

The sudden appearance of gigantic green pillar of light attracted everyone attention not only the people of deity continent as the light can even seen from east to billions of miles away to Radiant continent the end of known world

Radiant continent

On Radiant empire there is a golden pillar like light at the center of the continent that can be seen from anywhere of the continent, if we come close to the light we will know its actually a gigantic triangular shaped golden mountain over a million miles tall which has been turned into a palace and the intense holy light is shooting to the sky from the top of the mountain which look like golden pillar which is visible even in intense day light

At the top of triangular golden mountain there is a large hall at the end of hall there is a large banner with a golden five leafed clover below it is a golden throne with high backrest which is emitting a holy aura, on it sat a being who looked in his forties who wore a golden robe, a crown on his head and had a five leafed clover head scepter in his hand

Below him on both left and right side sat two people in black and red dress respectively holding a black and red swords, They are pope, left and right cardinals of light church, the twenty fourth ranked super-force of the world, however now they are looking to east with dark faces, filled with unwillingness and helplessness the pope's face was even distorted seeing the the green beam

Left cardinal asked with a face filled with helplessness and anger"how could this be?...according to his holiness it will take millions of years for the opening of the mythical sacred plane of the deities"

"Something unexpected must have happened otherwise how could his holiness's prediction be wrong" said right cardinal with unwillingness he looked at pope and asked "your eminence what should we do"

Hearing this pope regained his calmness he took a deep breath and said " all preparation of his holiness has gone to drain but still we should not disappoint his holiness we will set off with our maximum power and will acquire the inheritance of ancients hmph the super-forces of this world are nothing but jokes they don't even know how valuable is this world and its heritage, if not for the seal all of them will be our slaves " said pope with greed and avarice in his eyes he looked at the cardinals with cold and emotionless eyes and said "prepare our full force and locate the location were the door to plane is located no one can stop us from obtaining inheritance of ancients" said pope with voice filled with killing intent

The radiant continent is a newly discovered continent, after ancient era or deity era the continents lost their connection with each others due to numerous dangerous regions in between continents of thousand deity world and new continents are still being discovered now and then, radiant continent is such an continent that was discovered by adventurers of western continent thousand years ago while the world found radiant continent the light church has already conquered the continent and was its sole ruler

And now looks like they know more matters of thousand deity world than her people

Mythical continent

On east side of mythical continent there is a million miles tall mountain filled with lightning all over year, here a being with white long body that seems to have no end looked up to the sky seeing the green beam, he have a dragon like head with two long blue color dragon horns and head filled with water blue hair which extend to neck with lighting sparkling on it and a mustache on his face and on the snake like body there is four dragon claws, yes it's a lightning eastern dragon one of mythical beasts of thousand deity world

Suddenly the space before him was ripped opened and a figure appeared before him this figure have a body of nine hundred miles big with dragon a head but have a lizard like body he have two wings behind him with red scales all over body with scale protruding on his neck instead of hairs this is a western fire dragon

The fire dragon looked at lightning dragon and said " big brother looks like we will chance to flex our muscles a little" then he looked at the green beam an said "its look like a opening of a plane though the sign is little big for a plane's opening, hehe its been long time since we met those old monsters and exchanged some pointers with them look like we will have a good chance"

this eastern elder dragon and western elder dragon the rulers of mythical council the first ranked superforce of of thousand deity world

Lightning dragon looked at fire dragon and said "little brother can't you feel the aura of nobility and dominance emanating from that light and there is another intense aura I can't understand look like it's not some simple plane and above everything" frowned the eastern dragon " its their territory so behave! when we go there OK go bring a elder from each race we will be leaving, faster we reach there the better"

The western dragon said " OK brother I will call the elders and ask them to come " western dragon then disappeared

The eastern lightning dragon looked at the beam and frowned with unknown thoughts

Elvindal continent

The continent known as home of elves and is one of most developed nation among sentient beings with high rise buildings long roads and flying cabs the continent is very definition of high ranked civilization

At center of the continent there is a capital city the only capital city of Elvindal continent named after continent The Elvindal city, the city is one of top ten cities of world which is ranked fourth on the list, it span over a million miles

This continent is ruled by high elves the imperials among elves, they united all of elven race by founding the elven council which is headed by the elven emperor or empress in which various leaders of other six elven races will become council members

At the center of elvindal is imperial palace a white and golden colored triangular shaped beautiful palace that is one of most beautiful monument in entire world and is known as epitome of art

Presently at highest point of palace there is seven individuals looking at the green beam of light

At forefront is a women with long white hair and long horizontal pointed ears with full white eyes and a pale white skin with a slim figure the current elven empress.

Behind her stands seven beings they are leader of Tree elf with green hair and eyes, astral elf with silver hair and eyes, winged elf with brown hair and eyes and a pair of brown wings floating behind her, sea elf with blue hair and eyes and gills at sides of her neck, dark elf with dark skin and black hair and pupils and lastly sun elf with golden tinted skin golden hair and golden eye except the high elves all others ears are vertically pointed

The elven empress who was looking at the green beam of light finally said with a cold but ethereal voice "prepare the elven guard we will depart with in one hour"

Other leaders replied in unison " yes your majesty"

Such scene can seen taking placing on headquarters of all super-forces top-forces and other forces all of theirs target were the gigantic green beam of light, after all although they have seen such light before it was not on one thousandth of this beam it signify the plane opening is not a normal plane

If we look from sky we can see many ancient arks and hundreds of thousand of air ships traveling to east from all over the world one hour after appearance of the gigantic beam of light, like sharks who got scent of blood

Deity continent, one minute before the appearance of green beam of light

Head butler of Leon family Noah phoenix came to chamber of family head and reported "master everything has been prepared all guards who came from outside the territory is waiting in subterranean space, l will release them four hour after appearance of deity sanctum we will deploy them slowly to maintain order and peace in territory and even the back up force we demanded before two days are almost finished arriving"

"these days were really taxing, but now everything is ready I can feel relaxed even back up troops are almost arrived now we have just wait for arrival of the sanctum" said Theodore looking to the west, suddenly he saw a gigantic beam of light rushing towards sky with a rumbling noise seeing this Theodore froze for a second and hurriedly ordered Damocles to move out

In north side of the deity continent on ocean you can see an air base floating that spans over thousand miles

When Theodore gave order to move out, from the ocean ascended a ten kilometer long white colored sword like battle arc the battle arc ascended until it reached five hundred meters in sky

Inside the captain's deck a fat man with a fat face and beard can be seen sitting in captain's seat wearing white captain's uniform he is captain of Damocles Gorrod Aston on his both side sat two ladies one is lady violet and another a women who has same facial features as violet but wore blue Aline dress is lady Galva

When the ark reach five hundred meters in sky captain Aston said " teleport" followed by his order lady violet injected her energy to the chair she sat and focused on the crystal screen in front were a map can be seen which shows twenty million kilometers around Damocles she focused to west of deity continent on a mark blinking in the map and willed Damocles to teleport

Suddenly outside, Damocles was covered in a white sphere and Damocles disappeared from the ocean

Damocles reappeared after a second just one kilometer away from the green beam of light immediately after arrival captain said "deploy large scale teleportation ring"

The hanger at sides of Damocles opened and four battle boats and flew out with each holding three hundred meter long sophisticated curved rod like object when they flew one kilometer away from the ship they joined the four pieces together to form a ring, then a person flew out from one of the battle boat he took thousand piece of mana gems and equipped them into the circle and activated the ring suddenly with swoosh sound a space gate was formed connecting with other side and its size increased to a one kilometer size ring and from other side dragonfly like airships began to come out the four battle boats returned to Damocles

Seeing this captain Aston asked "lady violet should we send some one test the waters" he pointed at the green light beam

Hearing this lady violet said "lets wait this is normal process in opening of all planes which is sealed away from world, the plane's walls will collide with walls of our world and release highly concentrated energy and shock-waves during the process until it establish a stable pathway to original world"

Suddenly through the teleportation ring appeared a one kilometer long dragonfly like battleship followed by one kilometer long delta shaped red sleek airship both came to the side of Damocles and a man in red uniform and women in brown uniform boarded Damocles from both airships the man is general of blaze corps called Kalion Aruthos and women is admiral of dragonfly fleet called Liza Pica

They directly came to the captains deck and reported to violet as she was commander for the mission

Present time

By now both blaze corps and dragonfly fleet have all arrived and are maintaining their formations the blaze corps which contain red delta shaped airship is guarding the long distance teleportation ring and dragonfly fleet had formed ten ten thousand group triangular formation and occupying strategic places around Damocles and long distance teleportation ring

Captain Aston was frowning deeply, he looked at lady violet and asked " lady violet are you sure that we can't sent any one to the light beam if we wait anymore our home advantage will be lost why don't we send some one to check" after all he was ordered to set Damocles as a outpost immediately after entering the deity sanctum so he was worried of being not able to set in a good location if any third party arrived and due to their interference

Hearing this Galva shook her head while violet smiled and said "actually if we travel through the energy flow we won't reach the plane but some distant place or die due to the shredded space only after a stable route is formed we can travel to deity sanctum we can't do anything about the current situation"

Suddenly a warning sounded in the main screen of Damocles followed by a black lightning stopped two kilometers away from Damocles gradually it took a cone shape ten kilometer long battle arc