
Immortal With A System?

Akemi was the most powerful immortal of another world. Why did I say "was"? Oh because he's been reincarnated into the body of a powerless 15 year old high school boy named Lian Xu, after being betrayed by his best friend Toru. Upon waking up into his new body Akemi saw a strange window that called him a "player" that only he can see. Follow Akemi as he is reborn into a new world where Lian Xu has been abandoned, used and mistreated by everyone, a world where the strong are respected and the weak are thrown away, What will Akemi the former immortal do?

DrEver · Fantasie
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41 Chs

Chapter 34: Akemi's New Side

Akemi stares at the wolves as his undead fight

Kana: "W-what is going on?"

Fumiko walks next to Kana while looking at Akemi "that's Akemi's ability" she looks at Kana "you'll get used to seeing his summons"

Kana: "his summons? Does that mean he's a mage?"

Kana's Thoughts: "Wait wait, there is no way a mage can have the combat capabilities that he has...wait you might be a..."

Akemi looks at the forest as the wolves keep coming out "how many troops do they have, or are they spawning from somewhere?" he turns around and looks at Kana "Kana, can you move yet?"

Kana looks down and opens her left hand then closes it "A little" she raises her hand

Akemi: "Hmm" he looks to the left and a window opens then he swipes down through the list

Kana looks at Akemi confused

Haru: "just give him a minute"

Kana: "What is he doing?"

Haru shrugs:"we never know, but when he does he always does something surprising"

Kana looks at Haru "huh?"

Window: "Lesser Anti-Paralysis Elixir purchased ¥70,000"

Akemi walks to Kana and crouches "here" he shows her a blue glass bottle with a clear liquid inside

Kana: "What is that?"

Akemi: "just drink it, it'll make you feel better"

Kana grabs the elixir from Akemi then looks at it

Akemi: "Don't waste it, it was expensive"

Kana drinks the elixir then a small light appears around her body "whoa" she looks around then gets up slowly "I can move"

Ken: "what was that you gave her?"

Akemi stands up a lesser anti-paralysis elixir"

Haru closes his eyes "I see, it was just a lesser elixir" his eyes pop open and he gets close to Akemi "a lesser anti-paralysis elixir!"

Akemi leans back "yeah, is there a problem?"

Haru: "DO you know how expensive that item is?"

Akemi: "it's fine"

Haru: "Fine!?" he sighs

Akemi takes a step "ok, let's go"

Fumiko: "Go? Go where?"

Akemi points to the forest with his left thumb "there"

Ken: "why are we going there?"

Akemi: "because the monsters keep spawning from the forest so shouldn't we cut off the source"

Kana: "I'm ready to get my revenge on damn these wolves" she punches her left palm with her right hand

Akemi: "You bounced back fast" he looks at the undead fighting "I will leave them here as a distraction" he looks to his left "no monsters are spawning from there so we'll go into the forest from that way" he walks towards the forest with everyone following him


Fumiko looking around "this forest looks peaceful"

Haru: "it does doesn't it"

Ken: "I think I see something" he walks faster

Akemi walks past the trees and sees village house made out of sticks, hide, straw and leaves

Haru looks around "a village?"

Kana: "I'm sure this is where those bastards live"

Akemi looks around "but there isn't any wolves here"

Ken: "did they all leave to fight us?"

Haru: "I doubt it, I'm sure someone would have been left behind to protect the village"

Akemi head whips to his right "something's coming"

Loud stomps can be heard from in the forest as the ground shakes

The trees fall to the side and a giant wolf with brown fur and white fur appears from the forest wearing a bone necklace, a belt made of bone and a giant sword in it's right hand

Fumiko looks up at the wolf "what the hell, that thing is huge"

Ken: "Don't shit your pants just yet"

Akemi looks at the name window above the wolf in light red letters

Window: "Wolf Chief Bora [Mini-Boss]"

Akemi: "A mini boss, not the rift boss"

Kana cracks her neck "So that means we can fight it right?"

Haru puts his hand on his gun "in that case-"

Akemi walks in front of them and holds his right arm out "no, this one is mine"

Kana: "What? You said only the boss was yours!"

Akemi: "It is a boss just not the final one"

Kana stares at Akemi "tch!"

Akemi walks toward Bora

Bora looks down at Akemi "Mjuuman! (Human!)

Akemi stops

Bora: "Si elt bora, keihd vi ert hadron clan! (I am Bora, chief of this wolf clan!)" he points his sword at Akemi "Tez ban da ert bott hepd ta vensh ethev! (Leave now or this place will be your grave!)"

Akemi scratches his left ear "I have no idea what you just said" he holds out his left hand and does a bring it on gesture then Solace appears on his right pointing his sword at Bora with his right hand

Bora laughs loudly "Miy ven've ohasnan erivv (so you've chosen death)" he runs toward Akemi with his sword raised "Reth Si pellil grant vensh glouw! (Then I shall grant your wish!) He swings his sword at Akemi

Solace steps in front of Akemi and blocks Bora's sword

Bora: "Dafast?(What?)"

Solace pushes Bora back

Bora leans back on one foot "oop!"

Akemi jumps in the air and appears in front of Bora's face then balls up his right fist and punches Bora in the face

Bora smirks "Eh fystaek bej nevt isn't daiyri er stolk je czek (A attack like that isn't going to work on me)" he swings his left palm at Akemi

Akemi kicks Bora's hand and flips back "your fur is tough" he jumps back into the air then balls up his right fist again "then try this"

Window: "Wolf Slayer title activated"

Bora: "didn't Si fyust delt ven, vensh fystaek wouldn't- (didn't I just tell you, your attack wouldn't-)"

Akemi punches Bora in the face

Bora falls back "ACK!" One of his fangs fly out of his mouth and he falls on the ground with his eyes closed "Ouch" he opens his eyes and sees Akemi standing over him with his left hand held out and five red runes around his face

Akemi: "Hellflare" the rune shoots out fireballs at the same time at Bora causing a huge flame explosion

Window: "Wolf Chief Bora has been defeated, conditions have been met

Passive: Language Of The Fang Clan Obtained

Rift Boss will appear soon"

Akemi looks to the left at the window "A new language?" jumps off of Bora's body "this might come in handy" he looks at Bora's body "your name was red right? Then you should be useful" he points at Bora "Res"

A darkness swirls around Bora then he stands up, with his fur skin becoming blue

Akemi looks up at Bora "welcome to the family Bora"

Bora looks down at Akemi

Fumiko walks toward Akemi "quick work as always"

Haru walks to Bora and looks up at him "you got a new one"

Kana looks at Akemi "I'm not going to ask now, but I need an explanation later"

Akemi laughs a little "I expected that"

Voice: "Mommy...daddy where are you?"

Akemi looks around quickly

Ken: "what is it?"

Akemi: "Shush!"

Voice: "we're scared"

Akemi: "A child's voice" he looks at a house "there!" He busts through the door of the house

Everyone follows Akemi

Ken sees Akemi crouching and looking at something "Akemi, what's wrong?" he walks toward Akemi and sees two kids with wolf ears

A boy with black hair and blue eyes standing in front of a girl with black hair and blue eyes

The little boy growing at Akemi

Boy: "stay away!" tears in his eyes

Akemi: "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you" he reaches his right hand toward then


Ken's eyes widen as the boy bites Akemi's hand "Akemi!"

Blood drips on the floor

Akemi: "were you the one calling for your mother and father"

The boy looks at Akemi and slowly releases his hand

Akemi: "You must have been scared without them...I'm sorry"

Ken: "Wait, you can speak to the monsters?"

Haru, Fumiko and Kana runs into the house

A window appears in front of Akemi

Window: "Kill the remainder of the Fang clan

Reward: 1: 200,000 exp

2: 1 Legendary weapon

3: 100SP"

Akemi's eyes widen and he reaches toward the kids with his left hand

The boy clenches his eyes closed

Intermission: BADADABOW

Intermission Over

Akemi closes his left hand shattering the window

Akemi's Thoughts: "Fuck Off"

The boy opens his eyes and sees Akemi smiling at him

Akemi: "See, I'm not here to hurt you"

The boy smiles slightly

Ken: "Akemi, I don't know what you're doing or talking about, but we have to hurry and kill this monster before the boss gets here" he reaches for the kids with his right hand

Akemi grabs Ken's wrist

Ken: "Ouch"

A black and purple energy fills the room

Haru flinches

Kana Thoughts: "This killing intent, it's much scarier than what he pointed at me during the class examination...Ken might be is real danger"

The boy sweats heavily and holds the girl behind him

Akemi: "Ken...if you come any closer to these children" he looks back at Ken and his eyes shines gold "I'll kill you"