

Have you ever felt like you were on cloud nine and you were living a fantasy?

That is how my past week has been. It all started the night we went to the bar. Once I told him that I had wanted to kiss him,it was like I had unlocked something else in him.

He didn't let me finish my sentence because his lips were on mine. It started out rough, he moved closer and pulled me closer to him. He slowed his pace and held on to my head. His hands started at the base of my neck sliding upwards to the base of my neck where they rested. He angled my head to just the right position. His tongue was silently asking for permission to have my mouth open and I did. I have never been kissed like this in my life. My hands had a mind of their own, they were on a journey from his stomach. Which might I add, are solid and ripped. He moaned into my mouth and deepened the kiss but, shortly pulled back.

" Please come home with me"