
Chapter 14 The Governor and Conception Vessels

Xu Xuan closed his eyes and rested for a moment.

At this time, Gui Zhegu came to report.

"Wu Xiong has returned."

"Announce, call Xu Yong over too, oh right, and Yuan Kong."


Gui Zhegu went to summon them.

Wu Xiong, Xu Yong, and Gui Zhegu were currently the core of his group.

Xu Xuan planned to mold Xu Yong into a leader.

Over the past few years, he had acted as a hands-off manager, leaving all affairs to Xu Yong, who had progressed from initial setbacks, being deceived and ridiculed, to now being adept in social graces.

After some more time and experience, he would basically be capable of controlling a state.

Then, it would be time to reveal his hand.

Yuan Kong could serve as Xu Yong's deputy.

Afterward, the four of them arrived one after another.

Wu Xiong reported, "Wu Ying has been completely annihilated, and I encountered someone on the road."


"Teacher Li Hu, he is seriously injured and is currently resting in the side room."

At the same time, Gui Zhegu also said, "A letter has come from Patriarch Xu's side as well. They have taken down Wei Clan. The Patriarch has ordered us to stay put; he has taken people to Chenzhou."

Gui Zhegu could see that the father and son had an average relationship. While the surface attitude was respectful, the commands were actually to listen to Xu Xuan.

"Understood." Xu Xuan paused for a moment before speaking again, "From now on, Xu Yong will take control of the overall situation, and you three will assist with all your heart. The matter of the Heavenly Master should not be promoted ostentatiously for now."

"Build high walls, store up grain, and become king slowly."

Xu Xuan quoted a famous line from Emperor Taizu of Ming.


The people understood the hidden meaning and bowed deeply.

Every one of them felt surging emotions.

Since ancient times, there were few emperors without remarkable talents by their side, and these talents hadn't yet shown their corresponding spells, but the Heavenly Master before them was genuinely practicing spells.

Even if they couldn't unify the entire world, at least becoming kings in their own right wouldn't be a problem.

Competing for the world didn't necessarily mean death upon failure; if one aimed to seek refuge with a wise ruler, there had been many successful examples throughout history.

After arranging the tasks, everyone dispersed.

Xu Xuan went to the side hall. Before entering, he smelled a strong scent of medicine.

Xu Xuan pushed the door open and saw Li Hu's wounds. He knew there was no saving him; his viscera were injured, and Bleeding Stopping Talisman couldn't help.

Li Hu was still unconscious, and after using the Bleeding Stopping Talisman for simple first aid, Xu Xuan returned to the courtyard.

He unwrapped the bundle and took out the bamboo slips inside to carefully study the Golden Barrier Jade Lock Clearing Tranquility Technique.

The so-called Golden Barrier and Jade Lock were the governor and conception vessels, and once True Qi opened through these channels, one could circulate it through the whole body—reaching the stage of Qi Cultivation.

The Qi Cultivation Stage had a lifespan of three Jiazi, which is one hundred and eighty years (I've changed it from two Jiazi to three).

Additionally, there were two Talisman Techniques and one Spell.

"Blade-Avoiding Talisman, Armored Horse Talisman, and Levitation Technique, not bad."

Adding these to the six existing Spells and the two Corpse Driving Talisman Techniques yet to be mastered.

There was also an unrefined Magic Artifact bell and the mysterious Phoenix Stone.

These would basically be enough for his use for more than a decade.

Especially the Soldier-Avoiding Talisman, this talisman, when worn, could be activated at any moment upon encountering bows and crossbows, able to block long-range arrow fire.

No longer fearing ambushes, the final piece was finally in place.

The remaining Armored Horse Talisman could increase speed, and the Levitation Technique could lift the body into the air.

"As for the Cultivation Technique, I shall switch to the Tranquility Technique."

The Tranquility Technique was clearly a level above the Calming Charm, containing many more details.

Xu Xuan put away the Cultivation Technique and began writing talismans at the desk.

Now, he had comprehended a new trick: he didn't need to use True Qi to write, he could also increase proficiency as long as the method was correct.

Ten Talisman Techniques (including the Corpse Preserving Talisman and Corpse Driving Talisman), one Spell, two recipes for medicine, and two extraordinary items.

These were Xu Xuan's cards up his sleeve.

Once the situation stabilized, he would focus on Cultivation.

While cultivating Talisman Techniques, Xu Xuan also kept an eye on the changes within the mirror.

The Li Family had exhausted their resources and ultimately refined thirty Walkers.

Xu Xuan recorded all the steps, but there was one problem: the Walkers moved by absorbing external energy, so what if there was no energy outside?

Could it be that he had to hang a Spirit Stone on them?

The consumption of Spirit Stones would then be extensive.

Moreover, the corpses had to be selected based on their birth details, requiring them to die at different times.

Unless... he used living people to refine corpses.

Mirror Realm.

Li Family Ancestral Hall.

Within the ancestral hall, the ancestral tablets guarded the Mirror Immortal.

Li Qingshi and his brothers, including his eldest legitimate son Li Rufeng, held incense in their hands and respectfully bowed three times.

"May the spirits bless us, and may our ancestors protect us. May they ensure smooth sailing for our Li family."

Li Qingshi offered incense with piety, and then he devoutly kowtowed.

As Li Rufeng kowtowed, he stealthily sized up the magical Treasure Mirror, harboring unusual thoughts in his heart.

"This is a magic treasure. Once I refine and make it mine, won't divine powers and secret treasures be at my beck and call?"

His upbringing was different from that of his parents. They once had trouble even finding food to eat, and the Mirror Immortal had changed their lives and broadened their horizons. Their reverence for the Mirror Immortal was not something ordinary people could understand.

Li Rufeng had not gone through such experiences. His first thought was how to make use of it and extract more benefits.

As a cultivator, my fate is in my own hands, not dictated by heaven!


Wu Residence in Chenzhou.

Blood was spilled across the earth, and corpses were scattered everywhere.

Not a single man, woman, or child from the Wu Family was spared. Wu Lan's head hung at the entrance, her eyes wide with death.

Leaders and chieftains of various Mountain Barbarian tribes merrily drank wine in the great hall.

Late at night, after a feast of meat and drink, everyone went their separate ways to rest.

Li Ming sat upright in his room, while his son Li Dong, and clan members Li Duo, Li Man, and Li Along—who were three important chieftains—reported to him.

"We've finally taken down a mansion and four counties."

At that moment, a subordinate reported.

"Patriarch Xu requests an audience."

Li Ming appeared somewhat impatient and said, "Let him go rest. We'll talk tomorrow."

Li Ming had always looked down on the Han people. In his view, these weak Han should be slaves to the Mountain Barbarians for life; how could they possibly deserve to enjoy such a prosperous land?

If it weren't for iron and wealth, would he ever consider giving his daughter in marriage to a Han?

The subordinate went to convey the message but soon returned.

"Patriarch Xu says there's an urgent matter and he must see you personally."

"Let him come."

Before long, the figure of Patriarch Xu appeared, his face bearing a merchant's ingratiating smile.

"What is it this time?" Li Dong asked impatiently.

"Having conquered all four counties, my Xu Family would like to help my father-in-law manage one. I wonder what your opinion is?" Xu Guangting said with a smile.

Li Ming frowned in dissatisfaction, "You just do your business well, and you won't lack riches and honor."

"I understand, father-in-law. By chance, I've obtained a rare treasure. Allow me to step forward and present it to you," Xu Guangting said, taking out a cloth-wrapped item from his bosom.


Xu Guangting held the treasure and slowly approached Li Ming.

Li Dong, with greed in his eyes, stepped forward and yanked off the black cloth.

All saw a dagger that emitted a cold and intimidating gleam.

Xu Guangting's eyes revealed a ferocious light as he thrust the dagger backward into Li Dong's cervical artery.

Blood splattered his face, and the blood flew everywhere.

Li Dong tried to resist, but his strength swiftly drained, and gradually there was no more movement; his body hit the ground.

"How audacious!"

Li Ming slammed the table and stood up, and the two chieftains by his side turned traitor, immediately slaying one among them and then restraining Li Ming.

Sounds of battle cries and wailing erupted outside the door.

"Patriarch!" "Patriarch!"

Xu Family's personal guards rushed over.

"You dare to rebel!" Li Ming's head was pushed down onto the table, and he struggled vehemently. He had not anticipated that his timid son-in-law could be so ruthless.

Wiping the blood off his face with the black cloth, Xu Guangting smiled calmly, "What do you mean by betrayal? I have sustained all of you Mountain Barbarians, isn't it just time to harvest the fruits of our labor?"

Pressing down on Li Ming's head, he gently pushed the dagger into his throat, covering the spurting blood with the cloth to prevent it from splashing everywhere.

Li Ming struggled as fiercely as a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Father-in-law, pain is normal, and it will be over soon. Take deep breaths, just like that..." Li Ming's struggle weakened, and he finally left this world.

He slowly bled out and died, no different from slaughtering pigs or sheep.

Those present felt a chill in their bones, and the two barbarians thought to themselves how utterly barbaric this was.

Today, Chenzhou has a new master.


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