened by those two ark's even though they are small they are very powerful, did you notice it no super-forces dare to anchor their ark in front of it so let us grasp the situation before taking action"

Hearing this left cardinal noded

Right cardinal turned back and saw the two row of fifteen full body golden armored beings standing silently, seeing them pride and arrogance can be seen in his face, he turned to his left were there was a man standing wearing royal red prince suit and a small crown on his head seeing this man he said "go inquire the situation"

Hearing this the the man kneeled and said "as per your wish your eminence" then he left