
Imperator: Resurrection of an Empire

After becoming #1 in the world after playing a grand strategy game as the most difficult faction on immortal level difficulty, MC receives an invitation to compete in an even more challenging game which takes the MC into the world of the game itself, but as it's weakest lord who will die two days later that appears only as a cutscene in the tutorial as first of many deaths to rock the continent until only one survives to proclaim a new eternal empire. Can the MC use his game knowledge to successfully survive his impending doom, and rise from the ashes to reclaim the glory he'd won before?

Orngebeard · Krieg
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222 Chs

Beginning Of The End (4)

**Bonus Chapter!!**

What's that? It's bonus chapter time?

Thanks once again viewers ;) 

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Soon, Visigoth will invade Lunan again.

The time has come, the real game will begin here.

No, rather than the real game, this was the beginning.

Originally, this game would have started with the destruction of the Lunan Kingdom.

With the fall of Lunan, the surrounding nations would intervene to occupy its vast territory, all trying to carve up it's dead body to get a piece of the spoils.

It would be the catalyst for a full-scale era of war, and they'd all declare on one another contesting each other territorial claims over Lunan.

The beginning of this war was postponed, but the destruction of Lunan was inevitable.

I've spent the last three months steadily preparing for what's to come.

In fact, this is the most difficult part of my strategy.

It's a time when the information I know has been mixed with rewritten history.

If Lunan is destroyed, the countries will eventually make their moves just as they did in the game's history, but there is an unforeseen situation here, and that is my existence and the destroyed Bridget Kingdom 6 months ago.

There will probably be a lot of unpredictable butterfly effects.

This is a time when some things move like in the history of the game, and many unpredictable things happen due to my interference, so it will be more dangerous.

As part of my first strategy at such a time, I needed to be nominally absent from Aquitania.

I had asked Yuri to move Roserun, get it's army and people to be behind her rule, or rather my own over their own king and nobles.

Sure enough, the King of Lunan was furious, and I was secretly ordered to go to Roserun, when he found out the Roserun were refusing tribute, and compensation for saving them from the Bridget invasion.

I heard the news of the Visigoth Kingdom's invasion through the Doro Trading Company, and this campaign was for a good cause.

How could I listen to the man who destroyed Lunan?

The one who destroyed Lunan was the king, who wanted to send me to Roserun without considering the future.

Yes, my presence in Roserun is only nominal, and Visigoth will be coming across the border soon.

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- - Lunan Kingdom POV - -

"Oh! What the hell was that?" <Lunan Soldier>

Lunan's border post.

A soldier standing at the sentry post was startled and fell over when he saw an enormous army advancing towards Lunan.

There were about 200,000 soldiers.

The flag of Duke Valdesca could be seen in the center of the vast army.

The duke's flag fluttered along with the flag of the Visigoth Kingdom.

In addition, the banners of the ten warlords of Visigoth were also fluttering everywhere, having since replaced Randall's seat with a new 10th.

The scale of the expedition was different from the previous one.

This one was the grand campaign designed to completely take down Lunan whether Julius intervened or not.

"Waaahhh!" <Lunan Soliders>

Thus, the forces of the Visigoth Kingdom marched all over the borders of Lunan with cheers that signalled the beginning of the invasion and continuation of the state of war between these two kingdoms.

The first group, the second group, and the third group, each with its own division of troops, were advancing from all over to the borders of Lunan.

This was a signal that the continent was entering a period of chaos.

It was a signal that the entire continent would be caught up in the vortex of war.

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- - Lunand Kingdom POV - -

"Your Majesty! The Visigoth Kingdom is invading!" <Royal Guard Captain>

The report caused an uproar in the royal palace.

The nobles swept their eyes in dismay.

"At last, they're...!" <Noble >

The nobles began to make a lot of noise.

It was a situation where the threat of Visigoth had not completely disappeared, but they were pouring their national power into trying to get their hands on Bridget instead of defending against another invasion.

Bridget's land tempted them and the price was the lack of troops, but Ronen had an idea.

If they occupied Bridget's land, they could build up their forces by conscripting the Bridget people thus bolstering their own army in the process, since if Lunan fell Bridget a new territory of Lunan would fall as well.

He hoped to use that as a basis to counter Visigoth.

It was unfortunate that the scouts Ronen had sent to Visigoth had been used by Fran to send him false information.

He had believed the false information that another invasion of Visigoth would be a long time coming, due to setbacks caused by Duke Fran needing more time to heal and the 10th Warlord not having yet been replaced.

The King and Ronen were thoroughly beaten down.

In such a situation, there was only one person who came to the mind of the king, Ronen and the other nobles.

It was the king who first mentioned the name, their saviour against the looming darkness.

"Call Julius to the capital now! Have him come to my.. our defense!" <King Tutanka>

At the king's words, the expressions on the faces of the nobles changed to one of bewilderment.

Ronen also shook his head in dismay.

"Your Majesty, you sent Julius to Roserun! It will take a week at the least just to get him the message let alone more time beyond to get him back!" <Duke Ronen>

"What are you talking about? What the hell is Roserun worth in this situation?" <King Tutanka>

When the nobles saw the king's consistent attitude of ignorance, even though it was his own decision, they began to rant inwardly.

"You sent him to punish Roserun for not giving you the compensation they promised!" <Noble 1>

"Who allowed that to happen? Send a messenger to recall him immediately! He hasn't reached Roserun yet, has he?" <King Tutanka>

The king shouted angrily.

"Your Majesty!" <Lunan Soldier>

At that moment, a lone soldier slipped in and flattened himself against the main hall at the foot of the King.

"Bern Castle has been breached. According to the reports, the number of enemies exceeds 100,000...No, it could be as many as 200,000!" <Lunan Soldier>

"Cut the crap! 200,000? No way...! Cut off that guy's head and bring me Julius!" <King Tutanka>

The king simply shouted Julius's name without taking any other action like his name alone was the security blanket he so desperately wanted.

* * *

- - Visigoth POV - -

The first army consisted of the allied forces of the northern territories of Visigoth.

The second army was the allied forces of the southern territories.

They were commanded by ten generals, each with a lord as the commander of 10,000 troops under him.

Duke Fran Valdesca, the Supreme Commander of the Visigoth army, crossed the border of Lunan and quickly took over the neighbouring territories once again.

In this war, he had decided to capture the royal capital of Lunan with great speed.

Because he thought that the capital of Lunan was important.

He had already received the report that Julius was on his way to Roserun.

However, Fran thought that it was a trap.

When he did a comprehensive analysis of what he had seen in Aquitania, there was only one thing that came to his mind.

He was sure that Julius had his eyes on Lunan too.

As Duke Fran gathered his thoughts around this assumption, he could see Julius's strategy.

He would probably try to gain a name for himself.

After the king's death, he would work to avenge him.

He would probably try to absorb Lunan's forces in the name of revenge.

"The Aquitania Territorial Army will try to save the capital of Lunan no matter what. The important thing here is that they will come after the king's death has already happened." <Duke Fran>

"Pfft! Your Highness, that's great!" <Master General Kediman>

Kediman, the Master General of the third army, started laughing as he gave Fran a coy look.

The Master General of the second army, Istin, who was famous for being a quiet man, was silent but gave him the same look.

Even so, Fran's desire to capture the royal capital first was to reverse Julius's strategy.

Lunan Castle is the most solid and highest walled castle on the continent.

He was not going to refuse the chance to get Lunan Castle for free.

In fact, it would have been troublesome if Julius had adopted the strategy of protecting the king while defending Lunan Castle.

But since he had other intentions, it was an opportunity.

He would take Lunan Castle without difficulty and kill the King of Lunan.

Killing the king would give Julius what he wanted, but it didn't matter.

Capturing Lunan Castle and killing the enemy king would have a huge impact on the morale of his army.

Then, after absorbing Lunan's troops and growing his power, gaining prestige and public support, would he plan his revenge?

That seemed to be Julius's strategy, but Fran shook his head.

He wasn't going to give Julius that much time.

Fran gave the order pointing at the map with his command stick.

"The second army will head for Linon Castle. Once Linon Castle has fallen, we will march on Lunan Castle through the barrier in front of the royal capital."

At Fran's words, Istin, the Master General of the second army, bowed deeply and hit his chest with his right fist.

"Once the Third Army has captured the castles, including Bern, it will join the Second Army and march towards the capital." <Duke Fran>

"Yes, Supreme General!" <Master General Kediman>

"Also, the First Army will move with me. While the second and third armies are sinking the castles, we will bypass them and go straight to the royal capital!" <Duke Fran>

Fran divided the troops that way, forming up a third pronged assault at best Lunan could contend with a single army but leave the other two virtually unopposed.

"As soon as the enemy king is killed, the Fourth Army will march to Aquitania through the western border, while the First, and Second will attack from the north, and west completely surrounding them." <Duke Fran>

"If that happens, the troops of Aquitania who attempt to leave the territory to save Lunan will be..." <Master General Kediman>

Fran nodded in response to Kediman's question.

"They will have to return in order to protect Aquitania and we will follow close behind and strike them. Once we join up with the second army, encircle and destroy Aquitania, Lunan will be completely finished. The remaining territories will surrender without fail." <Duke Fran>

That was Fran's strategy against the good name and public sentiment that Julius wanted.

What if the Aquitania's didn't send reinforcements to Lunan?

Then all they had to do was occupy Lunan and isolate Aquitania then they can destroy them with their entire army assembled.

Fran rather expected that Julius would make the worst possible choice for the sake of good reputation.

"Of course, you can't let your guard down..." <Master General Kediman>

Fran, on the other hand, shook his head.

If he hadn't been so formidable, he wouldn't have seen him as such a formidable enemy.