
Chapter 616 List_3

He needed to try his luck to see if there was a task to capture Hidden elder-second announced in the Sect's Bounty Scroll.

The list from Boss Jiang contained only the Sin Cultivators around the Qianxue State boundary.

As long as Hidden elder-second committed crimes, he would definitely catch the attention of the Taoist Court.

Since the Taoist Court was short of hands, they would definitely issue a bounty to the Sects.

This way, he could "naturally" go and capture Hidden elder-second, fleece him, and obtain the inheritance of the Concealment Technique.

It all depended a bit on luck and "opportunity".

Over the following days, whenever Mo Hua had spare time after meals, he would pull out the Taixu Token and stare at the "Bounty Scroll," flipping through each task one by one.

Whenever he saw words like thief, invisible, or concealment, Mo Hua paid attention.

But such bounties were rare, and after eight or nine days, there was still no progress.