

Leon city

Mean while after purchasing all the required materials prince and his maids returned to the castle.

as for the light beam in distance they don't care about it as they thought their seniors will look into it

Throughout the way back prince kept looking at Anne as if she was some kind of devil, after all she had spend ten million Admantium coins today, burning ten million Admantium coins in four hour is some thing even he can't do, its ten million Admantium coins not gold even Theodore will feel like loosing a chunk of meat from his body if he knew about it and what is more frustrating is, that is not the end of it

they visited totally three shops in this four hours, don't belittle the three shops the first one they visited was the branch of the thousand treasure pavilion the twenty third ranked among super-forces, then second one was merchant guild who is more powerful than thousand treasure pavilion ranked nineteenth among super-forces, but when they left the merchants guild the Admantium card he had which contain ten million Admantium coins in its sub-space was emptied out and he paid hundred admantium coins from his own pocket, and that was all after a ten percent discount given by guild due to large quantity of product they purchased

Still Anne was looking at prince with a puppy face and with begging expression, seeing this he begrudgingly went to third place. the Leon city auction hall one of the largest trading hall of thousand deity world

unlike merchant guild and thousand treasure pavilion who have branches all over the known world, the Leon city auction hall has only one branch and that is in Leon city, this is also the reason they are ranked after merchant guild and thousand treasure pavilion

But still with no branches like others, they ranked third in business just because of a auction hall in Leon city, this shows how valuable and priceless the resources they sold is, after all other two could hold to their status quo only because, they are larger organization who cover all known world

When they reached here prince who's face had become green due to loss of all money suddenly thought something then a evil smile crept over his face, when others saw this they all thought only one think 'damn cute' after all in his little face that was a cute smile

He then directly went to the managers room in auction hall, were he saw a fat man checking various documents occasionally that fat man will flash a devious smile like a devil who had cheated off someone's soul

"Second uncle your phi phi is here" said prince acting cutely with a childish smile

Yes this man is Timothy Leon second uncle of prince hearing the voice Timothy raised his head to look, seeing it was prince, a happy smile bloomed on his face, after all prince was the only nephew he had, so he loves Prince very much

"Phi phi why are you looking for your uncle ..oh this must be your innate servants" said Timothy seeing Anna and Anne, he had heard from Theodore, what kind of sick innate power his nephew had awakened during the emergency meeting four days ago and he knew there is two maids whom prince assimilated to his innate power who wore red and blue uniforms

Hearing Timothy's question prince said "uncle my maid Anne have various support type class we came here to buys some materials for her could you help me pleeeease?" Said prince with a adorable face

Seeing this timothy smiled and nodded "ofcourse I will help you if I don't help you who will I help" said timothy patting his chest he then injected mana to his family token and summoned Olivia he then looked at prince and said "I know your maid have many support classes you can take whatever you needed, aunt Olivia will help you"

Hearing prince nodded and said cutely "uncle thanks I love you "

Meanwhile Olivia arrived at the office and Timothy asked her to give prince everything he needed

prince who was walking to castle sighed again and again thinking what happened later, he couldn't help look at Anne with frustration, because she had wiped off two warehouses clean, in the auction hall only when Olivia asked her to stop did she stopped, all bit reluctantly

Remembering the face his uncle made when he left he couldn't let a helpless smile, he then thought in mind let it be uncle's gift for my innate power awakening

When he reached home Anne hurriedly went to her work room locked the door saying she will show her usefulness

While prince began to think about his next step, that is which class should he take, what path should he follow, he raised this question to Anna after all although she is air headed sometimes she is best person for anything related to combat

Hearing this Anna smiled and said "master I think you should follow the path of innate power that will be the most powerful and best suited path for you"

Hearing this prince frowned like a adult and asked "but shouldn't I select a class and increase my level after all only by increasing power will I can increase your power and use more powers of Vega"

"Of-course you should cultivate but you should take innate power as your main path and give more importance to your innate powers after all you can increase your power vastly if you got more suitable innate powers" said Anna

suddenly Vega said in his mind "master what Anna said is right your power will increase fast by devouring different innate powers so you should follow this path and another think you must do is to practice a body enhancing technique, as you know if you want to strengthen your innate power and acquire power beyond your level, your energy quality must be increased, as I can't provide You With Higher quality Energy into your body, as your body won't be able bear such burden"

Hearing this prince summoned Vega and asked "you mean to say as quality of my body increase power of innate power will also increase?"

Hearing this Vega answered "Yes master but practicing a technique will be not simple for you, you must know cosmos is fair as you have such powerful innate power most likely your talent in training mana and warrior energy and other energy must have decreased a notch unlike other geniuses of your family"

Hearing this prince cute face frowned a little after all a decrease in talent is not a good think

Seeing frowning prince Vega giggled and said "dump master if you can get a innate power that increase cultivation speed, that problem will be solved easily, why are you worrying for nothing not only that, if you equipped such innate power with a blank galaxy you can increase not only your cultivation but my and whatever beings connected with me don't you think making your talent handicapped is just for a show?"

Hearing prince frown relaxed, he had forget about this matter after all there is innate power for all things so he just need to get such a power, in future when he go to outside world, fighting and deaths are unavoidable so he can just devour his enemies innate powers, he knew death is unavoidable in this world were strong rules and weak is preyed, this is something his parents, grandparents and uncles always explained to him and from their explanation he know not everyone is like his family, he had heard that other people are so vicious that even among the brothers who came from same mothers womb, they don't hesitates kill each other for power and authority

When he first heard this his mind was deeply disturbed, but his parents and family also told him no Leon family member ever do such thinks and so he shouldn't worry his own family members backstabbing him, only after hearing this his mind feel at ease, after all if his family who normally act like they will give their life for each other is also like those fellows who kill their own brothers and plot vicious scheme behind facade of love there will no one good on this world

But now he think about taking a life, he only felt it was not a big matter and if someone had evil intention to him he will surely erase him conveniently, he noticed this since he awakened his innate power, before he felt killing is not something that should do with out a solid reason and should always save a life if we could, but now he only felt if someone is planning anything evil towards him removing them is not a problem, it felt like if ever situation arise he can kill without any trauma but he don't know why he felt so

Reading thoughts of her master Vega said "master don't worry, you feeling apathetic towards life wont cause any problems to you, it will only make you clear minded about bigger picture and it will only bring benefits and reason you feel like that is because you awaken me as your innate power, as it is something influenced by me after all I'm universe with consciousness and universe with consciousness look down life with nonchalance due to our long life and our innate nature as we have seen through life and death, and as master is human you will have more insights into this matter and your new mindset stem from your subconscious mind, its just that you only noticed it now " explained Vega clearly to her master

Hearing this prince asked "does that mean by time you will influence me entirely? isn't it like you devouring me?"

"dumb master I am your innate power not some soul invaded your body and this influencing only occurred because shortcomings of your mind and so to make it more firm and decisive, its also something I can do nothing about as I have no control over it " said Vega with angry tone

Hearing this prince suddenly understood, due to his naive mind a automatic process was triggered by his innate power which tempered his mind and which made him matured in some matter, he was unaware of in life understanding this prince was happy for having Vega as innate power

If Timothy heard prince thought himself as naive he will probably curse that all women in cherry blossom pavilion is thousand year old virgin

While prince was in deep thought Noah phoenix came to his side and said "young master you are summoned to training grounds,"

hearing this prince asked "is this something about that green beam?"

"young master is wise, yes young master and I think it is something that will make you happy in fact very very happy" said Noah he knew about innate adventurous spirit of Leon's that is the reason he said so

hearing this prince thought of something and hurriedly went to training ground with Anna and meek Maggie

seeing this Noah he could only sigh he know his young master most likely understood why he is called for

seeing Prince in a rush, Noah couldn't help worry crept over his face, seeing this you might think he is worrying for prince but you are totally wrong, he is actually worryied for those who are going to face Prince and other Leon families little monsters, after all how could those narrow minded young masters of super-forces who is full of arrogance and disdain to others, and who self-proclaim themselves as top genius can take shock from Leon families little monsters